Pizza Burns

We applied some dressing...I know, I'm a dick. But that was funny.
I wonder if she thinks about topping herself now.
Her skin will never be anything but a hard crust.
Her skin will never be anything but a hard crust.

This isn't funny. Try keeping the same humor when you're the one with a pizza your skin badly burned.
You're right, it's nothing to base a joke on.
Pizza burns ****ing hurt. Any food that is sticky and hot burns intensely because it sticks to your skin, I once got some really hot apple pie on my arm, holy shit.
Had a lot of "Pizza Burns" on my hands at the pizza parlor where I work. A pizza is essentially a plate (the crust) holding a hot mass of cheese, sauce, and toppings. Our ovens run at 475 Fahrenheit (246 C). Accidentally touching the cheese or sauce when throwing a hot pizza in a box can result in some serious burns.

That guy was a ****ing asshole and should go to jail for years. That pizza was hotter than boiling water.
I hate it when pizza burns the top of my mouth, cant imagine it being anywhere near as bad as a second degree burn on your back though D:

I would like some pizza though!
Dude must have been really ****ing cheesed off to do that. I mean, thats way more work than punching her. How do you even have that thought process? Though I am impressed with his aim. Accurately throwing a pizza so it lands a direct hit with hot-stuff forward is no easy task.
This blog isn't anywhere near as bad as that one where the guy lives with the second guy, the house slowly divides into two because of their differences, and the second guy's half ends up being a maze of feces, newspaper, damp, dark sporey-air and overturned furniture.

Does anyone remember that? There was a thread and everything.
Ever try to eat hot pizza, that shit burns the roof of your mouth and you don't even notice it till you take a drink sometimes. If your hungry you'll eat anything, including piping hot pizza
This blog isn't anywhere near as bad as that one where the guy lives with the second guy, the house slowly divides into two because of their differences, and the second guy's half ends up being a maze of feces, newspaper, damp, dark sporey-air and overturned furniture.

Does anyone remember that? There was a thread and everything.

I wish I didn't. :(
Oh come on, it was ****ing awesome.

Remember the lasagne of feces and newspaper in the bath-tub, while the guy was playing a shit-stuffed Saxaphone?
Didn't he end up barricading the clean roommate out of the house using couches and armoirs, while pooping himself? Or something like that?
This one?

Oh, that bathtub image isn't the actual apartment. Still both of them are Crazy, He should have gotten him help when he started acting crazy early on.
Oh, that bathtub image isn't the actual apartment. Still both of them are Crazy, He should have gotten him help when he started acting crazy early on.

Yeah. I'd have been curious as to how crazy he could get, but I'd be too scared of tarantulas and getting stabbed while sleeping to be able to live there more than a day after him coming into my room while I was asleep.
The spiders alone would be enough to send me packing tbh.


Imagine that coming at you over the bedspread.
LOL i remember that story...
without a doubt the most horrific roomate story ever told on Earth.

i love the part where the neighbors call the cops for breaking and entering, only to show up and find him taking a shit in the yard.