Keanu Reeves rumored to play Spike in Cowboy Bebop film.

So, are we pissed that there's going to be a live action american movie adaptation of an anime, or that Keanu Reeves is in it?
So, are we pissed that there's going to be a live action american movie adaptation of an anime, or that Keanu Reeves is in it?


If they had to muck around with anything, why does it have to be a masterpiece like Bebop?
NO!!! NO!!!

Oh please god no!! ;(

There is no god D:
With Angelina Jolie as Faye Valentine, and The Rock as his whacky sidekick Jet Black!

Mark my ****ing words.

Edit - Also, Dakota Fanning as Ed. You heard it here first, folks.
Oh, I didn't realise we hate Keanu Reeves. I'll take note of that.
Oh, I didn't realise we hate Keanu Reeves. I'll take note of that.

I'm one of the few people who like keanu reeves and I still think this is a bad idea D:
Well they're making an Akira movie too so I think Hollywood (I'm using this word here to signify most of Western cinematography in general) is going to start making crappy remakes our favorite anime movies/shows one by one, just like they did/continue to do to video games and foreign movies. Yay for the originality of Western direcotrs!
But they already made a Cowboy Bebop movie and it was great.

Doing another in live-action seems eminently silly.
So, are we pissed that there's going to be a live action american movie adaptation of an anime, or that Keanu Reeves is in it?

You act like Cowboy Bebop wasn't already intended for an American audience in the first place. It's not true Japan anime, it was designed for American viewers (thus the English voice actors are the proper ones, and it's dubbed to Japanese).
Jesus they have definatley run out of ideas. Just please don't remake Gunsmith Cats.
I never watched Bebop. What's it actually about?
Aw sweet, Bebop and Rocksteady were awesome.
When you describe it like that it sounds like an 8-year-old wrote it.

Think of it like an anime version of firefly. How about that? :p
It's nothing like Firefly, but it's still good ;)
It doesn't have any annoying children in it. It's on virtually every night on the anime channel we have over here. Not sure if you get it in Ireland though.
I really doubt this will happen. Cowboy Bebop is pretty much past its prime in terms of popularity, and I can't see Fox doing this.

So is Dragonball.


Hapless bounty hunters (in space) who never get an even break.
They're making a DBZ movie? Why? There's plenty of movies already with two guys grunting and showing their muscles. It's called gay porn.
It doesn't have any annoying children in it. It's on virtually every night on the anime channel we have over here. Not sure if you get it in Ireland though.
All that channel ever has on is Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop. I never bothered watching it much, though. Is there any point in starting watching the show half-way through?
Yeah, most of the episodes are standalone (same deal with GITS).
Ghost in the shell confuses the balls out of me though. I never know what's going on.

Except for a couple of two-parters, all the episodes work on their own as long as you vaguely know the characters, which you will do after one or two episodes.
Its one of the easier ones to get into though as Sulk said alot of the episodes are standalone. It's probably one of my favorite series too. Maybe they'll ruin that with a movie as well.
They're making a DBZ movie? Why? There's plenty of movies already with two guys grunting and showing their muscles. It's called gay porn.

Yes, they're making it so we can all watch it and laugh our asses off. Honestly, I wish someone would've of made a parody to DBZ into a live action movie, it would've been funny but I guess a non parody live action movie will be just as funny.
All that channel ever has on is Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop. I never bothered watching it much, though. Is there any point in starting watching the show half-way through?

Just make sure you don't miss episodes like Ballad of Fallen Angels, Jupiter Jazz, and Real Folk Blues. But yeah, most of the other episodes other than that are standalones or plot develpment for the supporting characters.
Im pretty sure the whole DBZ thing is gonna be light-hearted and sort of a parody anyway. Its being produced by Stephen Chow (Directed Kung Fu Hustle) so im sure there will atleast be some kind of comedy aspect to it.
Cowboy Bebop is ****ing awesome. Love it.

American voice acting is better than the Japanese voice acting, almost uniquely.

Dakota Fanning as Ed? I lol'd.
I could listen to Steve Blum recite a grocery list and be enthralled.

He was a fantastic voice for Spike.
Theres no way this movie can do justice to the series, especially with keanu ****in reeves in it.