Post a screenshot!

Vanilla servers are the best.

Honestly it's a screenshots thread if you don't like it, ignore it. Otherwise I'll post a tonne of shots from economics simulators.
ya it's on ultra high with no AA 1680x1050

intel e6850 @ 3GHZ (dualcore)
2gb DDR2-800
evga 8800 GT

all stock settings

I have basically the same specs, how do you get AA on that game? It's really edge-grainy for my even with AA on 16QC or whatever.
I honestly don't know. Ask Ennui , he is on the dev team so he would know.

Game is entirely skill based, as in if you don't know how to fight the beast, you will die in a few hits no matter how good your equipment is.

I have one of the psp versions of monster hunter and I have to say this is entirely true. I suck so hard at it too , you just can't play with npcs.

Now for pikacherz :




NOTE : Those are reskinned combine soldiers to make them look like the early beta versions and there is nothing to do with the actual leak in there at all.

My favourite section of the game. Also that first one made me lol for some reason.
Attempt 2 on the giant crab. First attempt failed so horribly.

Here it comes! Don't mind the meat cooking...

Don't mind us carving you Mr. Crab.


Edit: Game was made in Japan and plays more of an action RPG than CLICK AND GRIND.

Game is entirely skill based, as in if you don't know how to fight the beast, you will die in a few hits no matter how good your equipment is.

Just like any other lame WoW raid, you probably have to move around in a certain pattern and attack at a certain time to win.

Doesn't sound too skill-based to me.
I really need to start playing TF2 again. I dropped out right after the pyro update so I take it I have missed alot?
Recently completed a run of Ep1 on hard without getting killed once \o/

Bitch got owned.


Metro-bitch got owned.


Sniper-bitch got owned.

And one to challenge the ol' noodle :


I shot him in the face and he fell like that. How does ones corpse get jammed under a stationary car after getting your face blown off?! PHYSICS DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!
More Riddick:-

This one could be considered a story spoiler, hence the hiding:-

You actually bought Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena for PC?

Are you insane?
You actually bought Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena for PC?

Are you insane?

Listen, I don't approve of install limits anymore than the next person, but I wanted this game, and with the protection it has shipped with, it's gonna be a while before it's cracked. Sooner or later it'll be cracked, which will hopefully come before my installs run out, and I won't have to bother with Atari's stupid hotline. I'll be ****ed if I'm going to join this futile stand against DRM when I was looking forward to this game and have no other way of playing it, so you can keep "oooh, your paying for a rental" or "your supporting the death of the PC games scene" to yourself, I don't give a shit, I'm playing Riddick.