Lost Planet 2

Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
New Lost Planet 2 screenies:

They've already shown two new environments, jungle and city. Emphasis will no longer be on characters, seeing as the new characters are wearing faceless masks. Speaking of the new characters, suits will be completely customizable, allowing people to make sort of 'clan tags' with their own suits in the multiplayer and four player co-op. Enemies will be huge and will have more than one way of beating them. With one, you can even go inside to kill it. Anybody excited for this? I may have to finally beat the first one.
The environments seem interesting and the flamethrower seems cool. :flame:

I liked these screenshots:






never finished the first game but loved the multiplayer. played that for months!
Anyone else playing the demo? Impressions?

My first thought was how odd a choice this was for a demo. The section chosen is basically co-op Monster Hunter with mechs. The second was how superb everything looks and how good the feel of the game is. The engine's solid and detailed and it really does look great when you're taking down this HUGE beastie with a bunch of mates. The full game promises more than big monster hunting - there's the usual Lost Planet mechs, creatures, and humans/pirates to fight - but i'm sold on this alone :)

Great news, thanks Warbie. I hope this will end up on the PC... God, I sound like a broken record.

EDIT - Sweet, seems they've announced a PC version.
I have a feeling the game will be dominated by retarded multiplayer achievements, ugh.:(

IMO multiplayer achievements tends to ruin the multiplayer communities, because it results in many people griefing/TKing etc just so they can get a certain weapon before someone else to get a certian achievement, it sucks.
Really disliked the first game. From what I could tell from the the demo it felt very shallow and repetitive. It doesn't seem like the game has changed a ton, but the multiplayer is a ton of fun and I was suprised I enjoyed the demo as much as I did. If the rest of the multiplayer looks as good as this I will definitely pick this up.
I have a feeling the game will be dominated by retarded multiplayer achievements, ugh.:(

IMO multiplayer achievements tends to ruin the multiplayer communities, because it results in many people griefing/TKing etc just so they can get a certain weapon before someone else to get a certian achievement, it sucks.

I never do quite understand your concern with achievements. I have never seen any problems with any online game I play regarding achievements. I tell a lie: I once saw two or three people trying to help each get an achievement in a free for all game on a Halo playlist weekend, but I killed all three of them and another guy got an achievement for myself on accident.

Communities are fine on this end of Xbox Live, far as I can see.

EDIT: Might download the demo just for kicks as I have nothing new to play at the moment.
Really wasn't a fan of the first game, was not paying attention to the second one untill I played the demo the other day, I ****ing loved it. I really liked how you could take or put weapons on different mechs to make one you liked, the flying one is boss. Did anyone else jump on the giant salamanders back like a colossus when they first saw him?
Except when he shits you out of his tail and knocks a chunk of your health off.
In a few minutes I'll be trying the Co-op Demo along with three friends on Ps3. I like the graphics. Also reminds me of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PSP. :)
Love the art direction, jungle and monsters looks lovely.
Back from playing the coop demo. We played through the demo twice because it was really fun. I'm definitely getting the full game on release day.
I loved the single player in the first one...wasn't too impressed with multi though.

I hope they have a decent amount of snowy areas, I really liked that about the first game.
Just finished a game with two other guys. Final scores: A-S-S. Best team ever.