Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 Preloading Now

Cobra_UK said:
I've played the mod RO and it was very good. This is the full game and it looks very promising. It has more content than the mod and it's supposed to run on an improved 3D engine and have better code. Also I think it's one mod that deserves going commercial. I hope it's well polished and bug/glitch/error free.
It must be better than the UT2004 mod.

With the UT engine code they can do everything 10x better. I think I remember it was a pain just to code in the "prone" position using UnrealScript, but now they have the full source code to work with.
Steam pricing?

I always took it that games published on Steam would be significantly cheaper. Wasn't that the point of online distrubution? Avoid the cost of paying the Publisher and other costs associated with Retail. If I'm going to pay the same amount I'd like to have a physical CD and I'd especially like to be freed from having permission from Valve to play my games.

Anyways, It's hard to believe that $5 was the take from the Retail Publishing companies.

I guess I was mistaken though, I seem to remember someone saying that this distribution scheme put more money in the hands of developers. Which is good, but if you are saving I'd like to see some of that too.
gyphie said:
I always took it that games published on Steam would be significantly cheaper. Wasn't that the point of online distrubution? Avoid the cost of paying the Publisher and other costs associated with Retail. If I'm going to pay the same amount I'd like to have a physical CD and I'd especially like to be freed from having permission from Valve to play my games.

Anyways, It's hard to believe that $5 was the take from the Retail Publishing companies.

I guess I was mistaken though, I seem to remember someone saying that this distribution scheme put more money in the hands of developers. Which is good, but if you are saving I'd like to see some of that too.
Wow, I never thought someone would whine about having to pay $25 dollars for a brand new retail game.
bahhhhh...its ready for pre-order and here i am needing to save up for an NiN show. :|
hmm...does anyone know what the system requirements are?
i was looking around but didn't see anything.

oh well...i will get this game eventually...just not as soon as i'd like to.
Pre-ordered. Looks good, and might help me curb my DoD:S addiction.:sniper:
FINE, Badger. FINE. I think the mod looks GOOD. Are you HAPPY now?

We can only assume it builds on the mod somewhat (vehicles, anyone?)...or else I don't think they'd actually be selling it.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Also, you post news on, so that disqualifies your opinion a bit :)
It's not exactly brilliant over there either...
Yellonet said:
Greedy bastards I say... I won't be buying.


Uh, How about they want a little cash for all the hard work that they've been doing?

It's awesome that they get full access to the Unreal engine, and seeing as they have ownership of a copy of it... they have every right to charge for it.

Calling them bastards is also very rude... we could just call you a cheap bastard... how about that?
Looks good ... hopefully there will be a demo so i can try before buying :) $25 over Steam is not too bad either - far better than paying up to $50 for a retail game :)
xlucidx said:
we could just call you a cheap bastard... how about that?


I played the mod in one of its earlier incarnations, but I uninstalled ut2004 and wasnt able to play long. There were somethings I didnt like, some I really liked. So, I am preloading now, and if they release a demo a little before then I will try it before purchasing.
xlucidx said:
Asshole. :)

Particularly for the fact that it's the RO devs first venture into the retail scene... and you're going to warez the game.

You truely are... an asshole.

Meh. So I went a bit far with the bittorrent thing, I wouldn't even bother downloading a demo.
I think the fact that I paid for DoD:S before it came out and then it turned out so boring caused me to make sure I'd try anything I was interested in first and then see if it was worth buying.
But I've completely lost interest in the FPS multiplayer games they are mostly just copies of copies of copies of WWII.
I think if it was something different like say a Ghost in the Shell style mp game i'd be interested but at the moment the market is just swarming with more WWII games than it's possible to care about.

And please bare in mind that this is all completely my opinion, I don't think any less of people who enjoy DoD or Red Orchestra or any other WWII games because it's totally their choice and they're getting the best value for their money.
Robinhood_01 said:
And please bare in mind that this is all completely my opinion, I don't think any less of people who enjoy DoD or Red Orchestra or any other WWII games because it's totally their choice and they're getting the best value for their money.
Have you even played Red Orchestra? They couldn't be any more different if they tried.
Hyperion2010 said:

read that and you will:

A) not call them lazy
B) not steal the game
C) realize how cheap 24.50 really is
D) not say that it is "just like the mod"

If you dont know what you are talking about, please, spare us.

From the website (talking about game publishing costs):
Gibson: Four million copies sold before they’ll ever see a dollar of profit. Without going into too much detail, if Red Orchestra sells a million copies over Steam, I’m driving to work in a different Lamborghini every day of the week. (laughs) Not really.

Now, they may not sell 4 million copies, but it is obvious that they are seeing much more of the $25 than if they tried to publish in the traditional manner. But this game is not a $50 retail game, UT is a $50 retail game, Doom 3 is a $50 retail game. This is a $25 retail game.

I am glad the developers see more of the money, as they should. But I had hoped those savings would be passed on to me.

They way things are going we'll be paying $15~$20 per map/level/episode. It'll become cheaper for the games to move to a subscription model where you don't buy games, you just pay your $30/mth to play any game on Steam.

Disclaimer: I haven't played the mod in ages and ages, I haven't played the game. It looks like they've done a phenomenal job and I hope gamers will support this kind of effort!
Hyperion2010 said:

read that and you will:

A) not call them lazy
B) not steal the game
C) realize how cheat 24.50 really is
D) not say that it is "just like the mod"

If you dont know what you are talking about, please, spare us.
Quote for awesome link, very informative. I wasn't too impressed with the mod but it sounds like they targeted the issues I had with it head on, I'll definitely at least try this out. By which I mean grab the demo if there is one, otherwise torrent - but if I keep it, I'll definitely pay.

gyphie said:
Now, they may not sell 4 million copies, but it is obvious that they are seeing much more of the $25 than if they tried to publish in the traditional manner. But this game is not a $50 retail game, UT is a $50 retail game, Doom 3 is a $50 retail game. This is a $25 retail game.

I am glad the developers see more of the money, as they should. But I had hoped those savings would be passed on to me.

They way things are going we'll be paying $15~$20 per map/level/episode. It'll become cheaper for the games to move to a subscription model where you don't buy games, you just pay your $30/mth to play any game on Steam.

Disclaimer: I haven't played the mod in ages and ages, I haven't played the game. It looks like they've done a phenomenal job and I hope gamers will support this kind of effort!
The savings are being passed on to you! This is a licensed total conversion of the engine, there is no technical difference between this and any other Unreal 2 tech game, many of which have retailed for $40 or thereabouts, this price is a steal, assuming the game is decent, which there's a good chance it is.

With reference to subscription.. didn't Steam have a plan up for subscribing many moons ago? I definitely remember someone from Valve saying a subscription would be a better deal for someone who played all the games on Steam. This would probably be a few months before the Half-Life 2 non-launch.
Sulkdodds said:
We can only assume it builds on the mod somewhat (vehicles, anyone?)...or else I don't think they'd actually be selling it.
The latest version of the mod already has vehicles.
StardogChampion said:
The latest version of the mod already has vehicles.
The vehicles are improved immensly, as can be seen in the trailer.
Everyone who says there is no difference between Ostfront and Combined Arms should go watch the 3.1 trailer, then watch the Ostfront trailer. Then come back to me and tell me there's no difference :)
Hmm, can you preload without preordering? I want to test out the demo before I do anything.

Also, in terms of this realism thing, how would those who have played both the RO mod and Operation Flashpoint compare the two? I'm holding out for Armed Assault, and am wondering if Ostfront might be worth it.
I played a beta version long ago.

Is that map danzig still in there?
Mr-Fusion said:
Is that map danzig still in there?

Danzig is still in version 3.3, but I think it's one of those custom maps. Lots of old mod's classic maps will be ported/remade for this retail RO, expect lots of high quality custom maps.

I don't want to sound like fanboy, but RO: Combined Arms(the mod for UT2004) is simply the best WW2 game I have played. I have high hopes for this RO retail version, and what I saw from trailer, looks like they have improved it ALOT.
Not to forget the price tag of 25$ - we have the winner here.
Llyranor said:
Hmm, can you preload without preordering? I want to test out the demo before I do anything.

Also, in terms of this realism thing, how would those who have played both the RO mod and Operation Flashpoint compare the two? I'm holding out for Armed Assault, and am wondering if Ostfront might be worth it.

I doubt any games released in 2006 will hold a candle to AA, but I'm pretty sure RO is worth a buy, especially at $25.
gyphie said:
I always took it that games published on Steam would be significantly cheaper. Wasn't that the point of online distrubution?
No, the point was to increase the profit for developers.
Yellonet said:
No, the point was to increase the profit for developers.

Nothing wrong there... They need to make money somehow.

And it's well deserved money.
How big is the download? Didn't preload it yet, cause I have low disk space, but I'd like to know how much to free up ;) Thanks in advance :)
I was gonna preload it and tell you but I can't figure out how to preload it >_<
The game is approx 2GB apparently, haven't bothered pre-loading it myself; haven't the money to buy it
ZoFreX said:
I was gonna preload it and tell you but I can't figure out how to preload it >_<

Go to My Games and scroll down to red orchestra and click preload.

I think its a little less than 2 gigs.

And to Llyranor, yes, you can preload without purchasing. Thats what I am doing.
Well, I don't see RO in My Games, though. Can't see where I could preload it.
Didn't appear in my games list either, cheers for the link Jimmeh!
Boy, this sure will go down well with the general audience that uses Steam.

Especially considering how much they whine about DoD: S, and that's an ARCADEY game.

ummmm wasnt DOD:S available for preload at least 2 weeks before it was released?
i think we can expect this in the next week or 2