Post a picture of your meal!

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Title says it all.

Didn't know whether I should post this here or in the video forum, but since the mugshot thread is here, I thought I'd post this here too.

Hey this is actually a pretty cool idea. Can be posted to regularly with pictures to see exactly what people are eating.

Should have a resolution maximum so people don't go throwing the thread out of proportion. Lets say... 800 x 600 like The Monkey.
err this might spoil my lunch

the Monkey: is that ketchup? ....and swedish meatballs?
milk and ketchup...yum

*pukes all over sterns shoes*
Damn you Monkey that picture makes me hungreh!!

I'll see what leftovers I can scavenge. A pic will be up shortly
anyone mind if i post a picture of a half-dead monkey with his brain showing?
Meatballs, macaroni, ketchup and milk.

Best meal in the world.

you're hitting all the food groups in one meal

dairy: milk
meat: meatballs
grains: pasta
fruits and vegetables: ketchup


I had something like this for lunch:


but without the fancy looking presentation, with cheese and a pesto sauce

also carrots and pumpkin shaped cookies (made by my son/grandma) and a granola bar ..also 2 large cups of coffee and a banana muffin
Great thread idea, too bad I can't contribute with a real picture :|


This was my lunch, among other things, and it was quite good. I didn't have time to cook last night, but tonight I shall provide a delicious picture if I remember before I scarf it down.
See I was hoping people would contribute with real pictures. Not some picture they find off the internet that vaguely resembles what they have.

It's all about personal presentation.
I'm eating out of my lunch bag, what presentation? :p

I also have orange sprinkles on my shirt

This is from a while ago, when my parents weren't home (well, no one was, actually). My stomach demanded food so I just threw something together. You can see I'm Belgian from the gigantic amount of fries.
See I was hoping people would contribute with real pictures. Not some picture they find off the internet that vaguely resembles what they have.

It's all about personal presentation.

I realized that, but it's the best I can do for now.

Tonight, just wait! :eek:
See I was hoping people would contribute with real pictures. Not some picture they find off the internet that vaguely resembles what they have.

It's all about personal presentation.

Here's my dindin

And what presentation :p


and ps. Vegetarianism is BS to me. I hate it.

mmm fattening meat. yummmmmmmm
@ Sudano: what a stupid thing to hate. mind your own business
@ Sudano: what a stupid thing to hate. mind your own business

Why is it a stupid thing to hate? Vegetarians often hate the omnivore diet. In fact they're the ones that are usually judgmental.
yes all vegetarians are judgemental many vegetarians do you know? ...not including me
yes all vegetarians are judgemental many vegetarians do you know? ...not including me

I didn't say all. I said they're often. I only know of two vegetarians in real life though currently(I mean, I am in texas right now)... but I've seen many of them online and you can't tell me that they aren't frequently judgmental of those of us who enjoy the pleasures of a bloody carcass. If you did say that, I'd think you'd be naive.

I wouldn't even have the opinion that vegetarians are often extremely judgmental if I didn't gather that opinion over the years from experiencing it in one form or another.
My mum's vegetarian and she's not at all judgmental. She'll quite happily prepare meat for the rest of us.
yes all vegetarians are judgemental many vegetarians do you know? ...not including me

I know two, and I never stopped making fun of them. Yet, we still were friends and stuff, I said it as joking and she knew that, but knew I was serious at the same time.

Aren't there important vitamins and stuff in meat?

And guess what...

Mine from last night. Some may remember the previous incarnation.

I like how your noodles are veritably glued together as if they've been pressed and stored inside a square mold.
I didn't say all. I said they're often. I only know of two vegetarians in real life though currently(I mean, I am in texas right now)... but I've seen many of them online and you can't tell me that they aren't frequently judgmental of those of us who enjoy the pleasures of a bloody carcass. If you did say that, I'd think you'd be naive.

sure, if you're visiting animal rights sites ..who goes out of their way to tell complete strangers what's on their dinner plate? I've been here for what seems like forever and if not for the fact that there's been a few debates around the issue none of you would know I'm vegetarian fact we often dont feel a need to discuss our pov because on the interwebs people tend to have this reaction when discussing vegetarianism:

Sudano said:

every single time without fail

Cowman said:
I wouldn't even have the opinion that vegetarians are often extremely judgmental if I didn't gather that opinion over the years from experiencing it in one form or another.

on the internets everyone is militant ..again two people plus a bunch of random encounters does not equate a realistic picture of over a billion people world wide

anyways as a non judgemental vegetarian I can honestly say that Griz's paella looks absolutely delicious guys eat like shit in comparison ;)

my mom makes excellent paella
anyways as a non judgemental vegetarian I can honestly say that Griz's paella looks absolutely delicious guys eat like shit in comparison ;)

my mom makes excellent paella

I've moved away from simplified boxed and canned foods. I create all sorts of complex meals using real vegetables and stuff.

Besides, that paella that he showed... there's many types of meat in there from what I can see. Seafood, what looks to be sausage(or hotdogs).
yes paella is usually made with seafood or chicken ..sausage, or pretty much any meat can be thrown in there ..doesnt mean I cant look at it and say yummy ..I still eat paella but without the meat (throw in some vegtables), it's just as good

i even like the smell of burgers on the BBQ
Jesus, CptStern and Raziaar, can't you go into a thread without arguing? Why can't we be friends? ;(

he hates me ;(

naw he's my yin to my yang at least in his mind my mind I'm more of of a "meh" sort of person ..anways I'm used to attracting my share of Stern groupies ;)
Jesus, CptStern and Raziaar, can't you go into a thread without arguing? Why can't we be friends? ;(


Me and Stern have always been tit for tat.

He's the tit.
I have no problem having the tits (I'm never leaving home) ...there's no fun in tats, only dark foreboding misery; mostly due to lack of tits
Ooh asian food

You guys really want to see it?