My experience with HL2



On the 16th, I, like most of you, stayed up half the night to unlock it, played for a little while, and it was absolutely incredible. The next day, I was doing some room addition work on the house, and was cleaning up before coming in to play. A gust of wind blew sawdust and metal shavings into my eye, gouging and scratching my cornea. Strangely, my first thought was not "Oh god, I'm going to go blind!", but "Oh god, I can't play HL2!". Ever since the visit to the ER, I've been in a codeine coma. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to next week, when I can start seeing/playing again. Until then, I just have happy memories of taunting the combine police with crates & soda cans.
Renderer said:
A gust of wind blew sawdust and metal shavings into my eye, gouging and scratching my cornea. Strangely, my first thought was not "Oh god, I'm going to go blind!", but "Oh god, I can't play HL2!".

It's safe to say that you are in need of professional help.
I too stayed up half the night wading through the cesspool they call Steam, and in the end I too felt as though my eyes had been gouged out, perhaps at my own hand due to the extreme frustration I felt during the install.

Get well soon.