Is it possible to preorder a 6800 ultra?


Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
I was just wondering if it's possible to preorder a 6800 ultra. I've been searching for a while but I can't find anything.

"Retail availability should occur on the 26th of April" :cheese:

I would just call EB tomorrow and ask them, but tomorrow seems too far away...

So, does anyone know of a place to preorder one?
i would seriously not recommend preordering it, especially when you dont know what ATI's card is all about. im about as big a peripheral freak as there could be, and im not getting it yet, much less preordering it.
You can't pre-order nVidia's 6800 as nVidia does not make graphic cards...they make graphic chips. ;)
3rd party companies make the cards. Have not seen any of their cards announced/reviewed or anything yet.

Just hold on to your pants and don't loose them just yet because the competition has yet to step onto the court.
gh0st said:
i would seriously not recommend preordering it, especially when you dont know what ATI's card is all about. im about as big a peripheral freak as there could be, and im not getting it yet, much less preordering it.

I know that ATI is about to announce their card, and it happens to be on the same day the 6800 series are supposed to hit the shelves. I simply cannot wait. I know it just might be better and all, but for some odd reason I can't wait another day without gaming.

Asus said:
You can't pre-order nVidia's 6800 as nVidia does not make graphic cards...they make graphic chips. ;)
3rd party companies make the cards. Have not seen any of their cards announced/reviewed or anything yet.

Just hold on to your pants and don't loose them just yet because the competition has yet to step onto the court.

I know nvidia makes the chips and that companies such as BFG Tech, Gigabyte, and others create the cards. Actually I never even said an "nvidia 6800 ultra". I said a 6800 ultra (inferring of any kind).

Ah well.. thanks anyways :). Guess I'll have to wait
predatowned said:
Wait for ATI's card. It will be better.
you dont know if it will be beter or not show me the facts you ABSOLUTLY KNOW IT WILL BE BETTER... i hate it when ppl say shit like this
predatowned said:
Wait for ATI's card. It will be better.
Please show us the wealth of information you have showing us how amazingly good ATi's card is, and how it'll doubtlessly be better than nVidia's card. Unless of course it'll be better becuase it has an ATi logo on it..

We just don't know yet, there's no way we can know.

Bloody fanboys.
::Sigh:: It's amazing how pissed off people can get over something so small, and stupid. Makes me laugh.

::rolls away::
haha the enquirer says ATI's will. hahahaha even though the enquirer sucks. i personally THINK that they have an ace up their sleeve. but props to nvidia if they catch ati with their canadian panties down.
Nvidia's launch was a paper launch.
Release and benchmarks then. Card later.

ATI's launch will not be a paper launch.
Avaliblity will be right away.
Both cards should be on the shelves with in a week from each other.

No matter which card comes out on top there won't be a terrible buy like last year. cough*FX*cough

BTW PS2.0 can do the exact same things PS3.0 can do. PS3.0 just updates the minimums (E.I. 24FP precision to 32FP min.).
It's up to the developer if they want to support the slower 32FP for unneeded precision.

I'd wait til the benchmarks for X800 come out and then go buy your 6800. ;)
:dozey: No matter what you say or who's card you purchase. The videocard companies still win. Nvidia vs. ATi, no way... both are actually working as a whole, but on the surface they look like competitors. While us, the consumers are stupid about this. They just laugh at us debating about "two different companies" products, when in reality we are arguing about ONE company split into 2. :naughty:
ailevation said:
:dozey: No matter what you say or who's card you purchase. The videocard companies still win. Nvidia vs. ATi, no way... both are actually working as a whole, but on the surface they look like competitors. While us, the consumers are stupid about this. They just laugh at us debating about "two different companies" products, when in reality we are arguing about ONE company split into 2. :naughty:

Ahh, the superiority complex. Does your ego feel bigger after posting that? You > everyone!!111

Yeah, I would wait for the X800 to come out before buying one too, just to be safe on my purchase, but I can't wait, I'm a desperate fool :monkee:

My GeForce4 Ti4200 has died (the fan stopped spinning, making it overheat after a few minutes of playing 3D intensive games) a while ago, and I'm too busy/lazy to replace the fan so I just consider it dead. And because I'm on an AthlonXP 2100+ and a dead video card, I havn't played a single game in a few months. After playing BF: Vietnam and FC/PK demos on a friend's 9800XT 2400+ computer, I am throughly impressed. Must upgrade computer.
predatowned said:
Wait for ATI's card. It will be better.
I believe it's quite possible there won't even be a conclusive win. There could very well be a situation where the 8600U wins about half of the benchmarks and the X800XT wins the other half. In that case you can't declare a winner.

That would be a win-win situation for gamers, as both companies would be forced to keep highly competitive (releasing newer hardware earlier, dropping prices, etc).
predatowned said:
Wait for ATI's card. It will be better.

You sound quite confident. It makes me laugh because nVidia ruled this entire part of pc's until the 9700 showed up and it was better than nVidia's card and then they messed up with the hoover card and it formed a group of people that seem to think ATI will never be beaten ever....again....never!. Like what logo is on your graphics card matters, like 16xaf 8xaa matter (or whatever) !!that much!!....i mean do you play a game for fun or do you play a game to see no jaggies, which you cant actually see if your playing the game.

I'd wait for the ATI benchmark's first which reminds me : Is the ATI being released today for benchmarking? I heard the 24th of April, Today!?.
It was the 26th of April that you heard, and no. There are few things I can stand less than aliasing artifacts, as they take you out of the game. One thing I hate more is bad texture filtering I always play with max filtering, everything else be damned. Yes, it does make a difference, and in fact I have always found that jaggies are much more visible and annoying in the game than in a screen shot. The crawling edge is the classic example of this.

If you read all the previews (note: not reviews; previews) you'd notice that in almost every case the 6800 U could do max texture filtering and 4x AA without much of a hit to framerate. It should also be noted that this is a vastly superior AA method to the one they used in the last generation, and was in fact pioneered by 3dfx and Quantum3D. To me, that's pretty impressive.

Finally, if it's a performance/IQ tie, then it will come down to features, bundles, and maybe even power consumption. :p We know that NV40 has SM 3.0 support. We know ATi will be selling native PCIe chips soon. We know ATi has an excellent track record for multimedia extras on their cards. Etc. Right now, though, we'll just have to wait and see.
WTF dude!? 1) im English 2) I can remember getting a retarded bias picture of the Nvidia 5800ultra showing how amazing it was Vs the 9700pro when it actually sucked hard against the 9700 pro....You see thats obviously made up or something by an ATI fanboi because there is no other review/preview of the new ATI's _ON THE WEB_ maybe when i see have a review up then i might actually take your nonesense into consideration.
Yeah, yeah. Think, and say whatever the hell you want, because i don't give a **** what anyone says. Prove that those aren't real.
Ok. Edit/ incase you dont quite figure out what im trying to get across : Would'nt ATI be the first to know about it if their card was reviewed, ATI have to release it to them for it to be reviewed, do you not think ATI would have it on their website that they have released their new card for testing?
x84D80Yx said:
im waiting for the 512mb cards this summer :D

Whats the point though. By the time games actually make use of 512mb the card will be probably be outdated.
Arno said:
Then why do you visit this forum in the first place?

They're fake.

Why do YOU come to these forums? See how dumb that sounds? We're here for 1 reason, HL2.

And, ok, so a bunch of random people at a forum much like this one say those benchmarks are fake. What's your point? People here say it's fake, so it doesn't really matter. Rather it was indeed just a crazed fanboy who made those up, or not, you can bet on ATI being on top. I've lost trust in Nvidia, along with millions of others, who watched them cheat, ect. Nvidia has to cheat for their card to look good. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I've made my point here, so I'm not going to post in this particular thread anymore.

Peace out.
predatowned said:
Why do YOU come to these forums? See how dumb that sounds? We're here for 1 reason, HL2.
This forum won't give you HL2. This forum gives you opinions and ideas about HL2. Opinions and ideas you obviously don't care about, so that's why I asked why you are here.

predatowned said:
And, ok, so a bunch of random people at a forum much like this one say those benchmarks are fake. What's your point? People here say it's fake, so it doesn't really matter.
I can actually read German. The article you linked to acknowledges that the benchmarks were composed out of hypothetical calculations based on hypothetical hardware specs. So the proof that the benchmarks are fake is in that very same article. The forum post I linked to merely translated this for the people who can't read German.
predatowned said:
Why do YOU come to these forums? See how dumb that sounds? We're here for 1 reason, HL2.

And, ok, so a bunch of random people at a forum much like this one say those benchmarks are fake. What's your point? People here say it's fake, so it doesn't really matter. Rather it was indeed just a crazed fanboy who made those up, or not, you can bet on ATI being on top. I've lost trust in Nvidia, along with millions of others, who watched them cheat, ect. Nvidia has to cheat for their card to look good. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I've made my point here, so I'm not going to post in this particular thread anymore.

Peace out.

So you say yourself that a bunch of random people say their fake? Dude before i start believing a forum subscriber over ATI themselfs is the day ATI go bust. Just because ATI are on top now does'nt mean they will always be top till earth explodes lol, speculation smeculation, until ATI release their card they are in 2nd place nuff said.
Wat Alig said :D. (Testosterone flying everywhere, jeesh its just a piece of overpriced sophisticated plastic :p) anyway Im thinking there wont be much difference between the cards when ATi releases theirs ,alot like the last bit of competition was. .. So when is the 6800 ultra released in the UK? and would anyone advise the England folks, (Me :angel:) to go ordering one from the US? cause there gonna be way cheaper over there, i dont mind the wait :)
pred, I don't think you could possibly be any more closed minded.

you are in dire need of a glass belly button, if you know what i mean
lol,,, I dont think ive heard if ATI do, but I know Nvidia supply graphics equipment for NASA for telescopes and satelite imaging, I think that on its own rules.
clarky003 said:
lol,,, I dont think ive heard if ATI do, but I know Nvidia supply graphics equipment for NASA for telescopes and satelite imaging, I think that on its own rules.

Thats why i've never considered a ATI card...except the 9800XT but thats gone right out the window now...they may have the better cards atm not including the nvidia 6800 but they are the worse company....they have the worst support so its a no go for ati for me. The Bugatti 16/4 Veyron might be the fastest road car unmodified on the planet but that does'nt mean you choose it over a Ferrari Enzo (I was actually at the British Motorshow when this car was released, Damn! is that nice and damn was it hard to move around that stand).
Alig said:
Thats why i've never considered a ATI card...


If only 3dfx were still around, decisions would be a lot easier. :devil: :devil: