Quick Saves F6



Quick saves overwrites old games. You should leave at least one game from each sequence safe from overwrite. That old familiar adage - "Don't worry I have a backup" unfortunately did not pan out, several times!
What? Think you posted this in the wrong section D:

Also, yes we do know about that technique of saving. Have to do it with stalkercs in case there's a crash
F6 and F7 baby. You can beat a game of any difficulty with these great tools.
I think he's trying to complain to us about how Valve created their game as if we're Valve.

Yeah, we didn't design the quicksave feature. If you think you'll get yourself stuck with your quicksave, do a full save.
This is a fansite, mate. Valve don't live here.
Yes they do. Munro keeps Gabe in HL2.net's basement.
I think he read it as "Halflife2 feedback" and he thinks we're Valve.