Insurgency Celebrate Imminent Release.


Jan 7, 2005
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As news flashes across televisions in much of the world, with headlines of another mortar attack or suicide bombing in the chaos that is Iraq, something else is making headlines. The Team at Insurgency have released one of their mammoth media updates. With both a set of mouth watering ingame screenshots and a stunning video; this update pleases. But enough of talk.[br]

[br]This update is to celebrate the imminent release of INS, June '07, with the opening of their new website and a new INS trailer, which is a must see. To view their media section with the new screenshots jump here, otherwise click here to view the download mirrors for the tralier . For all those that wish not to download the trailer it has been hosted streaming on Youtube. [br]Enjoy.
Looks amazing, the combat is a lot more visceral then I imagined.
Very nice!

Though I didn't see why it had to be so political near the end.
w000t !! <3 insurgency !.. good job guys, looks great. :)

Imminent release - W00T! Finally; with no ETA before, I though we would still have to wait for ages. :D

EDIT: OK, I watched the trailer, looks nice, but did anyone else think that the running animation is a bit flawed? It looked as if the soldier's were running on a slowly moving treadmill, slowing them down.
If this plays as well as Rainbow Six Vegas Multiplayer and is heavily team based like it says then it'll be massive, looks incredible!
Not greeted as liberators, but as invaders ?

Well, how does one call it when your imposing your will on another country ?

Politics aside, damn fine trailer. I wonder whether Iraq has so much bloom and HDR, however :)
I don't like the political angle at all really, looking great though.
Yes, thats why they are remaking all the animations. :p

Could you give me a source?

I read the praise topic regarding the media release and everyone's so hyped that no one mentioned/noticed this. I think it stands out really. So does the prone animation and transition between stances (it could use some more frames). I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but apart from the mod looking superb, there are some things that need tweaking.
this is going to be huge HUGE MAAAAAAAAAAAZIIIIf :D
Does anyone else see it as being in poor taste to imply political depth to something that in the end is just a multiplayer shooter that uses Iraq as it's setting?

Can't it just be a game? Public servers will still be full of the same "lol owned nub" and TK/griefing, they certainly have better ways to advertise what appears to be a great mod.
That was my reaction.

Video "Oh noes Americans died."
Me "Never mind all those non-American civilian casualties eh?"
Video "They where seen as invaders."
Me "Uh, they are."

Now you too can shoot some poor U.S. College student while he immunizes the local children or pretend you are a U.S. soldier shooting store clerks!

I'd love to play the GAME they have made, but I have zero interest in the political propoganda machine they have made.

bad form.
Wow, who gives a s*it, I loved the trailer and I will love the game. Shooting poor US soldiers in the face with RPGs, sending the invaders home in a box and blasting insurgents away will both be fun as f*ck.
yes, we are redoing some of the animations after the trailer was posted. ;) no need for quotes.
You can moan and complain about it's so called "political agenda" as much as you want. But you know as well as I do once that download link becomes available you'll be clicking it.
Lovely video I must say, really good work. Two videos teasers released this week. With regard to content, length and presentation this is far superior I must say...
Why is there handycam footage in the trailer, when we all know full well it won't be in the game? That's pretty misleading - and it's definitely the only reason (as far as I can see) the firefights look good. I have a feeling there'll be a little bit of letdown when that artificial camera shake and other post effects aren't featured in the game. But I guess that's just the trend these days, just like Valve's motion blur and depth of field. However, I'm glad there aren't supernova muzzleflashes coming out of the guns as they fire. I'm glad they got it right.

I had no sound during the video, how did the gunshots sound? Were they boring and hollywood sounding, or were they realistic?
That was my reaction.

Video "Oh noes Americans died."
Me "Never mind all those non-American civilian casualties eh?"
Video "They where seen as invaders."
Me "Uh, they are."

That's exactly what I thought! To their credit though, it could have been a lot more politically slanted.

TBH I think the political aspects should be avoided in regards to this game. Politics would imply one side as being "right" and one as "wrong", and considering how controversial the issue of Iraq is, I doubt that would be a good thing to be associating with the mod.
nice vid, looks good, looking forward to trying this...
To get the proper "feel" you need a load of Brits that you can shoot up in FF :rolleyes:
yes, we are redoing some of the animations after the trailer was posted. ;) no need for quotes.

Cool :) In that case, I hope you know what I meant when I was speaking of that treadmill effect and that's one of the things you'll improve :)
Why is there handycam footage in the trailer, when we all know full well it won't be in the game? That's pretty misleading - and it's definitely the only reason (as far as I can see) the firefights look good. I have a feeling there'll be a little bit of letdown when that artificial camera shake and other post effects aren't featured in the game. But I guess that's just the trend these days, just like Valve's motion blur and depth of field. However, I'm glad there aren't supernova muzzleflashes coming out of the guns as they fire. I'm glad they got it right.

I had no sound during the video, how did the gunshots sound? Were they boring and hollywood sounding, or were they realistic?

motion blur is just too cpu intensive to do properly (or without a hack)

I think everyone realises that's not part of the game
Man Ive been waiting on this mod forever!!:bounce::sniper::bounce:
This is just a mod. I think people are reading too much into those few lines which IMO are just there to try and immerse people into the setting this mod is trying to recreate.
It doesn't look to me as though they are trying to make a political statement at all.
"The US troops weren't always welcomed as liberators" hence there is a conflict, which you are now playing in. Round 1, Play!
I can't believe people are throwing hissyfits because of the supposed "political agenda" on the trailer. Pull your heads out of your asses people, PLEASE.