Nervous about Ravenholm


Nov 26, 2008
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I'm on my first playthrough of HL2, and I've just finished Black Mesa East. I've heard so much about Ravenholm, and I am freaked out by survival horror, and I'm a little afraid of doing the mission. Is it really that bad?
I didn't find it scary at all, just annoying. It was imho the worst chapter in HL2. Too gimmicky and contrived.
oh, good. I was kinda scared of doing it because I've heard so much about the fast zombies and everything...
Depends how old you are, because you have to keep in mind that this game is rated M for Mature. That being said, the level is a little 'dark', and has a couple surprises, but it won't scare your pants off of you unless you're rather young.
yeah, I can understand that. I don't mind the dark, and if there are a lot of zombies, that's fine's just when there's one or two, and they jump out and latch on to your face or whatever...for example, playing HL1 the first time scared the crap out of me with the I just laugh, wait, and it's a crowbar to the face (I think that's what it is...)
I've never actually completed HL2 aswell and I just finished playing HL1 and now I'm gonna try and beat HL2 aswell and then EP1 and then EP2. :p
ok, I'm just past the part with the poison headcrabs...holy CRAP those gave me a scare.
The first time I played through i refused to do Ravenholm and got my dad to do that chapter. It took me quite a while to get up the courage to paly it myself but I finally got there! Don't worry, even if it takes you a while to find the courage you'll get there! :)
Ravenholm is kinda scary first time around. After that, it's just dumb. Although I do recommend playing it, since it has a great finale, and since most of what follows is basically awesome. I agree that it's the worst chapter of HL2.
I've no problem admitting im a complete woman when it comes to computer games.

I actually found ravenholm quite scary, its the atmosphere, the fact that it's night, and those horrible screams!
seem kinda tame now after all this time, guess it's jsut old for me :\
First time through I thought it was pretty scary. Even stopped playing for a day until I finally manned up and went through it. I was relieved when I finally walked through that tunnel to start the buggie level. That was like 4 years ago when I was 14. Now it's not so bad, I just have to get passed the first barrier of "okay, there's that pair of legs hanging off a rope" and sink into the atmosphere.
I actually like Ravenholm. Nice to mix things up once awhile. The atmosphere is just awesome, and who doesn't like shooting a zombie with a shotgun and explosive barrels.
It's not so scary. Maybe first time it is, but next times it is just another chapter. When i was little i was really afraid of Morrowind. Especially the Netches and Skelektons. But then i learned to face them and now i pwn them emotionless. It all really depends on your experiences with video games.
I remember seeing a gameplay movie in 2003 with someone starting the Ravenholm tour, it was still beta at the time, but man, I was so impressed! When I saw the wood planks broken with the crowbar which sprode them into bits and pieces, I was like ...:bounce:
Then the gravity gun + saw disks combos on zombies. Omg, I was so anxious to get the game faster and reach Ravenholm as soon as possible.
i kinda was hesitant at first, when you climb the first ladder to enter the town, i sort of hung around
at the bottom a bit longer than i should have. ran back just to double check that alex and dog really
didnt want to come. *sigh* dog in ravenholm, how funwould that have been?
I'm on my first playthrough of HL2, and I've just finished Black Mesa East. I've heard so much about Ravenholm, and I am freaked out by survival horror, and I'm a little afraid of doing the mission. Is it really that bad?

If your a grizzled veteran gamer you wont even batter an eyelid.

I saw a youtube of people shatting themselves playing left 4 dead, I wish I could experience the game that way.

My advice, just play through it, putting it off only makes it worse.
I was about 13 when I first went through Ravenholm, and I shit myself multiple times.
I was about 13 when I first went through Ravenholm, and I shit myself multiple times.

Haha, when i first time entered Ravenholm i was playing it like all normal chapters, sometimes my heart was stopping of the headcrabs surprising attacks.
I didn't bat an eyelid at Ravenholm and I'm not even finding L4D much of an adrenaline rusher.

Its like, log in, play with mates, kill some zombies, kill the predictable boss mobs, kill the predictable zombie hordes, fail multiple times over but eventually complete it on expert or sail through on any other difficulty.

if you guys think that Ravenholm is scary then do not under any circumstances play Dead Space untill you grow a pair :cheers:
Scared at first, I can do it without jumping at all anymore, after playing Ep1.
But that was years ago, :p

P.s., I didn't find dead space scary at all.
first time is was creepy, but the rest was so predictable. hurray for scripted sequences!
P.s., I didn't find dead space scary at all.

I was only scared for the first chapter, because of the hype mostly as it being "the scariest game ever." However, once you learned that all corpses on the ground reanimate and things jump through vents its not fact it was incredibly boring. So boring that I traded the game in at the beginning of chapter four. :|
Ravenholm is not scary. Go do the level, it isnt even that long.
I didn't find it scary at all, just annoying. It was imho the worst chapter in HL2. Too gimmicky and contrived.

Really? The worst chapter? I thought Rout Kanal was the worst...

At OP, come on, man, grow some balls. After all, it's just a game.
I'm on Ravenholm now 2 hours into the game and it's not that scary.
BTW playing catch with dog is fun :p
It's mainly just an age thing I think with Ravenholm, or any "scary" game for that matter. When I first played it when it came out I was 14 and I wouldn't say I was terrified but I was pretty tense in some of the parts. Of course now after playing through the game a hundred times its impossible to jump at anything but even so I don't think it would have that much of an effect on me, again due to age. The one part that always got me the worst was the section you come to where you have to release the lever and then run up on the roof to get up to the other side of buildings, mainly because of the fact that zombies never stop spawning here. Then you've got the fasties running up behind you as you climb ladders, hearing them growl and snarl as they're about to take a chunk out of you. And poison zombies whipping poison headcrabs at you from down below. Fun stuff.
I played through Raveholm when I was 12, and it scared the holy shit out of me.
Man I'm sure i wasn't scared of Ravenholm. It was all "Awesome" and "Look at that a crawling top-half of a zombie!"