MMA for it right?


Aug 6, 2004
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having been trough kick boxing and box, personally i think it is wrong to teach such a purely violent sport to someone that young.
of course, the coach has a huge impact on the kids mentality and from the looks of it i don't think that coach has what it takes.
like the guy in the video said...this sport can really injure you, since protection is poor and the techniques are quite powerful (throwing someone on their head, arm twisting,...).
there is almost none of this in the more regular martial arts.

personally it is not that good of an idea to put a child into a sport that is first and foremost for show. that includes box and kick box.
they need some philosophical background that teaches them respect, self awareness and discipline.

what do you think?
I'm a huge fan of MMA but I don't think full contact MMA should be for kids. They can learn most of the aspects of mixed martial arts through not actually competing in it.

For example you can learn boxing and kickboxing without beating on another person. The same can be same with wrestling and jiu jitsu.

To actually compete in fights I think you should be 18 years or older. In reality the only dangerous part of MMA is the striking with the small gloves and no headgear. The submissions are never really that dangerous.
The submissions are never really that dangerous.

Except when held for too long a duration, depriving the brain of oxygen or blood, causing permanent damage, or just being applied incorrectly.

If I had a child, I would most definitely introduce them to various martial arts, especially BJJ and kickboxing, preferably Muay Thai. Techniques that you will learn in these classes are only dangerous and reckless if you make them so. Martial arts are more than just learning how to kick ass; there's a special responsibility and ethical code that should be ushered along with them.

To introduce a child into MMA, aka, cage-fighting, is a little bit different. I probably wouldn't be comfortable until my child was in his teen years, purely due to possible injuries. I don't like the idea that my kid could be eating elbows and knees to his face. Until he/she is older, he/she can perfect his/her technique and then dominate.
Except when held for too long a duration, depriving the brain of oxygen or blood, causing permanent damage, or just being applied incorrectly.

If I had a child, I would most definitely introduce them to various martial arts, especially BJJ and kickboxing, preferably Muay Thai. Techniques that you will learn in these classes are only dangerous and reckless if you make them so. Martial arts are more than just learning how to kick ass; there's a special responsibility and ethical code that should be ushered along with them.

To introduce a child into MMA, aka, cage-fighting, is a little bit different. I probably wouldn't be comfortable until my child was in his teen years, purely due to possible injuries. I don't like the idea that my kid could be eating elbows and knees to his face. Until he/she is older, he/she can perfect his/her technique and then dominate.

agreed...injury might be enough of an argument.
i'm most sure there are even social ones, but don't have proof right now.
one could be that the child might become arrogant and prepoten or that he might resolves issues more physically than diplomatically. but i'm not that sure
I thought you meant MDMA for a second, which would of been funny. Of course kids should be on ecstasy!
Why don't you cut the umbilical cord and take your kid out of the god damn bubble. If the kid likes it let them do it, just as if they wanted to play an instrument or build a robot.
Why don't you cut the umbilical cord and take your kid out of the god damn bubble. If the kid likes it let them do it, just as if they wanted to play an instrument or build a robot.

Yeah, damn, all those kids who want to fire guns at the range! Go for it! Just like a violin.

Ah honestly I don't know. Personally I can't see the harm in letting sensible kids do whatever they want, but that's the thing - sensible kids? Do you guys know any? D:
As long as there is adult supervision, obviously you don't just give a kid money to go firing at a range, but if your there, there really isn't any harm in it (also you probably wouldn't take like a 5 year old kid). Kids are sensible as long as adults are there.
that's probably the has a lot to do with the parenting. at a young age kids don't really know what they like. for instance i'd never new i like lego if they didn't bought me a set.
but then again the injury argument still stays.
I think kids can start of in lighter martial arts, learn the disciplin and what comes with. It's what i did.
Why don't you cut the umbilical cord and take your kid out of the god damn bubble. If the kid likes it let them do it, just as if they wanted to play an instrument or build a robot.

I agree. Though I'd enroll my kid in kid throwing before MMA.
I think it all revolves around structure, not necessarily arming children with the ability to kill a person with their finger. I remember when I was in karate I had to do some 5 minute martial arts routine in order to get my belt. It makes kids feel better about themselves and gives them some pride.

I reached my purple belt before I stopped taking classes, i'm a machine!

I remember Karate having, Yellow Orange Green Blue Brown Black 1st 2nd 3rd degres, where did purple come for you?
i dont know, but i have the belt at home...i was very young when I took karate, is it possible the belts have changed?
I know Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has a purple belt. So it may be the same for karate.
Well the one i listed, are as far as i know offical. But i know that some clubs have more levels, like Yellow belt with orange stripes, then Orange, and Orange with green stripes and so forth. Maybe it's something like that. Also many beginers have white belts with all the mentioned collores as a horizontal line, to symbolize that they are beginers.

I have to say i think these grade systems are silly and not unbiased. They don't really determine your skill as so many people seems to think. I was about 16 when i quit Karate, and i got me a green belt after 4 years, i missed some grade ceremonies so i was still on level with some of the blue and brown belts.
Why don't you cut the umbilical cord and take your kid out of the god damn bubble. If the kid likes it let them do it, just as if they wanted to play an instrument or build a robot.

or doing drugs, or killing small animals for fun or hell playing with handguns ..just because a kid likes something doesnt mean it's right

how old is the kid in question? if he's in his mid teens then I dont see a problem as that's the decision of the child/parent ..if something should go horribly wrong then they are to blame and need to take responsibility ...however anything younger than that can lead to serious injuries as kids just dont realise what they are capable of. putting a child in that situation of tantamount to negligence causing bodily harm ..the parents are stupid for taking such a chance. anyways this all depends on how old and what sort of contact this sport entails ..since I cant watch the video I'll have to wait to give my full impressions on the subject
or doing drugs, or killing small animals for fun or hell playing with handguns ..just because a kid likes something doesnt mean it's right

how old is the kid in question? if he's in his mid teens then I dont see a problem as that's the decision of the child/parent ..if something should go horribly wrong then they are to blame and need to take responsibility ...however anything younger than that can lead to serious injuries as kids just dont realise what they are capable of. putting a child in that situation of tantamount to negligence causing bodily harm ..the parents are stupid for taking such a chance. anyways this all depends on how old and what sort of contact this sport entails ..since I cant watch the video I'll have to wait to give my full impressions on the subject

Ok, your being completely retarded. You think you're making a point? Oh yea, I'll give my kids handguns because I let them join MMA, dur dur, don't be so ****ing stupid and have a proper argument for me.

You're obviously going to use good judgment, and obviously are not going to put a 5 year old in with a bunch of 10 year olds or something like that. MMA like football, basketball, or soccer is a sport, and like those sports it builds character/body. Stop being such an old fart. The instructor of the class will obviously teach how not to do things and how to properly do things, and will also watch over students and take necessary actions to help your kid if he gets hurt (or maybe in soccer a soccer ball/cleat to the face, or in football a spine injury from tackling), and if the instructor is shitty at his job, it's partially (like 70%) the parents fault for not judging the studio/instructor/program correctly for their child.

Maybe you could reply with something other then "MMA kids do drugs and use guns har har, I know everything duh dur"
Ok, your being completely retarded. You think you're making a point? Oh yea, I'll give my kids handguns because I let them join MMA, dur dur, don't be so ****ing stupid and have a proper argument for me.

:upstare: way to completely misinterpret what i said ..I never said one would to lead to another ..corelation does not equal causation ..because that would be retarded

You're obviously going to use good judgment, and obviously are not going to put a 5 year old in with a bunch of 10 year olds or something like that. MMA like football, basketball, or soccer is a sport, and like those sports it builds character/body. Stop being such an old fart. The instructor of the class will obviously teach how not to do things and how to properly do things, and will also watch over students and take necessary actions to help your kid if he gets hurt (or maybe in soccer a soccer ball/cleat to the face, or in football a spine injury from tackling), and if the instructor is shitty at his job, it's partially (like 70%) the parents fault for not judging the studio/instructor/program correctly for their child.

look, I said I couldnt watch the video so dont even know what age groups it involves so quit putting words in my mouth

Maybe you could reply with something other then "MMA kids do drugs and use guns har har, I know everything duh dur"

you're being retarded, I never implied that you did
Guy said kids as early as age 6, but they look from 6-12.
I think this is extremely ****ing stupid.

So some loud mouth GI Joe wants kids to explore that type of violence at such a young age; its equivocal to the Hitler Youth in my eyes and that power tripping punk should be out of the job.
Wrong. I know lots of people who have died from mma several times.
Wrong. I know lots of people who have died from mma several times.

Last I checked you could only die once. :dork:

Also, there's no way I'd let my 6-12 year old join a sport where you beat the shit out of each other. If he really wants to, he can wait till he's older. Maybe.
I had them resesitated just so i could kill 'em again.