Obsidian's "Alpha Protocol"

I'm actually looking more forward to New Vegas than this, but I'm still hyped for AP. Plus, there will likely be the ghostly voices of Brian Mitsoda's creativity in the latter, so there should be a few worthwhile segments in AP.
Story. Characters. Dialogue.

All that matters.
Story. Characters. Dialogue.

All that matters.
And the game. Don't forget the game.

You can have the most awesome story in the world with the most badass lineup of characters spouting the best dialogue you've ever heard ... still going to be tarnished if the game mechanics are boring as hell.
i'd take decent enough game with interesting story over boring story and good game

Kinda like LOK

Point is IMO you need both :p
And the game. Don't forget the game.

You can have the most awesome story in the world with the most badass lineup of characters spouting the best dialogue you've ever heard ... still going to be tarnished if the game mechanics are boring as hell.

Planescape: Torment would be guilty of that, if dialogue and character development weren't inherent parts of the gameplay.
Man, I didn't really care about this until someone asked me if I would like a spy RPG. Why I didn't get this on my own is beyond me. I think I wrote it off because of some very early coverage of it a long time ago. I am quite interested in this game now. I just hope the RPG elements are a big part of the game.
I'll get it when the price drops. I'll get a lot of games from Steam, when their prices drop...
I already have this and the strat guide pre-ordered at Gamestop (only to be used in subsequent playthroughs). I don't see this being a popular game, though, and that saddens me to think that. The replayability will be nothing short of immense +120hrs of dialog, so I have no problem justifying my purchase.
After my previous experience with Prima guidebooks, I'm staying away from them, the ones I've bought have been filled with inaccuracies, it has seemed as though the book was written long before the game went gold, and there are often differences between the game and guidebook that can be quite notable.

It's quite ironic that I often find free guides written by individuals to be of more use than Prima's.
After my previous experience with Prima guidebooks, I'm staying away from them, the ones I've bought have been filled with inaccuracies, it has seemed as though the book was written long before the game went gold, and there are often differences between the game and guidebook that can be quite notable.

It's quite ironic that I often find free guides written by individuals to be of more use than Prima's.

It'll provide good "reading material" regardless, heh.
Pretty close to release now, surprised there aren't more reviews out.

I'm not completely sold on this game yet, so I "need" those reviews.
My prediction:


After the dust has settled.
I'm gonna say 83, which means exactly what every other 83 does these days: mediocre.
ok that was kinda funny :LOL::LOL::LOL:

EDIT: Actually i forgot this is released in 2 days, where are the reviews? D=

reading on forums where some have played the game it sounds like it could be a real stinker of a game in places =s
Well, it's a genre bender of a game so I wouldn't be surprised if it excelled at one thing and sucked at another.

Still looking forward to it though.
Wonder what kind of sales this will see, the big gaming sites seem to have forgotten it completely and people are busy with RDR.
My prediction:


After the dust has settled.
Expecting it to be around the 80s since it hasn't got the hype to score the "best game ever" type of reviews.
first english review; and it aint pretty:

Sadly though, those few ideas which do work well are buried by a multitude of issues which systematically tear down and destroy the huge potential that could have been afforded by Obsidianâ??s choice of setting and approach. The poor balancing, the rambling speeches, the linearity and the simple fact that the combat doesnâ??t feel pleasant? These are just the highlights

That's too bad. Pretty much exactly what I expected though.

[edit] It sounds to me like the GamesMaster review is paid or otherwise biased.
GamesMaster's sounds like, yeah, they took what the devs said in previews and changed the adjectives around a bit.

Last gameplay video I saw was horribly disappointing compared to what I was expecting. It had great potential.
Been watching my colleagues play for a while. I'm predicting a typical Obsidian 85% or so. dialogue/voice acting looks really fun. Combat looks less so. Hacking minigame looks balls but apparently is pretty simple once you figure the trick to it. Mirrored shades are awesome.
Judging by the game play videos the combat looks terrible and the environments look bland.
what little reviews there are sound REALLY mixed. Its either decent or terrible basically :|

I predict a metascore under 80 now anyway