LUCAAAAAAAAS! More Star Wars edits in updated blu-ray edition


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
You have to respect the man's dedication to retrospectively ruining his greatest accomplishment.

The upcoming blu-ray edition of the, um... sextilogy (both trilogies) includes some more edits to the original three movies. Chiefly among them, Darth Vader's signature "NOOOOOO!" from Revenge of the Sith makes a return in, err, Return of the Jedi.

Which is great because I always had trouble understanding his motivation in that scene.

Also, this:

Which will also be making an appearance in my worst nightmares.

Lastly, he made Ewoks blink, which I guess is kind of neat but actually creeps me out.

So yeah, if there was still any doubt that Lucas is actively trolling his legions of devoted fans, I hope that it has now been quashed.

Chiefly among them, Darth Vader's signature "NOOOOOO!" from Revenge of the Sith makes a return in, err, Return of the Jedi.
My actual reaction to this was a long, exasperated sigh, as my face fell directly onto my mousepad. And I just sat there face-down, sighing exasperatedly, over and over for about 45 seconds. I can't imagine a universe where a person makes this kind of decision about this kind of movie, yet here we are.
My feelings about this
(and while you're at it watch the next No vid from the office)
These changes are seriously bad. Like the extra scenes and changes Disney makes to their classic movies for dvd/bluray too.
For all people in charge of making movies/vidoes: People who buy HD content like BluRay want to have a HD experience of the film that they loved. Not a different experience in HD quality.

And those ewok eyeblinks look terrible. No. Just no.
Fanboys need to realize that Star Wars is for children and not to be taken seriously. Everything can be explained by this statement. George Lucas can molest something to death and people will still buy it up because it is Star Wars. See the current hype for SWTOR for example.
how is star wars for children?

i wish they would release the original unedited trilogy on DVD (or maybe they have?) im already disappointed enough that in my copy, han doesnt shoot first.
Oh Lucas, you're a parody of yourself.

George Lucas can molest something to death and people will still buy it up because it is Star Wars. See the current hype for SWTOR for example.

Hey now, SWTOR could be decent - Lucas doesn't seem to have any involvement and it's not unreasonable to have some faith in Bioware.
Do the new features have an option to leave Jar Jar Binks out of the movie?
**** me, that plonker is the biggest troll in Hollywood.
Fanboys need to realize that Star Wars is for children and not to be taken seriously. Everything can be explained by this statement. George Lucas can molest something to death and people will still buy it up because it is Star Wars. See the current hype for SWTOR for example.

I don't think that's fair to say, at least not in regards to the original trilogy. Everything changed when Lucas realized how much money he could make off of merchandising, though. It's not "for children", it's "for making dumb shit that people will buy". Like the fact that there are four billion versions of the movies out. The original version of the original trilogy is the only one even worth owning, and Lucas is too much of a masturbating shithead to even put that one out on blu-ray. He has taken being a sellout to a ****ing art form.

If I saw him, I think I would hit him. In the face. With a 747.
I guess vhs copies of the original vertion increased in value right?
I don't think that's fair to say, at least not in regards to the original trilogy.

I agree, I see them a bit like Princess Bride - kid friendly, but not specifically made for them.

The new trilogy is different though, and tonally it's actually a bit of a cluster****. Rewatching Episode 1 a few years back, I couldn't believe how simplistic, formulaic and downright stupid the plot was, as though it was actually talking down to its audience. This gave me the feeling that he made it with kids in mind, but as other reviewers have pointed out, the political intrigue stuff is so bland and uneventful that it's hard to tell who he was trying to appeal to with it. My guess is he wanted to add an element of maturity or complexity to balance out all the wacky adventure stuff (also Jar Jar), but since he's so bad at writing compelling drama it fell completely flat. Then you have Episode 2 with it's BAM-WHIZZ-ZAP-POW lightsabers and lasers action, with, again, a nod to maturity with the terrible romance subplot, and then Episode 3 takes a swift 90 degree turn into darkville and leaves maturity dying in a ditch on the side of the road. Kind of like this metaphor okay bye.
Star Wars is gay. I get that most of you grew up with it and yadda yadda yadda, but I got to the party too late when everyone was throwing up and it just sucks.

Credit to the original trilogy for being decent films (very decent, from what I have heard), but f*ck Lucas and f*ck his shitty capitalism.
The original films aren't even that good once you see them as an adult.
Well, if you're incapable of having fun, perhaps.
Star Wars is gay. I get that most of you grew up with it and yadda yadda yadda, but I got to the party too late when everyone was throwing up and it just sucks.

Credit to the original trilogy for being decent films (very decent, from what I have heard), but f*ck Lucas and f*ck his shitty capitalism.

Who is this heathen? Have him shot. Twice. In the head.

The original films aren't even that good once you see them as an adult.

This one also.
The original films aren't even that good once you see them as an adult.
I disagree with this completely.

I always hated Star Wars. It was such a nerd thing and I wanted no part in it. I never really had seen any of the three movies all the way through, especially not since I was very very young.

Then after watching the Plinkett Star Wards Episode 1 review, comparing it to how good the original trilogy was, I decided 'you know there must be something good about these movies, so I'll give them a good chance as an adult'

I watched them all, and they were definitely good movies. A lot better than most movies these days.
one thing is when I saw and still see the original movies I get this feeling of space adventure mixed whit old style wild west pirates thing and all those stuff that have does caracterized the movies,where you have interest in knowing what else is in the world and the whole mix of drama and comedie and whatever else

but when I see any new movie the feeling I got is of been playing a mediocre game,the world and everything just dont feel interesting and felt like molded or whatever

to prove this just thinks of the scenes when obi wan slacks the arm of a guy that wanted to punch luke,or when han solo shot the grido guy in the bar,and how the rest of the place dint even blinked,and this is very early and when we are getting to know the characters

them go to episode 1 and we see the 2 guys talking and talking and sittting all burocratic like and we dont even have idea what theyr are talking,and the action comes is all bland

and well all the things that where proven wrong whit the prequels

cuz even if I am not a star wars nerd I do find them very good,I remenber I was amazed by them the first time when I saw them on tv before they started butchered,I even remenber when the emeperor was first shown to have that weird masked sleek face instead of the wrinkly old one

so I feel dissapointed that not just the new star wars movies where so crappy but lucas keep screwing whit the old ones too

hell sometimes I feel like writing my own vertions of the sequels to see if I can make them better than lucas himself
Chiefly among them, Darth Vader's signature "NOOOOOO!" from Revenge of the Sith makes a return in, err, Return of the Jedi

I don't understand why he needed to. Vaders silence whilst throwing the Emporer feels more appropriate as at that time actions spoke louder than words. And besides I think Vaders Noooooo was the brunt of the joke in RotS as it just felt so phony in its execution and not a lot of effort was put into it.
Fanboys need to realize that Star Wars is for children and not to be taken seriously. Everything can be explained by this statement. George Lucas can molest something to death and people will still buy it up because it is Star Wars. See the current hype for SWTOR for example.

ya pretty much this. adults need to get over it; it's really not that great as a series. also kids couldnt give 2 shits about the first 3 moives. next to no jedis means kids arent as interested
I stopped caring back when he made the first changes to the original trilogy. Wish guys like him and Coppola would move on and stop living in the past. It would be nice if the fanboys finally woke up and stopped buying this junk as well.
Fifteen years ago, people used to like Star Wars. Now they talk about how they don't.

hmmmp....that feels like a goal of life,so yeah I will remake the prequels and change them to make them cooler

will add things like obi wan being a space pimp and scnatly clad sexy jedi womenz riding dinosaurs and there would be giant robots there and the final battle will be torugh various world cuz they will end up all destroyed by the awsomeness
The original films aren't even that good once you see them as an adult.

They weren't that good when I saw them as a kid either. My problem with the Star Wars series is the same that I have with Lord of the Rings. The movies are way too long , and in my honest opinion boring, they don't manage to keep my interest. Also they don't manage to make me care about any of the characters.
Star Wars is gay. I get that most of you grew up with it and yadda yadda yadda, but I got to the party too late when everyone was throwing up and it just sucks.

Credit to the original trilogy for being decent films (very decent, from what I have heard), but f*ck Lucas and f*ck his shitty capitalism.

Wait, if I'm reading this post right, you're saying the new episodes sucked but you've only heard the old ones are good? First of all, watch the old trilogy. Do it. Secondly, welcome to the party, just about everyone hates the new episodes. I have no idea where you'd have heard any different, especially not around here. :p

Admittedly I liked the action in Episode One when I first saw it at the ripe old age of 13, but even then I could tell that it was only a shadow of the former movies.

Edit: Oh yeah, meant to post this:

They weren't that good when I saw them as a kid either. My problem with the Star Wars series is the same that I have with Lord of the Rings. The movies are way too long , and in my honest opinion boring, they don't manage to keep my interest. Also they don't manage to make me care about any of the characters.

Sorry you're bored by two-hour long films, epic space battles which redefined cinema and effects, a cast of interesting, charismatic, and relatable characters, and a trilogy of films which define the essence of fun epic adventure films.

seriously, have you even watched the films recently, or are you just filled to the brim with shit? mock the prequels and lucas' tireless efforts to rape the originals to pillage for profits all you want, but dont talk shit about one of the most important milestones of american cinema. thats just ****ing stupid. and before you say anything, you are of course entitled to your opinion. and im entitled to think its goddamn stupid.

Do you like Star Wars? "No." Strike 1. Do you like Empire Strikes Back? "No." Strike 2. Do you like Return of the Jedi? "No." Strike 3. ;)
Wait, if I'm reading this post right, you're saying the new episodes sucked but you've only heard the old ones are good? First of all, watch the old trilogy. Do it. Secondly, welcome to the party, just about everyone hates the new episodes. I have no idea where you'd have heard any different, especially not around here. :p

Well, I've seen parts of the original trilogy, and possibly maybe even most of The Empire Strikes Back, plus the Family Guy trilogy which kind of parallels it? I realise I should actually watch the original trilogy before I make judgment, but I hate the prequel trilogy so much, how much better is the original trilogy? My girlfriend insisted we watch The Phantom Menace the other week, I've never felt sicker. Not just because it was a poor cash in on what made Star Wars good, the whole thing was just terrible. The race scene, which goes for so long, was one of the worst things I think I've ever seen. Anakin is so annoying just to look at.

From all that I have no real hang ups with boycotting Star Wars, Lucas is a franchise-milking tool.
I realise I should actually watch the original trilogy before I make judgment, but I hate the prequel trilogy so much, how much better is the original trilogy?

Night and ****ing day. They are really nothing alike.
The prequel trilogy is the Kinect Star Wars to the original trilogy's Jedi Knight II.
Also, if you get stuck with the wrong version you'll know. Han shoots the bounty hunter FIRST in the proper version of A New Hope.

Shit, I need to rewatch the original trilogy again. That was such a great three movies. I even still have the original unedited version VHS.
Well, I've seen parts of the original trilogy, and possibly maybe even most of The Empire Strikes Back, plus the Family Guy trilogy which kind of parallels it? I realise I should actually watch the original trilogy before I make judgment, but I hate the prequel trilogy so much, how much better is the original trilogy? My girlfriend insisted we watch The Phantom Menace the other week, I've never felt sicker. Not just because it was a poor cash in on what made Star Wars good, the whole thing was just terrible. The race scene, which goes for so long, was one of the worst things I think I've ever seen. Anakin is so annoying just to look at.

Without CG, they actually focused on story.

Also midichlorians was the worse explanation for the Force.
The Krayt Dragon sound is hilarious, it's just so ridiculous.