Munro just got Munrowned by Munro.


Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
[] Munro (2): You think anyone would notice?
[] Munro (1): Munro, go do some work on the site
iogg: I should try that
[] Munro (1) puts feet up
[] Munro (2): Munro (1), give me access to the site, first
[] Munro (2): I appear to have mislaid my credentials
Xendance has changed their name to [] Munro.
iogg has changed their name to [] Munro.
[] Munro (2): nononono
[] Munro (2): You're doing it wrong
[] Munro (2): You have to use the "spawn" code first
[] Munro (1): @P
[] Munro: o hi
[] Munro (2): Otherwise people will see past your clever disguise
[] Munro (1): this is like the avatar incident all over again
[] Munro (2): And they'll crush your head between their thighs
Sciko Cav entered chat.
[] Munro: what
Sciko Cav: hey gang
[] Munro (2): Just hope Gandalf the grey and Gandalf the white and monty python and the holy grail's black kni-
[] Munro: I know.
[] Munro (2): Yeah, I cba listing them
[] Munro (2): But you still need to declare "npc_create npc_munro"
[] Munro: Munro (2) - shut up.
Sciko Cav: anyone watching the Germany v Poland game?
[] Munro (2): Munro (3); an example of a poor Administrator
[] Munro (2): No.
[] Munro (2): It's football.
Sciko Cav: so?
mocho loco: too many munros
AciD: Me watched
AciD: F1 FTW!
[] Munro (2): I did catch some of the Grand Prix, though
[] Munro (2) spawns another Munro
Sciko Cav: see who won?
[] Munro (2): Certainly not Hamilton
AciD: We pwnzorded germany at F1
[] Munro (2):
AciD: Kubica :p
[] Munro (2): F1?
[] Munro (2): I thought he was talking Football
AciD: Formula 1
[] Calhoun: lol wtf is that chat
[] Munro: what
AciD: Grand prix of Montreal
Pi Mu Rho: AciD: We pwnzorded germany at F1
Pi Mu Rho: which team won again?
[] Munro: Poland, methinks?
Sciko Cav: its still on
Sciko Cav: Germany is winning
[] Munro: by "we" Im guessing he meant poland
Pi Mu Rho: I meant the grand prix
[] Munro (2): Not here it ain't
AciD: But Kubica is Polish driver
Pi Mu Rho: driving for?
[] Munro: All these munro's is confusing me
mocho loco: me too
[] Munro (2): I certainly ain't confused
[] Calhoun: I think Munros should be banned except the real one
[] Munro (2): Me
[] Munro (2): I'm the real one.
[] Munro: I'm the real one.
[] Calhoun: WHICH ONE OF YOU
[] Calhoun: IS SPARTACUS
mocho loco: @_@
[] Munro (2): No, I'm Munro!
[] Munro: I don't have a number by my name.
Sciko Cav: Munro (3_
Pi Mu Rho: if I try to kick the real one, it won't work
[] Munro (2): Haha
Pi Mu Rho: shall we play a little game?
[] Munro (2): Wait...
[] Munro (2): No!!
Sciko Cav: Yes!
[] Calhoun: Yes
mocho loco: yep
iogg has changed their name to iogg.
[] Calhoun: You are go for Operation Torch
[] Munro has changed their name to iogg.
mocho loco: ok nows theres 2
[] Calhoun: 50/50
[] Munro (2): :S
iogg: OOOOH
[] Munro (2): Nope -->
[] Munro (2): I've got Munro avatar.
[] Calhoun: but do u haz munro hax
Sciko Cav: no gold star
[] Munro (2) kicks Calhoun
[] Munro (2) (3) (4) (5)
Sciko Cav: Munro (3) has a star, he must be the real one!
[] Munro (2): wtf?
iogg: I'm so confused now.
[] Munro (2): There ain't not Munro (3).
[] Munro (2) spawns another Munro
Sciko Cav: Munro (1), if you are the REAL munro, kick me from chat
iogg: Munro (4), if you are not the real one, don't kick me.
[] Munro (2): I would never do that, I'm too kind
[] Munro (2): That makes me the real Munrod
mocho loco: wat
[] Munro (2): taw
Sciko Cav: Munro (1) just do it, I ask of you!
[] Munro (2): Evidently Munro (1) is transcendent
[] Munro (2): He cannot hear you
[] Munro has changed their name to [] Munro.
iogg has changed their name to [] Munro.
mocho loco: munro(1) is the real munro
[] Munro (2): Either because he does not care or he can't
[] Munro: Mother****er.
[] Munro (2): If he does not care he is not benevelont
mocho loco: no moe munros!!!
[] Munro (2): So he can't be Munro
Sciko Cav: you are READING!
[] Munro (2): If he can't, he is not omnipotent
Sciko Cav: Munro is not illiterate!
[] Munro (2): So he can't be Munro
[] Munro (2): Therefore Munro (1) is not Munro
[] Munro: I am Druckles.
[] Munro (2): No, I am Druckles!
[] Munro (2): Oh wait.
[] Munro (2): Shit
[] Munro loves Druckles.
[] Munro (2) likes cock
[] Munro (2) uses his admin powers to close chat
mocho loco disconnected.
[] Munro (2): You're saying Munro likes cock?
[] Munro (2): I don't think Munro...
[] Munro (2): Oh shit, deja vu.
[] Munro (2): :s
[] Munro (2): God, I love Dilbert
[] Munro (2):
[] Munro: Stop confusing me.
[] Munro (2): Munro would never be confused
[] Munro (2): I've never cured cancer
mocho loco entered chat.
[] Druckles: oh hi!
[] Munro (2): :|
[] Munro (2): Wtf!?
[] Munro: What.
[HL2net] DigiQ8: wtf
[] Munro (2): Why didn't I get informed of the name change?!
[HL2net] DigiQ8: 3 munros
[HL2net] DigiQ8: OH NO
[] taviow: lol
[HL2net] DigiQ8 jumps from the window
[] Munro: How cute: "it was on the vle wen u made me feel better and u made me feel much better on friday! "
[] Munro (2) bans Digi
[HL2net] DigiQ8: NO U
[HL2net] DigiQ8: you work for me bitch
[] taviow: what is the meaning of this
[] Calhoun: lol
mocho loco: digi still here
[] Calhoun: It's Soviet Russia
[] Munro: Who are you?
[] Munro: How did you get in here?
[] Druckles: god
[] Munro: I'm all but certain it was ... Gordon Freeman.
[] Munro (2): Gordan
AtomicSpark: oh my god
AtomicSpark: i cant get over how good it is
[] Munro (2): Good what is?
mocho loco: ??
[] Munro: no ur mother
AtomicSpark: chicken con queso
[] Druckles: (oYo)
[] Dekstar: All the fake Munros should be banned!
[] Munro: >:O
[] Munro (2) spawns another
[] Munro (2): You can't stop us!
[] Munro (2): I mean me
mocho loco: (2) and (3)
[] Druckles left chat.
AtomicSpark: i could just kick them
[] Dekstar: do it
[] Munro (2): ?.?
[] Munro entered chat.
[] Dekstar: lol druckles
[] Munro: What the hell is this
[] Munro (2): What?
[] Dekstar: [] Druckles has changed their name to [] Munro.
[] Munro entered chat.
[] Munro (2): Haha
[] Dekstar: xD
[] Munro: 4 munros
[] Munro (2): Dekstar failed!
[] Munro: you've no idea how confused I am
mocho loco: OMG!!
[] Munro (2): Dekstar, you have no idea how much you failed :p
[HL2net] DigiQ8 has changed their name to [] Munro.
[] Dekstar: I didn't fail!
[] Dekstar: YOU FAILED
[] Munro (5): HAI ALL
[] Munro: Where is [] Munro (3) ?
AtomicSpark: Well for one thing, munro isn't David Buckly from UK
[] Munro (2): I failed?
[] Munro (2): I cannot fail, I'm Dru-
[] Munro (2): Munro.
[] Munro (5): FREE HL2s GAMES
mocho loco: a crap nows theres 5
[] Dekstar: Drumro!
[] Munro: next.
[] Munro (2): Can't ban us all
AtomicSpark left chat.
[] Munro (2): Damn right.
[] Munro: Next!
[] Munro: No.
[] Munro: NO!
[] Munro (2): You're David Buckly from UK
[] Munro (5): I CAN BAN
[] Munro entered chat.
[] Munro was kicked by [] Munro.
[] Munro (5): SEE
[] Dekstar: xD
[] Munro: Shit
[] Munro (5): I IS MUNRO
[] Munro: 6 munros
[] Munro entered chat.
[] Munro (2): Indeed
AciD: Free games?
[] Munro (2): :eek:
[] Munro (5): LOLS
[] Munro: Munro just munrowned munro.
[] Munro (6): oh hi
[] Munro (5): I AM MUNRO
[] Munro (6): i see you're all banned now
[] Munro (1): ...
AciD has changed their name to [] Munro.
[] Munro (2): Wait, which one am I?
[] Munro: Have you ever had it where you say a word so many times it feels weird
[] Munro (2): God, I lost my number after being kicked!
[] Munro (2): D:
[] Munro (7): SO
[] Munro (7): I am Real Munro
[] Munro (2): Yeah, I hate that
mocho loco: great noe everyone in halflife2 is gonna be munro
[] Munro (2): Particularly my name
[] Munro (2): Pi, can I get a name change on the fora? :|
[] Munro: mocho loco, be munro
[] Munro (2): You can't force people to be Munro
[] Munro (6): Pi isn't god enough.
[] Munro (2): Unless you're the *real* Munro
[] Munro (2): Like me.
[] Munro (6): Must ask Glenn or Munnies
[] Munro: I've witnessed 7 munros.
mocho loco: ur not the real
[] Munro (2): I can't change my own name!
[] Munro (2): I'm Munro, fgs!
[] Munro (2): Mocho, be munro.
[] Munro (7): I R real!
[] Munro (2): Wait... Real munro ain't Munro (1) no longer!
[] Munro: shut up Munro, I am Munro
[] Munro (2): Ffs, I got lost!
[] Munro (6): I am the real munro
[] Munro (4): no, I am Munro!
[] Munro (6): For I do not have numbers.
[] Munro (4): nor do I!
[] Munro left chat.
[] Munro (2): You all have numbers!
[] Munro (2): I just don't know which one I am D:
[] Munro (4): you have 1 as well
[] Munro (2): I must be 2
AtomicSpark entered chat.
AtomicSpark: oh hi
[] Munro (2): Holy shit.
AtomicSpark: whats going on in here?
[] Munro (2): Hi.
[] Munro (7): that one without number!
[] Munro (2): We're Munro.
[] Munro (2): We are the collective.
[] Munro (2): You will be Assimilated
[] taviow: I am one of the few who have not fallen yet
[] Munro (2): Resistance in Mutile
[] Munro: Hi
[] Munro (6): ??
[] Munro (5): GOOD GOD
[] Munro (2): Hi
[] Munro (4): Hi
[] Munro (2): I must be (6)
[] Munro (5): someone needs to save this chat
You have been kicked from the chat by Pi Mu Rho.
[] Munro was kicked by Pi Mu Rho.
[] Munro entered chat.
You have been kicked from the chat by Pi Mu Rho.
[] Dekstar: you should ban them
[] Munro was kicked by Pi Mu Rho.
[] Munro entered chat.
[] Munro (5): the revenge of the Pi
You have been kicked from the chat by Pi Mu Rho.
[] Munro entered chat.
[] Munro (4): Oh god, this is killing me.
[] Munro (2) entered chat.
iogg: I just got pi mu rho'd
[] Munro was kicked by Pi Mu Rho.
[] Munro has changed their name to mocho loco.
mocho loco entered chat.
[] Munro (2) was kicked by Pi Mu Rho.
AciD entered chat.
[] Munro entered chat.
AciD: I haz a screen
AciD: ^^
[] Munro (5): haha
iogg: Im saving it.
Munro entered chat.
[] Munro (5): <3
[] Munro (5): AciD
[] Munro was kicked by Pi Mu Rho.
iogg: tiem for a thread.
[] Ol' Druckles entered chat.
Munro was kicked by Pi Mu Rho.
[] Munro (5): hahaha
AciD: hm?
mocho loco: kick out
[] taviow: lol
Cav entered chat.
[] Munro has changed their name to [] Digiq8.
[] Ol' Druckles: Anyway
[] taviow: what is this now, the munro incident?

Funny as.
You have a habit of bringing back dead threads, don't you.