Indiana Jones and the KotCS: Impressions

Hell, I absolutely loved the movie. Then coming back and reading some of the criticisms of it, I'm glad to see people who loved it too, but the complaints that are leveled against it by others are kind of baffling to me. While the movie isn't flawless, the vast majority of the complaints don't seem to actually have much to do with the movie I saw or what makes Indiana Jones such an enjoyable series.
the complaints that are leveled against it by others are kind of baffling to me. While the movie isn't flawless, the vast majority of the complaints don't seem to actually have much to do with the movie I saw or what makes Indiana Jones such an enjoyable series.

It's because a lot of writing seemed to be there 'just because we can'...they could have re-written the nuke scene to NOT have indie survive a nuke explosion, and they could have reworked the jungle scene so shy wasn't swinging through the vines with an army of monkeys, and they could have fixed the magnetism thing (which they never explained), and there's so many things they could have done SO much better...but they didn't...
WHY did he have to survive a nuke explosion?! Why couldn't he have just had a little action scene with the guys in the car and stolen their car and driven back to the base????


He managed this because he's mother****ing Indiana Jones.

If you're going to complain about a "how did Indy survive that?" moment, complain about the "Word of God" scene from Last Crusade when he steps on the J and falls through but is able to catch himself on the adjacent letters and pull himself up even though all but I-E-H-O-V-A were designed to fall through.

You can nitpick these movies to pieces (like people have been doing with Crystal Skull) but it kind of makes you a jackass who simply can't have fun at the movies. All four of the Indiana Jones movies are full of flaws (except for Raiders) but everything excluding the flaws is good enough that the flaws don't matter.
This movie sucked beyond the unrealistic crap. It was proper ****in filth with shitty dialogue and wretched acting. I could have conceived a better story plot by looking at a bowl of alphabet soup. Seriously, aliens? Crystal skulls? All devouring ants? What the **** was up with the gophers? Who thinks this shit up? This movie reminded me of a tribute band. Seriously, every other ****ing scene was a tribute to her previous films, like it was riding off their former glory to milk the beast for all that it was worth. Marriage scene? Jones has a son? ****ing whoopdy dee dah doo. I was tempted to pull out my prick and stroke myself to that hot pale Soviet gal. I'd rather splurge on the guy in front of me than endure another shitty jack-off cliche line. Now that would have been ****ing entertainment. Zero out of ****ing ten. Anyone who enjoyed this movie is a douche.

You know a movie sucks when its fanbois have to defend it because they secretly know it sucks, too, but are too ashamed to admit it.
Overall I liked the movie, but there were parts of it that were a little ridiculous. For example, how did all those snakes survive in the Well of Souls for hundreds of years? I doubt there was an abundant source of food in there. Also, Sallah and Indy both lift the giant concrete slab off the Ark by themselves? Ok, sure thing movie, .

Also, during the truck chase, which started out pretty cool, it pretty much went too far over the top when Indy climbed underneath the ****ing speeding truck and was being dragged from the back of it by his whip all after being shot in the arm. I get that he's a badass, but COME THE **** ON.

And that brings me to the worst part, the ending. It would have been ok if the Nazis just decide not to open the Ark because it would go against the wishes of their Fuhrer. They realize Belloq is of no further use to them, so they shoot him in the head. Then they turn around and discover OH NO! Indy and Marion have escaped! Then you could have a kickass action sequence of Indy and Marion running around the canyon guerilla-style and killing all the Nazis, and then have them take the Ark home.

But no, instead we get a cheesy looking special effects montage of some magic jesus ghosts or some shit that decide to kill all the Nazis for some reason, and then the lid of the Ark just HAPPENS to fall perfectly back on it FROM HUNDREDS OF FEET IN THE AIR. I was digging the film up until that point but that was just TOO MUCH. The Ark never should have been opened, it should have been left a mystery.

And that's not to mention the generally shitty effects throughout. Some of the compositing, like when Indy and Sallah are digging at night to get to the Well of Souls?

Some good stuff in there but too many unbelievable parts culminating in an unbelievable ending and some cheesy effects keep it from being really great. I only hope if they make a sequel they try a little harder to ground it more in reality.
Adrik wins.

I think people are watching the movie and nitpicking it in ways they didn't when they watched the other Indiana films as kids or whatever.
It was a fun film. I sighed and rolled my eyes at some parts (the gophers are clearly Lucas' contribution) but overall I enjoyed it.
This movie sucked beyond the unrealistic crap. It was proper ****in filth with shitty dialogue and wretched acting. I could have conceived a better story plot by looking at a bowl of alphabet soup. Seriously, aliens? Crystal skulls? All devouring ants? What the **** was up with the gophers? Who thinks this shit up? This movie reminded me of a tribute band. Seriously, every other ****ing scene was a tribute to her previous films, like it was riding off their former glory to milk the beast for all that it was worth. Marriage scene? Jones has a son? ****ing whoopdy dee dah doo. I was tempted to pull out my prick and stroke myself to that hot pale Soviet gal. I'd rather splurge on the guy in front of me than endure another shitty jack-off cliche line. Now that would have been ****ing entertainment. Zero out of ****ing ten. Anyone who enjoyed this movie is a douche.

You know a movie sucks when its fanbois have to defend it because they secretly know it sucks, too, but are too ashamed to admit it.

Right, fair enough you hated it, but dont be a complete dickhead about it just because people did actually enjoy it, jesus ****ing christ...
Did you like it, Shift?

Yes, and its not because Im a fanboy or Im too ashamed to admit that it sucked, its because it put a smile on my face and I had a good time, in my book that constitutes a good film. I will admit however that yes, there were quite a few things that I was really iffy about but thats not no different to any film out there.
Yeah, holy shit Pesh, chill the **** out.

It's not a crime against humanity to actually enjoy the film.
* Spoilers*

Indy 4 - 6/10. I absolutely love Indy. But this was an abomination, especially the ending. Why the **** was the ending a direct rip off a ****ing Stars Wars movie, I expected Chewie to be in there at one point. There was only 2 scenes that felt like Indiana Jones and thats when Indy was on the bike and jumps into the car and where he jumps from a jeep to the other jeep fighting the Russians. Apart from that, the movie was a medicore. The sets felt like Mummy Returns then Indy. The John Williams Score was nothing memorable (apart from the odd tracks that were brought back).

I still don't understand why there was monkeys and gophers. And what happened to the there won't be that much CG? There was probably more CG then the last 3 films put together. It didn't feel like a Spielberg film. 20 years waiting for the right script and this is what they got to show? I really would love to see what Frank Darbont had written. And why go into the realm of science fiction? When Raiders of the Lost Ark was in pre-production they were going to give Toht a robotic arm , Lucas disagreed saying its not "Indy". This one had a ****ing spaceship and E.T.

[/end bitching]I felt disappointed overall. I wasn't expecting a landmark in film making (although Raiders is), but it could have been better than Temple of Doom (yeah, I preferred ToD over KotCS).

Heres toht with a robotic arm -
Pesmerga, quit trolling. You're one infraction away from ban.
Also, to anyone still complaining about 'OH MAN INDY COULD NEVER SURVIVE THAT!!11'. This is the same series that brought you three people in an inflatable raft dropping out of an airplane onto a Himalayan mountainside, then sliding down it into a river rapid. Believability has never exactly been a tenant of Indy films; let's just shut the hell up and say he's indestructible.
So.... did those soviet soldiers and Mac got killed or were they just send to another dimension?

I'm asking this because it's similar to Raiders of Lost Arc where bunch of Nazi soldiers get struck by electricity then sent to the sky, but then again, this is alien we are talking about.
I just saw it, right. I ENJOYED IT.

Not the best film, tiny bit silly, but a whole lot of fun. Got me all nostalgic, which is pretty hard considering I'm a teenager.
I liked it. It touched on real American conspiracies and world theories.
lol film was great

anyone who thinks otherwise is a douche
lol people complaining that the indiana jones movies are not realistic and "have crappy effects" they where made in the 80's

I watched the 3 previous again,havent watched them for like 10 years seriously

but this one dont catch my attention so much
Saw the film tonight, good action flick, unfortunately I'm a fan of Indy.

This is unfortunate because I don't really know what I just saw, it wasn't Indy, it was different. It felt somewhat alien to me. Really poor dialogue, too much CGI and lots of cringe. To sum up...what the ****.

Just finished watching it myself and.... I'm disappointed. It was watchable but like the others said there were too many WTF moments, forced and sometimes cringe inducing dialogue. Overall it just felt like a mediocre adventure movie that tried hard to be like Indiana Jones but failed. And I agree with those that said Harrison Ford didn't give it 100%, it almost felt like he was bored or something, like he was forced to be in this movie...:|.

Also I'm pretty sure we have good ol' Lucas to blame for the WTF scenes:
random gofers, monkeys etc.:|

Oh yeah and i almost forgot, the attack of teh MAN EATING ANTS! Seriously WTF? This isn't the Mummy people...
Yeah Lucas is pretty much to blame for the cgi gophers and monkeys.

I read somewhere that lucas had wanted the movie to be entirely about fighting aliens and what have you and wanted to call the movie "Indiana Jones and the Saucermen from Mars" a while back. They actually reference that title I think in one of the last scenes. Mutt says something similar to it like "What are they saucermen?"
Movie was alright.

Gophers, Monkies, and Ants were all random and stupid though.
To say the movie was "Awesome" would be a huge overexageration.
My favorite aspect of the film would be the design of the actual Crystal Skull and the Nuclear bomb part. Other than that, the film was meh.
The ending did it for me. It was awesome up to the "waterfall scene". Everything after that was an unbelievable bummer.
to people who have seen the movie it violent/scary? I'd like to take my 4 yr old son ..the first two movies had some questionable content (face melting/heart pulling out of chest etc) so he hasnt seen them yet but I'm hoping this one is a little more G than PG
it's pg-13 capt stern, and has some violent ants-that-eat-people scenes. There are shooting, falling, disintegration by a greater force death scenes, the usual indy moments.
to people who have seen the movie it violent/scary? I'd like to take my 4 yr old son ..the first two movies had some questionable content (face melting/heart pulling out of chest etc) so he hasnt seen them yet but I'm hoping this one is a little more G than PG

Considering what sort of movies I've rased my little brother on at that age, not a big deal in my opinion. This one is more juevenile than the others. Theres maybe two scenes that are questionable, but even those are not that bad.
it's pg-13 capt stern, and has some violent ants-that-eat-people scenes. There are shooting, falling, disintegration by a greater force death scenes, the usual indy moments.

oh ok, he's too young ..thanks
Oh yeah and i almost forgot, the attack of teh MAN EATING ANTS! Seriously WTF? This isn't the Mummy people...
I think that there are some species of giant ants (or was it termites?) that have been known to kill people.

Anyway, this film is made of meh. This was basiclly the conversation between my father, my brother and myself after the credits start rolling:
"It was pretty average, wasn't it?"
Yeah there were like two scenes that I can remember were violent. Probably the one at the start when the Russians break in and the ant part. The ant part will give your son nightmares Stern. :D Even then, I grew up on Rock's Modern Life and Ren and Stimpy. Oh and can't forget Aliens, etc.
I LoL'd when the ants carried the soviet dude... man eating ants? possible, but carrying a human? I doubt it...
Ants are able to lift 50 times their own body weight. These were really huge ants too. Also lol at the Russian woman who crushed it in between her thighs. :LOL:
are there really man eating ants in amazon jungle? I've heard of ants that suck blood out of people, but not eating them...
After seeing this, i feel disappointed, it's not a bad film, but it's lost a lot of the Indiana Jones charm.
For starters everything Spielberg said before the film was a lie, that he said there would not be alot of CGI in in, yeah right this had more CGI than the last 3 films put together. The characters were extremely bad, the Russain girl was not very menacing or intimidating. You never felt she was a threat to Indy. She was always behind him. Bring back the Nazis .
That Ray Winstons character was confusing and underdeveloped : "I am on your side, no wait I am a traitor, oh wait I am CIA, never mind I am a traitor again". WTF? An example of a good traitor was Dr. Elsa Schneider in the Last Crusade.

I must say i don't mind some off the stupidity in Indy films ,the Jungle chase for example i could live with, even the Nuke in the fridge, but that was pushing it.But Shia swinging on vines catching up with the Russians with pack of monkeys and the Ants please. In the audience all i was hearing were howls of disbelieve and "Yeah right" at loads of these stupid parts.
And the Aliens sealed it's fate. It was Lucas Star Wars combined with Spielbergs "Alien Propaganda" which has no place in an Indy film, the ending was awful, with the Skull turning into what ET?

Final thoughts are this is what you get when you add a forth onto a trilogy, it just can't live up to them. Just like Die Hard 4. And you can see this film has some modern influence with the now Hollywood standard let''s shove loads of CGI in it. I just hope there is not another,please don't destroy this classic.