New moderator nominations

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ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Due to the rapid growth of this forum and its increasing number of numptys, I've decided to open up nominations for moderators. I've done this as I can never choose who to pick. I know who I like, but I want to hear who you like and try to select people we can both work with.

Please use this thread to nominate people who are: active, fair, mature, dedicated, good at group discussions or benefit in some way.

The moderators tasks will be to delete spam, discuss issues, ban numptys and overall make this a better place with patience and understanding towards users.

As always comments/suggestions welcomed. But please no personal attacks, spam, or off topic posts. Its just your suggestion to us as to who would make a good mod.

NO SELF-NOMINATIONS you must pick someone other then yourself.
New to this board, but I plan on being very active. I am currently a moderator at the forums, and have been so for about 2 months. I think I could help out alot around here, and really do for the better.
I say again, NO SELF-NOMINATIONS you must pick someone other then yourself. ;)
Oh, oops...Sorry I did not read that. I nominate guinny, because I have seen much maturity in him, and I think he would make a good moderator.
I nominate GOoch, a really m8. And he is fair, mature and dedicated :cheers:

EDIT: Let's get serious
APOS! :borg:
He seems to be the guy who knows how to keep order in the forums :) ... and he knows much ^^
I think this topic is in the wrong forum...i dont think this is "Talk about everything Half-Life 2 related."

But its your call munro :D
Originally posted by -FP- LoS
New to this board, but I plan on being very active. I am currently a moderator at the forums, and have been so for about 2 months. I think I could help out alot around here, and really do for the better.

Do you know of Barake??? I think he mods for the DC section of is it sure, but Matt(barake) such a crackhead :afro: :afro: :cheese:
Decisions, decisions. So hard to come by and yet we have to do them on a daily basis.

According to Munro's criteria mentioned above and because he's already dying to become a moderator, i'll send Jager into the race.
I'm feeling the love... NOT ;) oh well i guess you guys don't love me. :)

I guess I will nominate Jager
I second (or whatever the number is now) Apos... if only so he can delete all those extranious replies on his gabe e-mail post. That was a good idea and he should be given the power to enforce the no discussion rule which has failed it seems :(

I nominate Majestic XII, I believe he would do a great job.
You guys are forgetting someone highly respected and trustworthy - mrBadger. Oh, that guinny guy is pretty cool too.
Definitely nietzsche. And Gooch isn't the worst choice for a mod... he'd make an okay one.

I'd nominate myself, too. But I won't. x_x
EVIL, Nietzsche, MrBadger or Farrowlesparrow...

These guys where here before me, and have spent alot of time helping and informing people about information, are exteremly friendly and would all make and intresting and invaluable addition to an already great, trusting and fun community
MrBadger, Simmo2k3, EVIL, Majestic's a good choice...
let's see, who's said good things about me...
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