Now Vivendi says Feburary!

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May 18, 2003
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Okay, now I'm pretty sure none of you people in here trust Vivendi Universal about what they say when it comes to HL2's ship date, but I just want to share the information that I was talking to a Vivendi rep just 30 minutes ago in a GameStop near my house and he said that there is a good (or bad ;( ) chance the HL2 will be delayed until Feburary.

Please don't flame this thread. Just thought you would like to know.

A Concerned HL Fan Just Like You
if the whole delay issue has made one thing abundantly clear, it's that vivendi doesn't know anything and cannot be trusted.
he was probably fooling you. Either he wasnt really who he said he was or he was fooling you anyways.

I would only really trust a date if you bump into gabe and talk to him on the street
Interesting, i only have one thing to say.

you shuda posted this with the other delay threads. ( just saying that to try to get the rest off ur bk m8)

oh and, if this is true, ie its actualy delayed till feb.(i dont doubt your honesty) then:





mind you my birthday is in feb.........
Damn.... well let's all just wait and see what happens sept. 30th.

No use getting all freaked out over who says what, if Gabe Himself sent an e-mail in which he talks about a delay, i'll believe it.

PS Marksman... then you shouldn't complain 'cuz you could get HL2 for free (ask it for your birthday) :D
a vivindi rep in a gamestop? any proof?
I still believe in the original date. Itd be a real mistake to delay this game and put it closer to the Doom3 release date. HL2 has a major edge if it comes out earlier than Doom3.
Actually I just spoke to my ancestors using chicken wishbones and voodoo and they assured me the vivendi rep you just spoke to was full of crap.
Originally posted by dirge23
if the whole delay issue has made one thing abundantly clear, it's that vivendi doesn't know anything and cannot be trusted.

I wouldn't say that.. What has Vivendi said that's been proven wrong? Someone at Vivendi leaked the delay news, but nobody has denied it at all. Valve has said either 'no comment', or "I don't know where they got that date", both of which mean nothing. Vivendi has said 'it was a miscommunication' and 'valve is still working towards sept 30th', both of which mean nothing. Of course it was a miscommunication, it was a leak, that doesn't tell us anything about the truth of the delay. And of course Valve was still WORKING toward sept 30th, that doesn't mean it's going to come out then.

Like I said before on this board, I will be disappointed but not surprised if HL2 doesn't even come out this year. Everyone who is lovestruck with the septemeber 30th date needs to take a big dose of reality.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Interesting, i only have one thing to say.

you shuda posted this with the other delay threads. ( just saying that to try to get the rest off ur bk m8)

oh and, if this is true, ie its actualy delayed till feb.(i dont doubt your honesty) then:





mind you my birthday is in feb.........

my birthday is in feb too. So i guess some good would come out of it since i might be able to get someone to buy it for me.
again i ask, wtf would a vivindi rep be doing in a gamestop and how would you know he was a vivindi rep? DID he have a huge shirt saying "HERE IM A VIVINDI REP"...???

Or by vivindi rep do you mean a dumb-ass store employee?
I bet this Rep was wearing a Doom III shirt too.
Lair! You are not from Vivendi! OMG ITS CARMACK!!
Feburary is quite far away. We should use the ABC method for any delay things:

Author - Who gave the information? Was it someone at Vivendi or Valve?
Bias - Is there any bias from the source?
Comparison - This is the most important one - does it agree with other sources?
let's all sleep in front of gabe's house till he comes out and we can ask him about the release date...
I am so tired of this shit.

Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
my birthday is in feb too. So i guess some good would come out of it since i might be able to get someone to buy it for me.
Yeah my bdays in feb too so im gonna try to get someone to buy it cuz i have a feeling its gonna be expensive like a mug.
Originally posted by Chris_D
I am so tired of this shit.


Indeed. All these people are posting delay threads YET if we were to have them killed we'd go to jail. You call that justice?
Originally posted by Feath
Feburary is quite far away. We should use the ABC method for any delay things:

Author - Who gave the information? Was it someone at Vivendi or Valve?
Bias - Is there any bias from the source?
Comparison - This is the most important one - does it agree with other sources?

I agree, there's little evidence that Feburary is the release date. However, the statistical likelihood that HL2 will be released on time is low. Extremely low. Taking into account every major game released in the last 5 years (including HL1), the chances of a huge project like HL2 hitting its first release date is pretty close to 0. And every day that Sept 30 isn't confirmed makes it less likely.
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