jesus christ biology is hard.


Jun 16, 2006
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anyone else in high school have more homework in biology than in any other class?
anyone else in high school have more homework in biology than in any other class?

I failed biology like 3 semesters in a row....though the teachers really did suck ass. hence why they both got fired D:
Biology? My teacher had a really thick accent, and she was sexist. Not to mention I had that class with my girlfriend. I passed with a B, or something. It's chemistry I failed :/
I never took any of the sciences.
Only Science I've taken so far is Earth Science Honors, and that was ez-mode, mainly because the teacher was freaking awesome.

I flunked the final though :(.
Man, this takes me back. *OFF TOPIC* I remember in middle school, math was my thing. I got A's through and into high school, failed geometry! :(
I've always sucked at math. I usually get really good teachers too.

I dunno, I just have this bad habit where if I'm not interested in something, then I just don't work at it.
I used to be great at school all through until about 8th grade. I would always get As and extra credits and all taht... and then suddenly, I stopped. I learned to read before I started school. When the kids in kindergarten were read see spot's dick, I was in the back reading goosebumps and animorphs. I think my mom taught me everythign I needed to know until seventh grade, and then I was on my own and I couldn't handle it. Math kills me. English is ok, though.

Also, it seems that I get some sort of trend, where my math teachers have accents. Accents I can barely understand. Seventh grade... not really an accent, but he was senile. Eighth grade, filipino accent. Ninth, german or something. Her name was walieukiewich. valookavitch. Tenth, I dunno if she had an accent or anything, because she never talked. summerschool, ANOTHER filipino.
I used to be great at school all through until about 8th grade. I would always get As and extra credits and all taht... and then suddenly, I stopped. I learned to read before I started school. When the kids in kindergarten were read see spot's dick, I was in the back reading goosebumps and animorphs. I think my mom taught me everythign I needed to know until seventh grade, and then I was on my own and I couldn't handle it. Math kills me. English is ok, though.

Also, it seems that I get some sort of trend, where my math teachers have accents. Accents I can barely understand. Seventh grade... not really an accent, but he was senile. Eighth grade, filipino accent. Ninth, german or something. Her name was walieukiewich. valookavitch. Tenth, I dunno if she had an accent or anything, because she never talked. summerschool, ANOTHER filipino.


Yeah, I learned to read when I was five, and I'd always steal Goosebump books from the school library even though ONLY THE BIG FIFTH GRADERS could read them.
Biology = easy. Any kind of math = easy. Chem = easy, but sucked terribly.
Bah. Your mom= easy. Math is ****ing hard. I don't know why.
i am taking spanish this year also so i will find out.

Spanish= ez-mode, apparently.

I took Latin last year, and hated it. Too much ****ing memorization. I'm trying out Spanish this year.
I like spanish. It's pretty easy but my teacher's awesome.

(I take spanish because I live in california, which is like a smaller mexico)
Spanish is pretty easy. The hard part is actually remebering any of it 3 years later.
Spanish is pretty easy. The hard part is actually remebering any of it 3 years later.

I'm only taking Spanish 1 and 2 so I can get my damn foreign language credits, I really don't care if it ever comes in handy. I already forgot all of the crap I learned in latin, anyway.
but French is le win :(

You know alveolar trill? I have practiced so long. So far, I can only do it with words begin with "d", "t".

alveolar trill? is it the one that you go:


cuz as far as I know in Spanish you only do that when you have an "r" by itself, when it's next to a d or a t it's a different sound
ohhh..none of you know the fear of mrs. parham.....*shudders disturbingly*

I can still remember the "nod yer head" thing she made us do every time she wanted to make a point about something...and her grading style, which was, "if its not the way I want it to be you get a zero!"

thank god I transferred out of her class into the bilogy teacher's who was best friends with jane goodall and won the national Disney Teacher of the Year.

I love the subject of biology, but I hated my original biology teacher.

EDIT: I'm taking physics right now. yesterday we had to construct a 1.5 meter tower out of one sheet of computer paper. I failed. :(
Biology was one of the only science classes that I didn't take in high school. I had earth science my sophomore year, chemistry my junior year, and physics my senior year, got no less than a B in all 3. All 3 of my teachers were awesome.
I dislike biology because of all the things you have to memorize.
I find regular biology easy, but jesus christ biology, no-siree
Biology is pretty easy, and I rarely get homework from it.

Just different schools I guess.
anyone else in high school have more homework in biology than in any other class?

I took biology in 8th grade, aced every single test.

Then I got it again in highschool, after I went from private to public, so I knew like EVERFING!


Chemistry is harder tbh. Freshmen...
My biology teacher is very beautiful. She makes me like biology. :p

p.s. Do you agree that sexual organ's names are easier to be remembered?
I don't see the difference.

p.s. I am starting to hate you.
Jesus Christ Biology? You mean Creationism science? :p
It's as much of an oxymoron as Modern History.
just got an A in my AS levels for Biology, found it incredibly hard at first, and realized it was because i wasn't actually working lol, starting working and it became easy =D
Bilogy is science for girls. Hell it's not even science, it's stamp collecting.