Internet Abbreviations


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Don't you think some of the abbreviations are becoming meaningless or are pointless?

People say lol without actually meaning it.

For example:

Guy1: Hey man, you OK?
Guy2: mom just died
*5 minute silence*
Guy1: lol

I hate people who use lol either as their default response to everything or as a type of punctuation.

Also, lol.
Guy1: Hey man, you OK?
Guy2: mom just died
*5 minute silence*
Guy1: lol

Sorry to break up the lollerspam, but this reminded me of my friend who used to think that lol meant 'lots of love':

friend: hey, what's up?
friend of friend: oh, just been to my mum's funeral, feeling pretty crap
f: aww, lol
f of f: ....dude, wtf?

True story.

Sorry to break up the lollerspam, but this reminded me of my friend who used to think that lol meant 'lots of love':

friend: hey, what's up?
friend of friend: oh, just been to my mum's funeral, feeling pretty crap
f: aww, lol
f of f: ....dude, wtf?

True story.

hahaha, ohh, that cracked me up. I don't mind lol being used for funny things, but when I'm talking to people, it's normally used fricking everywhere and I don't like it.

I remember way back in the day when I used to be just like them.. back when I first started playing Starcraft and Diablo 2 for the first time. I'd use y, u, stfu, omfg, lol, the works. I wish I could go back in time, sneak up behind myself, and squirt vinegar in my eyes.
I agree, the word 'lol' is used as a default response to everything.
Also, people I have on my list (boring lot) always go:
lol im going lol

This conversation with my friend turns out rougly like this:
me: hi how r u
friend: hi lol
me: im going out later
friend: cool
me: im seeing my friends
friend: lol
LOL is pretty much the only internet abbrevation I use (with a few exceptions) on forums and in normal chat. I do use plenty more when playing games online though as typing out things fast can be critical.

is the extent of my internet lingo
The only truly retarded use of 'lol' is when people say it on teamspeak or similar. It's contradicting, and it sounds stupid.

loli/shota makes Ennui uncomfortable.

PvtRyan, it's kind of epic that you've had that signature forever (for the 2004 election) and now it's actually relevant for 2008 :p

Also, for the thread: I don't really think that lol has meant 'laugh out loud' in years. It has a completely different semantic meaning in online conversations than that... it's an acknowledgement and a lot of other stuff besides.
My most commonly used abbreviations on the interent:

I occationally use:
I don`t use lol, rofl, lmao, lmfao, or any shit things like that.

I use wtf, btw, imo, and a few others. Not very often though.
Also, for the thread: I don't really think that lol has meant 'laugh out loud' in years. It has a completely different semantic meaning in online conversations than that... it's an acknowledgement and a lot of other stuff besides.
Pretty much. It seems that lol has gone from literally meaning "laughing out loud" ten or twelve years ago, to just becoming an acknowledgment of the presence of humor in a statement. It's become the new "heh".
I lol irl


But srsly. My roomate even does a lol dance. He runs around in a circle flailing his arms about saying "lol lol lol." Its pretty retarded and incredibly hilarious, because he does it in class, and people usually wtf @ it.
I lol irl


But srsly. My roomate even does a lol dance. He runs around in a circle flailing his arms about saying "lol lol lol." Its pretty retarded and incredibly hilarious, because he does it in class, and people usually wtf @ it.

video camera + youtube = ennui enjoyment

"rifk" is a word that retards use to try and fit in, and doesn't make any sense. But, "rifk" is like a miss-spelled "rofl", it's like saying "lol". The creator of the word "rifk" is *****humpy, and it was started in the ***** forums and ***** irc. Yet this retarded word still continues to grow like HIV in Africa.

rifk this is ****ing funny.