Portal voice at the beginning


Jul 17, 2008
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Did anyone else notice the portal voice at the beginning of Episode 2 when you and Alyx first speak to Kleiner, and Eli? It speaks once the combine helicopter flies over.
Yeah, that's just the announcement system of the Combine forces not in City 17.
Same voice actress by the way, which is probably why it sounds similar.
It's just the dispatcher. She makes loads of announcements in HL2, especially Route Kanal and Water Hazard. Every time you kill a Civil Protection officer she makes an announcement too. Same voice actress as GLaDOS and the TF2 announcer.
Ellen McLain is the voice of the Overwatch in all the HL2 games. She's also GlaDOS and the Turrets in Portal as well as the announcer in Team Fortress 2. She is the only actor to voice in all the games in the Orange Box.
The Dispatcher's voice is a little different in Episode Two, because you're so far away from the City. Different speakers and whatnot.

She also speaks during the Inn ambush and calls Alyx "Vance Subprime," which is a hoot.
I guess that makes Eli "Vance Prime" - he has the Matrix of Leadership!
Do you mean the "Vital Alert ..." voice ???

If so that's the overwatch voice, voiced by Ellen Mclain who is the voice of GLaDOS.
In fact the way she speaks when she does that particular overwatch announcement is almost identical to the way she speaks as the voice of GLaDOS before it is edited.