My Terrible Dream


Jun 29, 2003
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I was originally going to post this in the weird dreams thread, but its long, and different enough that I think it deserves its own. This is only about my 3rd thread, anyways.

Last night I had the worst nightmare of my life. Usually I enjoy nightmares, but this was the first time a dream really scared me.

It started out with a completely different dream, I was hanging out with a few of my friends, on some kind of grass and dirt path. It was incredibly peaceful and relaxing. As night fell, I began to gravitate towards a female friend of mine, and it almost turned into another, much more enjoyable type of dream, but she's got a boyfriend and I told her I didn't want to mess with that. At that point the dream shifted.

Suddenly I was in some european town in WWII, and in command of a small squad of soldiers, all of whom were younger than me, about 12-15 (I am, and was in the dream, 17). A few new boys arrived, and I began showing them the ropes, in pretty much the exact style of Lt. Dan from Forest Gump. A small group of soldiers attacked, and I instructed one of the boys on how to fire a thompson (sp?). He killed all three. There wasnt any gore, and we didnt bother checking out the bodies. I then checked a chart on how to identify enemy ships and plane. Afterwards, I went to sleep.

When I woke up, I knew, because it was a dream, that I had been in a coma for the past four years. Nobody knew why, and didnt particularly car. I was in a really crappy field hospital and I realized no one had taken car of me when I was asleep. I was extremely nautious, my hearing was odd, as though the pressure on my ears was wrong. I couldnt see well. My head felt weird. More than that, my mouth felt extremely odd to my toungue. In addition to the weird profile of my teeth, there was this disgusting, sickly sweet taste in my mouth, and a fluid that kept leaking in. I spit some out and it was blackish brown pus. Worst of all, my mind had rotted. I wasn't quite mentally retarded, but thinking was hard, and I had the mind of a ten-year-old.

I got out of bed, and tried to talk to some of the men around. They were now all older than me, 20-23ish, and tried to ignore me, and they mocked me behind my back, or occasionally right to my face. I went over to a mirror, and I can't really describe quite how terrifying my face was to me, but this is how it looked. The first thing i noticed were my teeth. They had rotted almost completely away. The front left one was completely gone. The hole the remained was brown and oozing. What was left of my teeth were jaggedy brown and yellow stumps, about half the size of regular teeth, a little spongy to the touch. The brown pus I was tasting, and had to keep spitting out, was leaking from the exposed pulp. The other really significant thing was my eyes. They were swollen terribly. My left eye was invisible beneath huge lumps of pink, swollen skin. There was a tiny stream of blood which leaked out. My right eye was almost entirely covered, only my iris was barely visible. I couldn't see any whites. In addition to this my muscles were horribly atrophied, and my skin clung tightly to my bones, not cartoonishly but as if I were starving, wherever I wasnt swollen, especially on my face. I was also bald.

Upon seeing this my nausea increased massively, and I hobbled quickly to the bathroom and vomited. I retched some pretty sick fluid into the toilet, but it felt like I was purging myself of it, and I felt quite a bit better. On my way in, I noticed a real life friend of mine, who seemed to have been conscripted since my coma. He ignored me, but I could tell he recognized me, and was disgusted. I was glad he had ignored me.

I went back to the mirror, and thought "I've wasted seventeen years brushing my teeth for nothing. Seventeen years of that stupid mindless task and I have nothing to show for it." It followed from that that I had wasted my entire seventeen years of life for nothing. I had spent so much time, and so much effort into building up my life to this point, and suddenly for no good reason it was all wasted. I knew from this point I was completely useless for anything, both stupid and horrifying to see.

Over the next few days, the level of teasing and mocking escalated to the point where it was getting violent. Finally I picked a fight with someone, who happened to be a six foot tall, heavily built black man. I didn't get my ass whooped, though. He knew I couldn't fight, so he didnt do any real damage. Afterwards, he helped get the other guys to back off, so things improved that way.

It seemed that the army (of whatever nation I was a fighting for) had been trying to discharge me since I had woken up, and had finally gotten a hold of my parents. One day they showed up at the HQ. They were overjoyed that I had woken up from my coma, but when they saw me, I could tell that they were disgusted, but tried to hide it. They soon left the base, obviously looking for ways to get out of the responsibility for caring for me.

That night, I went to bed, and for whatever reason, this part was almost as scary to me as seeing myself for the first time. I lay down in bed and began to cry because my situation was so terrible, and just as I was falling asleep, I turned onto my side. Suddenly reality began to fade out. It was just like a "fade to black" from a movie, but encompassed all my senses. The cot I was on slowly, over the course of 1-2 minutes faded into my matress. At the same time, my eyes cleared, my strength returned, and my teeth faded back into being. Oddest of all was the return of my mind. I slowly realized that I had been dreaming, and it wasn't real. I still had my body, my eyes, my mind, and my teeth. My whole life was ahead of me.

I was shaking a little bit, and my face and pillows were wet with tears.

I still haven't quite gotten over this, and might never completely. It really was the most horrifying experience of my life.
Wow, that's ****ed up...I don't think I've ever had dreams that are quite as real sounding as you put it
Whoa, that's pretty awesome. I love to dream like that every chance I get to, being horrifying or not. The latest dream I had was that I was in some Source mod and I was suffocated by a huge villian with a mattress.
Wow, thats pretty crazy stuff...
Let's hope that girl doesn't have a boyfriend in your next dream :thumbs:
evil^milk said:
Whoa, that's pretty awesome. I love to dream like that every chance I get to, being horrifying or not. The latest dream I had was that I was in some Source mod and I was suffocated by a huge villian with a mattress.
That's the thing: This was the first dream I've ever had that has really disturbed me. I've had other dreams in which I die terribly or something, but I always enjoy even those quite a bit. This time though...

Especially the end...
My guess is...

You like that girl and want to do something impressive to woo her so you think the army is cool and manly and would impress her so you start to dream about that when you have a siezure or your head falls off and licks something nasty in your bed and you get all confused and it goes on like that.
Now that's a dream. Like my forum name.....not really.

I've never had a dream like that. Are your dreams always like this except less intense?
According to Freud, it means you want to have sex with your mother.

But yeah, I've had dreams like that. They're awful, and impact you for months afterwards.
Dreams mean something...usually means you have brain worms or want to sleep with your mother.

Try to figure it all out as it all has meaning. Usually your brain dreams and it tries to fix all unsolved problems(emotional...that kind of stuff) while your asleep. You only remember a dream if your woken up suddenly/unexpectedly during the dream sequence or else you forget it.
wow dude I can only imagine how horrifying that could be to awake from a dream like that. Last dream I had was last night, and all the creatures from xen were attacking earth and I was holding out with a ton of people in an old school like place, you're definatelly blows mine away though.
Yeah, I wish I could have a realistic dream. I also envy you. My dreams always either involve fighting or absurd nonsense that I can't make any sense of after I awaken.
The only dreams I ever seem to have are very rare and are usually just a second or 2 long...maybe I sleep too well or too shitty to dream. Most likely the latter.

I guess the last decent dream I had went like this.

I was watching a movie with this girl I like and she kinda likes me(we werent cuddling or making out...which we have so I wish that was in the dream). The seats were oddly placed...half the seats didn't even face the screen in the theater. I looked up at the projectionist window and saw my friend who is a manager there(I was recently re hired there) and he told me and her to come up and help because he was having problems with starting the movie. So me and her run up there and he tells me to thread the projector so I do. Oddly enough it was string and with odd contraptions, nothing like an actual projector and then it ended there.

Oddly enough when I went to see a movie with her my friend was running booth(movies) and he messed the start up on it. Was pretty funny to me since I worked that for 6 months and he made a bunch of basic mistakes begginers do and he has been doing it for years and is a manager. Started it late, off frame and mis timed the start so it mixed with the ads.
Glirk Dient said:
The only dreams I ever seem to have are very rare and are usually just a second or 2 long...maybe I sleep too well or too shitty to dream. Most likely the latter.

I usually remember my dreams, unless they're so intangible that I lose track of what happened and forget them. Though I always remember that I at least had them. Sometimes in the middle of the day something will remind me of a dream I recently had, and it'll all come back to me.
I've had baaaaad dreams. I rarely do (I have really good, realistic dreams much more often) but when I do have one, they are godawful. Have you ever come out of your front door to see a multitude of horribly mutilated war veterans dragging themselves at you, moaning? It was f*cking AWFUL.
JNightshade said:
I've had baaaaad dreams. I rarely do (I have really good, realistic dreams much more often) but when I do have one, they are godawful. Have you ever come out of your front door to see a multitude of horribly mutilated war veterans dragging themselves at you, moaning? It was f*cking AWFUL. time I was attacked by zombies. Oh wait that was shawn of the dead...
Nat Turner said:
My dreams always either involve fighting or absurd nonsense that I can't make any sense of after I awaken.
like this? :rolling:

Yeah, I hate that. I wish I could have an awsomely cool dream like cyborg ninjas invading the earth or something... :hmph:
My dreams are just stupidly bizarre. Like being in a mix of DX/Sims while managing a space hotel and my daughter has been transformed into a subterranean alien grub that I need to kill, and the beginning of each day starts off from a 3rd-person isometric view in which I walk to the kitchen table, open the paper, and then switch to first-person before having to yell at security for not having the proper coffee beans or some such shit.

I think the most intense/real bad dream I had was when I was nearly killed for witnessing two homosexuals having anal sex in my grandmother's backyard.
Teta_Bonita said:
like this? :rolling:

Yeah, I hate that. I wish I could have an awsomely cool dream like cyborg ninjas invading the earth or something... :hmph:

Hehe yeah. I stopped having nightmares after I realized they're the coolest thing ever. It's a damn shame.

Really, nothing beats getting attacked, becoming depressed, or any other form of horror in a false reality. It can just be so exhilarating, and therefore awesome. Also, the more defined the dream is, the greater chance that I'll realize it's a dream where I can just screw around with everyone. Though I'm prone to doing that even if I don't know. :D

I just love the notion of having your life sucked away, and then starting fresh again after the nightmare ends.
Damn, you guys have good dreams. I dream 3rd person. It hurts.
When I wake up and try to remember the dream, its like I got hammered, I can remember anything but faint parts.
Nice post, Spooky. I had a dream that felt like it changed my life like yours. It took me all day to get over it. But don't worry, you WILL get over it. But it will not be forgotten.

My dream was fairly similar, in the respect that I felt like my life became meaningless. In the dream I had lost the lower halves of both my legs, and there was something wrong with my family, I don't know what, but whole days went by in the dream (Seriously, it was extremely long) and everything just felt 'wrong', and I just couldn't stand living.

I woke up with tears as well. I felt really weird the whole day, and made a thread like you did here. (Except mine got ruined by a bunch of jerks ;))
Ah yeah, I've been chased by zombies from my front door once.

Except I knew it was a dream so I imagined myself a chainsaw and basically owned them. It was awesome.
I had a dream where the fantastic four took me and some people I know from school on a field trip to completely random places, there was one part I remember we were driving down a high-way in one of those aqua-cars, and there was a large exploshen or two on some buildings, everyone was panicing. I had thousands of thoughts running through my head "Terrorist attack?" "Govenment conspiracy?" "****ed up accident?"

I calmed the people down next to me but I coudn't control what I was saying "See? It's over, we're safe" I yelled as we drove past people running around on fire and burnt out hippy-vans as our car drove undamaged. We came off an exit to expose a large river, we drove off the edge of the road, I held onto a seat and held my breath. *Splash* I thought I was underwater but I heard laughter, risking my life I took a quick breathe but to feel air (Followed by a disgusting smell) go up my nose, so I opened my eyes and said "That water is ****ing disgusting, i'm glad we didn't go in."

By the way we were all in Fantastic Four tight-suits :X And I woke up at 5pm drenched in sweat. :( There was alot more in this dream (Involving flying chairs and lunch boxes and people hugging) but I can't be ****ed typing it all.
I tend to wake up screaming most nights, so I avoid sleep.

-Angry Lawyer
Hah, amazingly I had a dream that I was in a post-apocalyptic world. I was driving a Ford Transit van, and I was being chased by Native Americans on Motorbikes, one poor sucker was on a pedal tricycle.

You can tell that Westerns, Mad Max and Joss Whedon have really screwed with my head
Lucid Dreams ftw!

Shame I've had like 5 through my entire life and most were really short. I have to start reading about them and thinking about them. They came when I was really interested in LD.
I was into lucid dreams a year ago or so. It was pretty cool, not that hard to learn imo.
Well, as far as what it might mean:

Being in the army isn't surprising at all; I'm often in the military in my dreams and usually in charge. It makes sense that I was in charge of younger people too, as most clubs I'm in, I'm in charge of a bunch of younger people, as this is my senior year in high school. Also it gives a chance for an exageration of the passage of time, when everybody is older later on.

I don't think the coma had any real influence, although I do like to sleep a lot.

The ways my face is ruined could possibly be traced back to reality. I think I had some notion at one point that my eyes were so messed up because someone left my contacts in. That may have been after I woke up, however. When I returned to my real bed, and my mouth changed shape, I was relieved to find my retainer in my mouth. My hearing was probably a little odd because I've been sick and my hearing has been odd in reality. I don't know why I was stupid, though. Could be I'm a pretty smart guy in reality, and that was the best way undermine me. It might have something to do with exams, which I took last week, but I did pretty well on those, and felt prepared for the one's on the next day.

The frustration with losing my life could be traced to a couple of thoughts I've had recently that, if I had worked at it, I could easily have gotten into colleges along the lines of MIT and Princeton with my SAT scores. That doesn't seem to really bother me though.

My mom thinks I'm crazy, and is really disapointed in me for abandoning Catholocism, so that could explain my parents reaction.

I've actually had a few decently realistic dreams, though nothing this crazy. One lasted for three years, dream time. I started a revolution, headed it, and finally woke up during the final battle. In another I was taken hostage, and executed by having my throat slit. I also had an awesome post-apocalyptic dream, in which a meteor hit the Atlantic and flooded everything. Civlization was slowly set up again, and I got an awesome view of that via a hot air balloon.

More typically I just have normal dreams.
I've had the odd lucid dream now and then, I don't know how to provoke them though.
I have really weird dreams like getting conscripted and yelling "DIE BITCHES" at incoming hordes of enemies with the same faces and shooting them with a machine gun, and I see it in 3rd person...

Or I have dreams that seem to be purple all over.
I had a dream the other night that scared me more than any I've ever had in my entire life. I don't remember most of it, but the part that scared me and where I woke up in a cold sweat with a horrible feeling of cold and total terror gripping me was as follows.

I was walking through some strange house with a girl. The girl was walking a dog. I don't remember who the girl was but I don't think she was someone I know in real life, just some fictional character of the dream. We were walking through the house for reasons I don't remember, but it was just a leisurely stroll - it was like a walk on the sidewalk or on a trail but instead it wound through countless rooms across red carpets and through doors and hallways. We walked through a room that had a staircase on the right leading up somewhere, and after we left the room the dog went nuts and ran back into the room, pulling the girl, as it barked madly. I ran in after them and she was at the bottom of the stairs trying to restrain the dog from running up there. It was barking up the stairs at something at the top, and when I looked up my heart stopped.

It wasn't anything. It was darkness, with some weird white light. Just like an attic, a dark square cloaked in shadow - there was no creature or being or anything there, just a mass of darkness. and it was the most scary, terrifying thing in my life. I don't know why, but it terrified me more than anything else that's ever happened to me while dreaming or awake, and I've had some crazy ****ed up dreams and some scary shit happen to me in real life.
Alright, I'm not going to sleep until I forget your post.
I'm still shaken up about it.

I woke up at 4 in the morning after that and had another terrifying dream afterwards because i fell back asleep while still scared. the other one involved a cat and the dark light thing and i'm not going into it.
The dreams that scare me the most, after I wake up... are those that involve modern events.

I don't know why I have them, but I have them every couple months or so, and they are very traumatizing. Things like nuclear explosions near where I live, and i've even had some where its in the near future and the world is at war and me and my family are fighting for our lives in some place down in southern america. With airstrikes, artillery strikes, and everything inbetween.

I don't want to go into detail, cause its quite disturbing and i'm not sure if I could get the facts straight since its been quite a while since my last one.

They're the only dreams I wake up from though and start panicking. First thing I do is usually open the blinds in my room to look outside.
Hah, amazingly I had a dream that I was in a post-apocalyptic world. I was driving a Ford Transit van, and I was being chased by Native Americans on Motorbikes, one poor sucker was on a pedal tricycle.
sounds like somebody's been playing too much indian outlaw. :p
a recent dream I had involved me losing my fingers. I'm not sure how I lost them... maybe with a wire or something. The point is, that I was looking at my hand with four severed fingers bleeding a dark maroon color. My first thought when I saw this was, "Shit, I'm not gonna be able to play the guitar anymore."

I started panicking and started looking for the fingers. After I gathered them up, I went to find my mom to help me get to the hospital for doctors to reattach them. When I found my mom, I started yelling at her. She wasn't responding; she only stared blankly at the TV. I shook her and she was dead stiff. She turned her eyes at me, but she didn't move from anywhere else, and then she just lost balance and fell stiff on the floor.

I just ran and decided to drive myself to the hospital. I was obviously driving fast so I could get there, but I didn't know where I was going, and the cops were behind me. Then I woke up.
My dream i had last night was very odd....involved an alien "psychicly binding" itself to me, really disturbing.
I kinda knew i was in a dream like usual but it was still worrying.
Hah, amazingly I had a dream that I was in a post-apocalyptic world. I was driving a Ford Transit van, and I was being chased by Native Americans on Motorbikes, one poor sucker was on a pedal tricycle.
Legend, i have far too many post apocalypse dreams i blame mad max as well.
Ford granadas and volvos are the usual rides in mine, lol.
Wow, that is an amazing dream. You did quite a good job describing it too. I could really see how that would affect you by imagining myself waking up like that.

I rarely dream, but the other night I had a dream experience that was very strange. It was very realistic, seeing how all i was doing was talking to a friend on aim. As I was typing, I realized that its probably 3:00 in the morning and I had to work in the morning. I decided to just leave my computer and go to bed. As I turned away from my computer to my left, I woke up in my bed turning to the left. It was a completely seemless transition from dreamworld to reality and it startled me. I was very confused and couldnt recall actually getting ready for bed and going to sleep. I actually had to reach under the covers to feel whether I still had my clothes on. Very, very weird experience.

edit: ennui, your dream sounds quite terrible as well.
I had a dream last night where I was playing CS, and suddenly a pop up came in game and said "Beware! Mutant Found." Sudden someone took full control of my computer and ran a bot, so my guy was aimbotting, speedhacking, wallhacking, and godmoding against a whole bunch of similiar guys in a weird server. No one knew what was going on so was like "Lol..." "Heh?". I remember disconnecting the internet connection scared shitless, then I forced myself to wake up.

People hacking my computer(s) scare me.
didnt read the whole thing
but I ussually hav weird stupid nonsense dreams that when I wake up I say "what the hell was that?"
for example I once had a weird dream like a episode of family guy and other cartoons
also some dreams involving friends and stuff,for example I dreamed once I was in like visiting another school and all the people of the school was making fun of me and I fight them all
and off course bad dreams like one when I got stabed in the stomach and other one where the police for no reason acttack me and I kill them

but what really scare me is that they feel so real