Ron Paul warns of staged terror attack

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Sep 14, 2003
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Ron Paul warns of staged terror attack

"Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul, said the country is in 'great danger' of the U.S. government staging a terrorist attack or a Gulf of Tonkin style provocation, as the war in Iraq continues to deteriorate.

The Texas congressman offered no specifics nor mentioned President Bush by name, but he clearly insinuated that the administration would not be above staging an incident to revive flagging support.

'We're in danger in many ways,' Paul said on the Alex Jones radio show. 'The attack on our civil liberties here at home, the foreign policy that's in shambles and our obligations overseas and commitment which endangers our troops and our national defense.'

Paul was asked to respond to comments by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan that the U.S. is in danger of a staged terror attack or a provocation of an enemy similar to the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 before the Vietnam War.

During the radio interview, Paul said the government was conducting 'an orchestrated effort to blame the Iranians for everything that has gone wrong in Iraq.'

The comments come as several prominent terrorism experts have warned the U.S. is facing an increased risk of attack this summer. Earlier this week, in an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said he had a 'gut feeling' the U.S. would be attacked again.

The remark angered some Democrats, who criticized Chertoff for being too vague. And some pundits seized on his remarks, saying the vague warnings were meant only to revive flagging support for the war in Iraq and Bush?s larger war against terrorism."

Ron Paul is a little kooky sometimes so I hope he's wrong because Bush has created an executive order that if we face another large attack or disaster he pretty much becomes a dictator.
How is he kooky?

Hitler burnt his own Reichstag to get the German people on his side for war.

Then you have Pearl harbour where they practically knew about the impending attack and let it happen, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident to get into Vietnam. History tends to repeat itself in this crazy world and it's a possibility when there's an agenda at stake that needs increased support for it to succeed, that is all he is saying.
Ron Paul is somewhat of a cook. He's already started getting involved with the truthers, and now Alex Jones. He's not helping his own case.
Ron Paul is somewhat of a cook. He's already started getting involved with the truthers, and now Alex Jones. He's not helping his own case.

It sure is easy to attack the guy and not what he is saying.

What do you think of these executive orders nemesis?
It's pretty horrible that he appears to have acquired these rights to withdraw the rights set out by the second amendment. Just like it's horrible that people can be imprisoned for years without trial and without being allowed so much as contact with a lawyer.

If Bush wants to assume his dictatorial powers, he'd better get cracking, only a couple of years left.
They've already staged one massive terror attack

I don't like the Bush administration, but I doubt it would stoop to staging a terrorist attack for any reason.
I don't like the Bush administration, but I doubt it would stoop to staging a terrorist attack for any reason.

I have the same doubts but thats not really what I am worried about. I am worried about the fact that is another large disaster strikes Bush is now in place to take over the entire government. And nobody seems to give a shit.
Ron Paul is a little kooky sometimes so I hope he's wrong because Bush has created an executive order that if we face another large attack or disaster he pretty much becomes a dictator.

So if that happens, then George Lucas is pretty much a Prophet :|

Granted he may not use the Death Star to take out how planets, but I'm sure he has Space Satellites to take out a country :p
I dont like that he is starting to insinuate that 9/11 wasnt real. He gives too much credit to bush that he could actually pull something like that off.

However, he does have balls...its too bad he's a raging religious anti-abortion candidate though....although i suppose saying he inst religious is political suicide.
How is he raging in these effects? He talks about them when people bring them up and he doesn't want to see them outlawed. Just because he doesn't support them doesn't mean anything.
I dont like that he is starting to insinuate that 9/11 wasnt real. He gives too much credit to bush that he could actually pull something like that off.

I'm not saying things one way or another on the "was 9/11 a hoax or not" because that isn't what this thread is about. Staging attacks or letting them occur has been done in the past, by other countries as well as our own.

And it doesn't have to be Bush who did it. With all due respect to President Bush, he's a ****ing muppet and you know as well as I do he could have been manipulated into it.

I really hope Ron Paul gets elected. I know I'm planning to vote for him.
This country was bought and sold a long time ago, so I can agree with that.....but the election choices aren't thrilling to me.
I just can't believe our elected leaders are letting all this go unchecked. I do think anyone that actually believes 9/11 was a US government conspiracy is probably not the sharpest tool in the shed. These conspiracy theories have been around since the beginning of time, it is nothing new.

What's crazy though is none of our elected leaders want to challenge Bush on the fact he has totally exploited 9/11 for his own financial and political benefit. The way he continues to chip away at our rights is down right scary, how nobody is up in arms over these actions is simply unimaginable. We are letting a president which we have absolutely no reason to trust get away with signing statements that say the next time a big emergency happens he can gain control of the entire government, deploy the US military on US soil, and in effect create a dictatorship with virtually no effort. I have no proof that this will happen, but the fact we have to worry about something like that in a country that is supposed to be a model for democracy is insane.
I think everyone is basically just waiting him out until election. So in the meantime he can do whatever idiotic thing he chooses without much repercussion seeing as our legal system is as quick as a cripple in a 100 meter dash
USA - The new facist superpower. Scary...

Heck, make that nazist. If GWB becomes a dictator I would not put it above him to put muslims in concentration camps.

Well, its definatly seems like Osama Bin Laden has won. 9/11 has been used to remove waaay to many rights for the americans. I do not think 9/11 was something the US goverment did, but I do think its possible that they where aware that it was going to happen and ignored it. Kinda lika pearl harbour.
I wouldnt worry about the US turning into a dictatorship my silly friends.....and if the US did in fact know about 9/11 id be in Canada by weeks end, or however long it takes me to LEGALLY move :)
I wouldnt worry about the US turning into a dictatorship my silly friends...

But why wouldn't you worry? Halliburton already has contracts to build concentration camps throughout this country, their excuse is that they are being built for an influx of illegals.

I know we are all just waiting for the clock to run out on Bush's presidency but he already has everything in place to allow him to stay for as long as he wants. All that has to happen is another terrorist attack or even a large natural disaster on the scale of Katrina.
I get what you are saying but it is so far from realistic its not even worth pondering. The day this country changes from a democracy into a dictatorship is the day the second civil war starts.

Then again, once they threaten to take away cell phones the US citizens will do anything, so who knows...
well, if thats the case, then i suppose i have no evidence to back up my statement.....
Well I could be wrong, don't back down yet. Lemme check around...

EDIT: Hmm, well a quarter right I was. The title of the article wasn't sensational like "War on Religion." It was simply titled "Christmas in Secular America." And while I don't agree with what he's saying there (I'm surprised he doesn't state half the writers were deists), that's one of the 1-3 things I don't agree on with him.
I get what you are saying but it is so far from realistic its not even worth pondering. The day this country changes from a democracy into a dictatorship is the day the second civil war starts.

Then again, once they threaten to take away cell phones the US citizens will do anything, so who knows...

I've been doing as much research on this as I possibly could after this discussion and you might be absolutely right. I need to stop taking what I read from liberal sites and stating it as fact as I think I just made an ass out of myself since I didn't actually read it. The executive order I originally was talking about was this one:

I can not seem to find anything in there about Bush taking over the entire government. He will assume more power but the basic structure of the constitutional government will still be there.

So my apologies for that. However, I still want to find out how there was a conception that dictorial powers would be given to Bush based off this executive order (or maybe it wasn't this one?). I will do some more research on it and post what I come up with.
Eh, Ron Paul thread.


He answered lots of new questions and adds more detail on others.
I get what you are saying but it is so far from realistic its not even worth pondering. The day this country changes from a democracy into a dictatorship is the day the second civil war starts.

There's no specific day that it happens, bit by bit liberties are taken in the name of National Security, it's like sleepwalking into a dictatorship.
I've been doing as much research on this as I possibly could after this discussion and you might be absolutely right. I need to stop taking what I read from liberal sites and stating it as fact as I think I just made an ass out of myself since I didn't actually read it. The executive order I originally was talking about was this one:

I can not seem to find anything in there about Bush taking over the entire government. He will assume more power but the basic structure of the constitutional government will still be there.

So my apologies for that. However, I still want to find out how there was a conception that dictorial powers would be given to Bush based off this executive order (or maybe it wasn't this one?). I will do some more research on it and post what I come up with.

I cant tell if your being sarcastic or sincere. :)

I was stating more of an opinion though, based on zero research...

But with the bush approval rating being as hilarious as it is, i don't see him lasting more than an hour after the deadline. Im sure we all would like new blood in office in any emergency....Katrina anyone?
I cant tell if your being sarcastic or sincere. :)

I was stating more of an opinion though, based on zero research...

But with the bush approval rating being as hilarious as it is, i don't see him lasting more than an hour after the deadline. Im sure we all would like new blood in office in any emergency....Katrina anyone?

No, I'm being dead serious. I was extremely alarmed about this executive order without actually reading the damn thing. Lessons learned. Though I am still curious as to what this order really means as it is extremely vauge.
I think the order means the president can take temporary dictatorial powers in the event of a national disaster. But, I think something like this has been in place for a very long time, but the president needed congressional approval. In this though, you don't need congressional approval.

And if their is some kind of attack on the US the Patriot Act II would most likely be put through congress. which is a lot worse than the Patriot Act.
I think the order means the president can take temporary dictatorial powers in the event of a national disaster. But, I think something like this has been in place for a very long time, but the president needed congressional approval. In this though, you don't need congressional approval.

And if their is some kind of attack on the US the Patriot Act II would most likely be put through congress. which is a lot worse than the Patriot Act.

But where does it say that in the order? I thought the exact same thing from what I read online, until I actually read the order.
There is a good probability that the federal government allowed 9/11 to happen, or possibly even orchestrated it. There is likewise a good chance that they will allow future attacks.

Unfortunately, Ron Paul is unelectable. His stances, while very logical, are quite radical compared to all other major candidates. For this reason his legitimacy as a candidate is largely ignored by the media. Sadly he is probably the only person running who would fix the country, rather than pander to the interests of America's elites.
Cheney Determined To Strike In US With WMD This Summer: Only Impeachment, Removal or General Strike Can Stop Him


By Webster G. Tarpley

"The greatest threat now is 'a 9/11' occurring with a group of terrorists armed not with airline tickets and box cutters, but with a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our own cities."

-- Dick Cheney on Face the Nation, CBS, April 15, 2007

A few days ago, a group of lawyers from western Massachusetts met with the local congressman, Democrat John Olver. Their request was that Olver take part in the urgent effort to impeach Bush and Cheney. Olver responded by saying that he had no intention of doing anything to support impeachment. He went further, offering the information that the United States would soon attack Iran, and that these hostilities would be followed by the imposition of a martial law regime here.

According to reports in the British press, the Cheney war party has gained the upper hand in the secret councils of the Bush White House, pushing aside the purported hesitations of Miss Rice, Secretary Gates, and the NATO allies to chart a direct course towards war with Iran:

'The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favour of military action before President George Bush leaves office in 18 months, the Guardian has learned. The shift follows an internal review involving the White House, the Pentagon and the state department over the last month. Although the Bush administration is in deep trouble over Iraq, it remains focused on Iran. A well-placed source in Washington said: "Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo." at a meeting of the White House, Pentagon and state department last month, Mr Cheney expressed frustration at the lack of progress and Mr Bush sided with him. "The balance has tilted. There is cause for concern," the source said this week. "Cheney has limited capital left, but if he wanted to use all his capital on this one issue, he could still have an impact," said Patrick Cronin, the director of studies at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.' ("Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran; Military solution back in favour as Rice loses out; President 'not prepared to leave conflict unresolved'", Guardian, July 16, 2007.)

Deluded supporters of the Democratic Party may soon have to throw away their pathetic countdown clocks, those self-consoling little devices that remind them of how much time remains until noon on January 20, 2009, the moment when it is thought that Bush will finally leave office. These countdown clocks make no provision for the Cheney doctrine, which calls for a new super 9/11 with weapons of mass destruction in the US, to be used as the pretext for a nuclear attack on Iran and for martial law at home. Those who think the Republicans cannot hold the White House in 2008 have forgotten that neocons always prefer a coup d'etat to an election. As Cheney told Bob Schieffer of CBS's Face the Nation on April 15, 2007:

'The greatest threat now is "a 9/11 occurring with a group of terrorists armed not with airline tickets and box cutters, but with a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our own cities."'

Pelosi and Reid need to toss out their fatuous countdown clocks, and get out their impeachment stopwatches fast.