Pope Palpatine: "Saving humanity from the gays as important as saving rainforest"

Evo, that article has nothing to do with the fact that the Catholic Church still deems GAY RAUNCHY BUTT SEX a sin. It's amazing how people seem to praise the Pope for accepting gays as NOT TOTALLY HERETICAL but casting them down if they try to get married or have sweaty man love.

Still, I guess it's a step forward, but not nearly enough a large one to justify defending the Church's moral stances.
Woah woah woah Pes, calm down aight? I was just making people aware of that piece, thought it was interesting. I'm not defending the Pope at all.
Evo, that article has nothing to do with the fact that the Catholic Church still deems GAY RAUNCHY BUTT SEX a sin.
That's because ALL RAUNCHY BUTT SEX is a sin. Heterosexual sex unless it is for procreation is a sin. They're not especially picking on gays.
They should though. Buncha flamboyant queens. The only good gay is a closet gay in denial/self hating!
That's because ALL RAUNCHY BUTT SEX is a sin. Heterosexual sex unless it is for procreation is a sin. They're not especially picking on gays.

Then why does the church so vigorously attack gays? Straight people have anal sex all the time but the church doesn't seem to care. It would appear as if they are picking parts of the bible and using it to support their agenda.
People react far more when the Church says gays are immoral. People long ago stopped caring about what the Church had to say about straight sex.
Why is this still being discussed?, a backward dinosaur leader of a backward dinosaur RELIGION tells people they are evil and wrong.

World shrugs and moves on.

The only discussion that is needed is how best to ensure religion dies the quick un-ceremonial and un-mourned death it deserves.
An Irish paper had a good headline regarding this
Shock, Horror - The Pope is a Catholic
Then why does the church so vigorously attack gays?
The Holy Bible, Christian's guideline and unquestionable One truth says:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

Any questions?
it's also helped by the doctrine of original sin and contemptus mundi; earthly things are sinful, and man is born in sin, so the attitude that conception itself is sinful is easy to acquire. And when conception is only justified by procreation, a form of sexuality that has no hope of conception without help from science (itself not very welcome to a catholic mindset) is doubly repugnant.

it's also helped by the doctrine of original sin and contemptus mundi; earthly things are sinful, and man is born in sin, so the attitude that conception itself is sinful is easy to acquire. And when conception is only justified by procreation, a form of sexuality that has no hope of conception without help from science (itself not very welcome to a catholic mindset) is doubly repugnant.


Wouldn't it be the opposite? Having sex with the intention of procreation thrusts mans original sin upon a newborn. So shouldn't we be avoiding procreation and welcome homosexuality or no sex at all?
You sir, are very selfish.

How'd you come to that conclusion?, and what has that got to do with the death of religion?.

I mean I probably am selfish, aside from the homeless folk I give to, my preferred charity, the giving of expensive gifts without getting anything in return, helping out my friends and family when they need cash, but I do take the last slice of Pizza......or I would if I wasn't so hung up on the fact someone else probably wants it.
How'd you come to that conclusion?, and what has that got to do with the death of religion?.

I mean I probably am selfish, aside from the homeless folk I give to, my preferred charity, the giving of expensive gifts without getting anything in return, helping out my friends and family when they need cash, but I do take the last slice of Pizza......or I would if I wasn't so hung up on the fact someone else probably wants it.

He's talking about how you're wishing that nobody believed in religion even though it's as much their choice as it is your choice to not believe in it.
Yes because obviously, humans are becoming extinct

I agree with him, or give homosexuals an island or something....or just put them on the moon.
You silly billy's, what he actually said was "Saving humanity from the gray's is as important as saving the rainforest" and I agree with him, f***ing aliens.
He's talking about how you're wishing that nobody believed in religion even though it's as much their choice as it is your choice to not believe in it.

Thats not selfish, that's wishing common sense, logic and wisdom on everyone.

I wouldn't wish indoctrinated wilful ignorance on my worst enemy.

Anyway, truth is not optional, you believe in it or you don't, ignoring it only hurts yourself in the end.
He's talking about how you're wishing that nobody believed in religion even though it's as much their choice as it is your choice to not believe in it.

The majority of theists never had the choice. They were forcefully indoctrinated at young ages before they could logically or reasonable deduce our world through their own perspective. Once people obtain a theistic perspective it is incredibly difficult to remove their ideas of how the world around them works. Hence the problem of religion we face today.
Thats not selfish, that's wishing common sense, logic and wisdom on everyone.

I wouldn't wish indoctrinated wilful ignorance on my worst enemy.

Anyway, truth is not optional, you believe in it or you don't, ignoring it only hurts yourself in the end.

You believe there is a 100% chance you are right. Which makes you just as foolish as them.
You believe there is a 100% chance you are right. Which makes you just as foolish as them.

Not necessarily so. Religion has been dis proven so many times yet people still believe in it. Religion causes a lot of problems throughout the world which would be solved with the application of logic and reason. We are making our ascent to becoming a type 1 civilization in the universe and the only reason we might not make it is religion. People need to become logical and rational to understand the world around us and the changes taking place. There simply is no need for theists to create stories in an attempt to explain how we got here and how things work. Science has taken it's place.
But you completely believe in the lack of the higher being. The absence of God. That isn't science, that's faith. And faith is precisely why atheists consider theists morons.
But you completely believe in the lack of the higher being. The absence of God. That isn't science, that's faith. And faith is precisely why atheists consider theists morons.

I wouldn't say completely. The highest probability we can assign to god existing given the evidence is 1 in infinity. This is why skeptical(scientific) minded people are atheistic. I wouldn't buy a lottery ticket if I had those odds of winning. Religion is simply outdated so atheists don't bother with the idea of god as there is no reason to believe he exists. It's the same with an elephant outside of the room. We have no reason to believe there are invisible trolls running around the room but we can't prove they don't exist. They are infallible in the same way god is. So faith may fit but it wouldn't describe the beliefs. Faith fits much better in things like religion where people believe something to the point they accept it as fact. Not based on logic but based on faith alone. When you start to logically deduce things the term faith loses it's meaning.
People put faith in a lot of things, like they're not going to get shot when they walk outside their house or that the metro isn't going to be shut down that morning.

Rational ignorance isn't religious, it's just not having the capacity to know everything about everything at all times. We take what we do know and put it to practice.

There has never been a time in my life when I believed in God- it doesn't take faith on my part to do that, I was just... born that way. Of course nothing is certain, and of course it takes rational ignorance to make it through the day, but extremist religion is ignoring day to day observations and explaining everything as the work of some invisible deity despite formal scientific method.

I don't believe in the lack of a higher being, I simply lack belief of one. But there are higher powers- namely gravity, energy, and the nuclear forces.
I wasn't accusing you of anything Pesh.

I also hope you start randomly floating at some point.
But you completely believe in the lack of the higher being. The absence of God. That isn't science, that's faith. And faith is precisely why atheists consider theists morons.

Is that so? Many Atheists simply refer to themselves as such because it makes it clearer where they stand on an enormous spectrum of belief. Most Atheists are simply agnostics, but find the existence of a God so improbable, so infinitely tiny, that it is simply easier to use "Atheist" when describing themselves. A one word answer is hardly going to sum up their whole opinion in detail. When there is sufficient poof verifying the existence of a God, the majority of Atheist's will concede, they were wrong. This, unfortunately, is not true of a large portion of theists. One is pragmatic, one is merely blind faith.
Hold on...Atheism and Agnosticism are very different. Agnosticism refers to the certainty of knowledge, in this case agnosticism being uncertain. Atheism refers to their belief in a higher power, in this case they have no belief in a higher power. So it's possible to be an Agnostic Atheist meaning you have no belief in god because you believe it's impossible to know whether or not he really exists. On the other side most theists are gnostic theists claiming the believe in god because they know he exists.
Is that so? Many Atheists simply refer to themselves as such because it makes it clearer where they stand on an enormous spectrum of belief. Most Atheists are simply agnostics, but find the existence of a God so improbable, so infinitely tiny, that it is simply easier to use "Atheist" when describing themselves. A one word answer is hardly going to sum up their whole opinion in detail. When there is sufficient poof verifying the existence of a God, the majority of Atheist's will concede, they were wrong. This, unfortunately, is not true of a large portion of theists. One is pragmatic, one is merely blind faith.

You should tell those guys they shouldn't refer to themselves as athiests if they aren't.