Portal: The Flash Version MapPack


May 6, 2005
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I assume everyone remembers Portal: The Flash Version? Well if you don't then just know that it is a Flash version of Portal featuring 40 fancy levels.[br]Now you can play these in full Portal glory! Portal: The Flash Version MapPack throws the 40 levels from the Flash version along with some bonus levels and features into Portal for three and a half hours of new gameplay! Head here to download it and for more information.
The map pack is great, I have played it fully trough.

There were a couple chambers with ceiling coming down which I did not like and the first half of the fight with the end boss ( yes it has an end boss), but it was very clever and well made for the rest.
I remember thinking that the flash version had some ideas that could be adapted into a map-pack. Or perhaps I heard that this was in development. Either way, I wish my Radeon 9800 Pro hadn't died on me.
I am shocked that so many of you have to go and reinstall Portal :(
My comp died on me last week. Anyway just completed it. It was actually very good, though confusing at times.
Sweet, a reason to reinstall Portal... even though I never got around to beating it. :eek:
there is glados commentary...some of it is reused though
Yeah it's all from the original Portal, but very cleverly used.
Sweet, a reason to reinstall Portal... even though I never got around to beating it. :eek:

But the game practically ends five seconds after you get out of the first room D:
I'm not using my portal installed comp...

Is this an auto update, or do you have to download it seperatly?
I just finished it and I just have to say... wow. It's pretty much a full game. With this and Portal, it feels like watching two movies based on the same book -- you're familiar with what's going on, but everything is different.
Downloading now, and by the looks of things, it'll be cool.

BTW, is there any specific tihngs I need to do when it's downloaded? Like, put it in a particular folder, or something?

EDIT: Well, it says it can't find the right program to use to open it. Did I do sometihng wrong?
Downloading now, and by the looks of things, it'll be cool.

BTW, is there any specific tihngs I need to do when it's downloaded? Like, put it in a particular folder, or something?

EDIT: Well, it says it can't find the right program to use to open it. Did I do sometihng wrong?

It's a RAR, which is a compressed file like a ZIP. You need a program that can decompress it, then you just copy the directories to where the text file in the RAR says to.

I use 7-zip (www.7-zip.org)
If I get time tonight, or remember, I might install it. Along with the other things I should do.

I don't suppose anyone's got a trailer or similar hanging around somewhere?

It'd surely be interesting seeing how they've made the 2D 3D. Trying to recreate Portal's levels as a Flash would be slightly trickier, though, I think.


you're doing it WRONG!

Your messages in this thread have been far from helpful. Please refrain from stating the obvious.
I am shocked that so many of you have to go and reinstall Portal :(
It was, at best, 3 hours long. What do you expect?

Can anyone give me a rough estimate of how difficult these custom puzzles are? (let's say, for example that the hardest of the advanced puzzles for portal was a 10)

If the pack is easier than Portal then I don't see much reason to DL it.
I found the mappack to be much harder than the original game. On par with the bonus levels I'd say.
Ooo, first map pack I've heard of... will give it a go :)
It was, at best, 3 hours long. What do you expect?

Can anyone give me a rough estimate of how difficult these custom puzzles are? (let's say, for example that the hardest of the advanced puzzles for portal was a 10)

If the pack is easier than Portal then I don't see much reason to DL it.

Harder than the original game, and awesome. Finished it today. The ending is like :O
I'm very early in the pack (i can only play very short segments before my GFX garbles up) and it's quite good, but I find myself wrestling less with the actual puzzles and more with the way that Chell likes to face the wrong way when coming out of exit portals placed on the floor.
I finally got around to playing this. Took me closer to 5 hours to finish mainly because of the things kupoartist mentioned above. There was also a lot of trial and error with many of the puzzles. I definately found myself having to use the quick save a lot in the last bit of the game, especially during the boss battle. The challenge is definately there.

All-in-all, definately worth it for both puzzle and Portal fans.

Finally got around to playing this. Extremely well done I though, well worth a look if you like Portal but know the puzzles too well.
Isn't this piece of news a year ago?
Anyway, I missed it last year. Thanks for bumping it.