
Kula Meenur

Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Ay Munners, what's the story with this mate?


Crops up sometimes in a thread, sometimes after editing or replying...
What am I looking at?
Yeah, I get that too, sometimes after I've edited. I've seen it on other people's posts too, and when I refresh it's gone.
You can put the name of your steam community ID in your CP and it'll show up. That's all it is.
You should see it always. You can add/edit it in your UserCP.
Your avatar is beautiful, Munro.
I only see it sometimes after I reply or similar. I don't have a steamID set up, so it says something like steam ID not found, or a website or something.
I see mine and everyone else's all the time. Are you guys using FF3?
Not seeing it with any of the latest versions of Opera, FF or IE.

EDIT: Wait, there it is! THERE'S MINE!
EDIT2: aaaaand it's gone.
EDIT3: This little adventure happened in FF3, FWIW.
I don't see them as well. FF3 all the way.
I have never seen this. I didnt even know it existed. Ive been on FF3, FF2, and IE and have never seen it.
I want a fabulous border around my post count damnit.
Im so 1337 that I have an extra 3.

Or I did.
I've also experienced this.

It does not bother me, except for the fact it is inconsistent. Consistency would be nice.
That's what I told my ex about the sex.

She left me the next day. :(
Dunno why mine hung around for so long. Just made the inevitable worse.