Other New Specials

Jun 19, 2008
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Steering away from the topics based on people arguing over a game yet to be released; not including the Charger, does anyone believe we'll be seeing any other new special infected? Any ideas?
Valve said there will be 3 new special infected, one of them being the Charger. And we will see them during the summer.
Its always summer down here, cept for Monsoon.
Hey, just because I have nonstop sex, doesn't mean it's hot down there.

Does it? I could get you a little AC unit down there.
Some chow too, those nail clippings i get taste horrible.

P.s. It seems monsoon doesnt only happen at night if you get what i mean
A special infected that is permenatly surrounded by a ring of commons.
I believe the Wikipedia entry mentions a "Wandering Witch". That ought to be suitably unpleasant.

I think a special like the Revenant from Doom 2 would be cool. Resurrects zombies were they fall, but maybe as shamblers.
I'd like more zombies that encourage long distance combat. Smoker does this, and it seems like the charger might too, but it's far too infrequent as it is now.
Didn't the idea of the Charger start here on halflife2.net a little while ago? I remember thinking it was a good idea.
I also heard in a Left 4 Dead 2 gameplay video that each movie has it's own "Uncommon Common" infected person. We saw in one of the gameplay videos a person in a HAZMAT suit that was immune to fire.
I also heard in a Left 4 Dead 2 gameplay video that each movie has it's own "Uncommon Common" infected person. We saw in one of the gameplay videos a person in a HAZMAT suit that was immune to fire.

They mentioned in an interview somewhere that, that was the last campaign. At the beginning, during the first campaign we'll be closer to the start of the zombie apocalypse or whatever you wish to call it. So people in Hazmat suits wouldn't make sense, considering you don't normally see them running around and they wouldn't of been dispatched yet to deal with the problem.

This makes coming up with ideas for earlier campaigns some what more difficult. Maybe they'll be people, recently infected going around, but what advantage they could be given I can't imagine.

I think I read this right, or missed a joke, but I believe they said the first campaign is to be set in Africa, near a mine or dig of some sort?
I think I read this right, or missed a joke, but I believe they said the first campaign is to be set in Africa, near a mine or dig of some sort?

I don't recall ever hearing about that, but if you're correct, that's going to be pretty awesome. Mines are usually very dark, so it's going to be hard to see the Infected without your flashlight on.
I don't recall ever hearing about that, but if you're correct, that's going to be pretty awesome. Mines are usually very dark, so it's going to be hard to see the Infected without your flashlight on.

Oh wow! Never thought of that part. Yeah, I'll try check to see if I got it right, but if I did, some fun to be had there ;)

Edit: Did some searching, I couldn't find the article I was thinking of, but I managed to find this instead, on numerous sites.

"Left 4 Dead 2 takes place in the South of the USA, beginning in Savannah, eventually reaching New Orleans."

My bad, I mentally mixed them two up, Savannah, not Africa. Still can't find a mention of the mines I thought I read about though :(

Edit No'2: Again with the mental mixs ups. You start among plantations in Savannah, Georgia. Don't even know how I did that one.
How about an infected who can throw other infected at the survivors? Does a ministun a bit like bash or hunter landing, and if you throw a boomer he explodes or if a hunter it triggers a pounce, without needing to crouch to power it up.
I wouldn't be surprised if the other infected are alternative versions of existing SI (smoker, boomer, ect). I am not saying that as a slight against Valve's imagination, I think they did such a good job with the original SI and the Charger solved the biggest weakness the existing SI had.
What other gap is there to be filled?
How about an infected that doesn't actually do damage, but does immobilize survivors and has a very high health. Might be good to help with teamwork since just immobilizing a survivor far off wont do much but leave them stranded.
I like the throwing zombies idea. I'd also like more variety in the standard zombies. Maybe even little kids zombies than run around real fast.
Kid zombies would be awesome but I think ratings would be a big problem. Plus people would rant at them for going after the 'shock factor' and all that crap.
You're probably right. It's a shame - i'd love a school map in L4D2. You're walking down the corridors at night and then hear the high pitched screams and the patter of really fast little feet /o\

Your zombie throwing idea reminds me of this terribly racist arcade game I was playing in Japan. You get to hold these glove like controls in each hand - they're basically wiimotes - and have to beat up an endless procession of black dudes by throwing punches at the screen. You're a pair of white cops btw. The boss of the first level is a huge black body builder who attacks by throwing other black dudes at you - I shit you not :LOL:
How about an infected who can throw other infected at the survivors? Does a ministun a bit like bash or hunter landing, and if you throw a boomer he explodes or if a hunter it triggers a pounce, without needing to crouch to power it up.

I can just see it now! The new special infected, which could be called "The Hurler", hurls a Boomer at the Survivors. An explosion of Boomer bile knocks the Survivors on the ground as a horde of Infected rush them from all sides.

So yeah, that's a cool idea.

Hau baut a guy liek the smoker, who ropes people in and then instead of strangling thim he swings them around and stuff and bashes them to the ground and stuff and hurts them a lot an stuff an instead of a toung he uses his penis.

We can call him the ****er, cause he ****s people with his penis.

Look, we alrdy hav teh boomer, the hunter, the charger, and the sokmer, and now we'll have the ****er. MAEKS PERFECT SINSE!

Hau baut a guy liek the smoker, who ropes people in and then instead of strangling thim he swings them around and stuff and bashes them to the ground and stuff and hurts them a lot an stuff an instead of a toung he uses his penis.

We can call him the ****er, cause he ****s people with his penis.

Look, we alrdy hav teh boomer, the hunter, the charger, and the sokmer, and now we'll have the ****er. MAEKS PERFECT SINSE!

This would not be the best idea.
I think we will definitely be seeing more Special Infected, what they are and whether they're finalised yet is beyond any of us :)