Russia's evil plans revealed by an insider (me)


Apr 23, 2008
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This post tells the entire truth about Russia's intentions for the world, in which I play a part.


a) The WW3 'prophecies' are old and have been subjected to intense Gramscian subversion techniques, especially over the past few decades. Thus, their accuracy as they are written down is open to question. (Let us not go into the fact that visions and Foretellings come fleetingly and feebly to all but the most receptive psychics). For instance, some say that Russia itself will be destroyed, or cleansed, after it has scourged manking for its sins - typically after a reign of terror, perhaps of 7 years. (Revelations, of course, remains the most complete prophecy of the lot).

That, however, is wishful thinking - in fact, there is a singularity, beyond which humans cannot see (represented typically by overwhelming light, as happens when death approaches). But after light, as we all know, comes eternal Darkness. That light is everlasting is a delusion of the Western mind.


Prophecies I

b) I would like to bring to your attention the Dark Prophecies received by Russians through the centuries. For the victory of God is not certain. In fact, it is highly unlikely.

"The devil is real - I have seen his cage. Golden like the sun, encrusted with blood rubies. Rich rubble, dark death, boiling blood shall flow from the bad mountain. Heavy the price the world and the people shall pay for his freedom. The people will destroy the world, and the world will destroy the people, but he shall be free and men and women shall weep and wail and gnash their teeth at the Great Lord's coming - our Dark Master, power incarnate, destroyer of worlds." - Ludmila Romanova, High Priestess in the KGB Paranormal Division, 1976.

Note that soon after the first excavations began at Mount Yamantau. That is because it is there that the link between reality and unreality, Light and the Devil, is weakest. We plan to drill a metapsychic Bore through to our Master, thus opening a rift in the Earth that will spew out the demons and dark energies with which we plan to conquer the world.

"The world's great cities will flow with the blood of scroungers and eaters. Red will cover gray, and in turn be consumed by black. For ho...the leeches shall burst open come the Day of Return. In preparation for his coming, let the Lord of Chaos rule!" - Felix Dzerzhinsky, 1918.

As you know, this man is one of Russia's greatest heroes. The Chekists indeed tried to let the Lord of Chaos rule, and plunge the whole world into bloody revolution. You see, as evil grows in the world, thus the seals binding Satan weaken. Unfortunately we failed that time, and had to sit back for the next few decades. Too enthusiastic, but we can wait. No need to risk losing our base, a great state - Russia - so early in the game. Time, history are on our side, as any Communist will tell you. Indeed they are, though most of these so-called 'Communists' are complete dupes, or as you rightfully call them, useful idiots.

"The sun will be black, the moon will be red and the stars will fall out of the sky. Darkness will cover the Earth, yet the darkness will glow. It will embrace us all in its ungentle embrace, salvation from the lights that blinds and sears. For light is unbearable; dark is a burden, a meaning, a life essence. Let us praise the Dark!" - the monk Filofei of Pskov, 1509.

As you might know, Filofei originated the idea of Moscow (Meschech) as the Third Rome. What I bet you didn't know was that we Chekists regard him as our spiritual father (along with Iron Felix) who bequeathed us our world historical mission. We attempted to fulfil it a few decades later under Ivan IV (the Terrible) under the guise of the oprichniki. We failed that time. We did not have the resources to spread evil far, and we were fatally weakenening Russia. But the time draws near when we shall strike again, and this time we will be successful. After all, third time lucky!

"I see us spreading into the eight corners of the World Steppe. I see bonfires, revelries and tents too numerous to count. I see us feasting in the white cities late into the night. So shall it be, forever and ever, in the time of our glorius descendants down 30 generations."- G?y?k Khan, 1240.

The link between us and Ghengis Khan's valiant warriors is tenuous but undeniable in its existence. They were the Scourge of God; we are fated to be a lesson for mankind. Note that, assuming a generation to be 30 years, then the End Times are soon to be upon us.

"They will say peace, and there will be war. They will say light, and there will be darkness. They will say Jesus, our Saviour, and we will get Satan, Lord of Us All." - the Holy Fool of Tver, 1618.


c) Now what about me? This is the oath everyone inducted into Russia's silovik agencies have to swear by blood, sealed by murder. (That, btw, is a major reason why the homicide rate in Russia is so high, at 18/100,000 people today per year. It peaks at times of intense recruitment, like in the mid-1990's. Further proof that today Russia is more Soviet than it ever was when it went by the Soviet name!)

"The Great Lord of the Dark is my Master, and most heartily do I servehim to the last shred of my very soul. Lo, my Master is death's Master. Asking nothing do I serve against the Day of his coming, yet do I serve in the sure and certain hope of life everlasting. Surely the faithful shall be exalted in the land, exalted above the unbelievers, exalted above thrones, yet do I serve humbly against the
Day of his Return. Swift come the Day of Return. Swift come the Great Lord of the Dark to guide us and rule the world forever and ever.

I am not interested in power, though. I serve altruistically. Mankind is corrupt and sinful, and does not deserve to be saved. The problems of existence reach synthesis in the cessation of existence. I must admit I sneer quite a bit at my colleagues, who are greedy for power and riches. The Dark Master is a master of lies, and they are all going to be severely disappointed. I will accept my fate gracefully, all the while in perfect communion with the Master.


Analysis I

d) So what's the plan?

Obviously, I can't go into details - I don't want to end up like the traitor (Litvinenko). However, I can outline our general plans, which have been in motion for literally centuries.

Firstly, we have to weaken the United States and Israel, the twin bastions of God in the world today. America is being financially drained by its deficit mentality and Middle East adventures, into which we lured them using our Islamic proxies; morally drained by the culture of godlessness, socialism, liberalism and feminism that have already so successfully wrecked Europe. Talk about winning before the battle is joined.

Israel is a harder nut to crack, but it will be cracked. The order is already out, as it was during the Red Terror, as it was during the oprichniks' reign of terror, to let the Lord of Chaos rule. Plans are being put into motion to ignite wars in the four corners of the world and for terrorist attacks to cripple America and sap the precious bodily fluids of its leaders. Meanwhile Russia and China (the Beast and the Leviathan) will build up their strategic strength and unleash a devastating first strike against the West in 20-40 years. (We don't follow a concrete plan - we like flexibility). We will weather the retaliation and strike out at Israel, in alliance with Tubal (Turkey) and the Arab peoples.

Our prophecies say that we will meet on the ungently slopes of Armageddon to fight the 'Last' Battle. I am afraid Jesus will not save you. You see, Jesus has to be there just for you to have a chance of winning. As written in the Dark Scriptures, the baby boy was reborn at the turn of the millenium in Bethlehem to Jewish settlers. He'd already dead. The intifada - a completely Russian-orchestrated affair - provided the perfect cover for his...premature retirement into the Great Darkness.

You will suffer a crushing defeat at Armageddon. You've got a bit of hope, though. Our prophecies aren't very clear on what exactly happens after. You assume a divine intervention that will bring Light - that is, of course, impossible, since it was us who changed them, to give you false hope. After all, God Himself is a non-interventionist, and what hope can there be with Jerusalem in ruins and the city on the hill - America - obliterated and in her own ungodly filth?

Some say the Beast (Russia) and the Leviathan (China) will turn on each other. At this point who wins is irrelevant, but I'm sure it will be Russia due to our strategic superiority. Others say Darkness will quickly engulf the entire world before anything else happens. A few say that the 'ten kings', the 'false prophet', the 'prostitute' and the 'beast' (i.e. the thirteen main leaders of Russia) will be imprisoned in the bowels of the Earth for the next thousand years, due to an Israeli Samson Option sacrifice. Even in that case, though, we'll return after the 1000 years are due and set out plans anew. After all, we'll be strategically stronger than ever then.

Finally, why am I so sure about our victory? Because I have reason. You have not seen what I have seen. There are thousands of kilometres of tunnels underneath Russia's plains and mountains, caverns storing mountains of food, guns and nuclear weapons, enough for the people (Russians, Chekists) to wage war on the world for centuries. There are incubators raising armies of humans crossbred with animals to combine agility, strength and intelligence to create the ultimate Supersoldier, enhanced with advanced biological-robotic engineering. Finally, we have discovered a fifth force, in addition to gravity, EM, weak and strong - we call it the Oneness. It gives us power over earth and fire, wind and water and the hearts of men and women. I suppose you Fcan imagine stopping tens of thousands of tanks, hundreds of millions of soldiers, tens of millions of Supersoldiers and tens of thousands of nuclear weapons. But can you imagine how to fight the power that makes the Earth erupt under your feet, the power that can burn you to a cinder in moments, the power that can rip your soul from your body? I don't think so.

The Dark Master comes. I suggest you join us before its too late. That way, your end will be quick and merciful - for while he knows no mercy, nor does he indulge in sadism - instead of protracted and agonizing.
Wut? Would you get out of here already?! :dozey:
Were there aliens? A post that long simply could not have avoided aliens.
thread fails

lunatic with the master plan said:
d) So what's the plan?

Obviously, I can't go into details

of course not, god forbid you go into details when presenting evidence

lunatic with the master plan said:
We plan to drill a metapsychic Bore through to our Master, thus opening a rift in the Earth that will spew out the demons and dark energies with which we plan to conquer the world.

oh that makes perfect sense, have they set a date yet? should I be investing my monies in stock portfolios that includes mining, excavation and drilling companies as well as companies specializing in providing virgin blood at a competitive price point?

juhana said:
This post tells the entire truth

so you too are a raving lunatic? well at least you're honest
I think it's time to reveal more things about our glorius organization. Here I will focus on more Russian Dark Prophecies (and some Light ones) and my own trip down into the caverns underneath Mount Yamantau to 'commune' with the Dark Lord.


I have already given the prophecies of Ludmila Romanova, High Priestess in the KGB Paranormal Division (1976), Felix Dzerzhinsky (1918), the monk Filofei of Pskov (1509), the Holy Fool of Tver (1618) and the Mongol warlord G?y?k Khan (1240).

Prophecies II


The Tsar-Martyr Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich, who at one time said: "If for the salvation or Russia a victim is needed, I will be this sacrificial victim"... The last Tsar, together with his family, was killed Orthodox Tsar - for his Orthodoxy!

Our Lord God has raised up genuine prophets who both warned of the inevitable disaster coming upon Russia for her abandonment of her Orthodox foundation, and foresaw her ultimate resurrection through suffering and repentance. From these sufferings however comes the Glory of our God. Or perhaps God's lack of strength to intervene against the Dark Lord's power? The prophetic visions related below contain the basic features of what has been revealed concerning the future of Russia. They are compiled almost entirely from firsthand sources, and the prophets themselves are either recognized Saints and Martyrs, or candidates for holy canonization.

Now I present to you humbly some of these prophecies of "God's Anointed Sufferer Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II and his Family":

St. Seraphim of Sarov prophesied in clear words about the tragic fate foreordained by God for the Tsar who would be present at the Savor solemnity of faith, when there would be Pascha (Easter) in the midst of summer (the glorification and canonization of St. Seraphim in 1903).

According to his prophecy, if there would be repentance in the Russian people, God would yet have mercy on her, but first He would allow for a time the triumph of lawless men: the Tsar would to overthrown and killed, so that the people might know in experience what life was like under the Tsar anointed by God, and under the rule of men who have trampled underfoot the law of God. We do have our own laws - we just don't write them down. St. Seraphim, by revelation from God, wrote in his own hand a letter to the Tsar who would come to Sarov and Diveyevo, entrusting it to his friend Motovilov, who gave it to Abbess Maria, who in turn handed it personally to Emperor Nicholas II in Diveyevo on July 20, 1903.

What was written in the letter remains a secret, but one can suppose that the holy elder saw all that was to happen and warned against the frightful events to come... (Source: Abbot Seraphim, Peking, 1920, in Orthodox Russia, 1981, No.1).

Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow in 1917 saw a vision the Savior speaking to Tsar Nicholas:

"You see," said the Lord, "two cups in my hands: one is bitter for your people, and the other is sweet for you."
In the vision the Tsar begged for the bitter cup. The Savior then took a large glowing coal from the cup and put it in the Tsar's hands. The Tsar's whole body began to grow light, until he was shining like a radiant spirit. Then the vision changed to a field of flowers, in the middle of which Nicholas was distributing manna to a multitude of people.
A voice spoke: "The Tsar has taken the guilt of the Russian people upon himself and the Russian people is forgiven." Nicholas himself once said: "Perhaps an expiatory sacrifice is need for Russia's salvation. I will be that sacrifice. May God's will be done!" To contain even temporarily the Great Lord's power, the sacrifice must be pure, unblemished and of the Light - something Nikolai II, unlike Jesus, was not. You are only deveiving yourself, you hopeless NWO Gladio freaks. (Source: Orthodox America, Oct.-Nov. 1981., Richfield Springs, NY., p. 5).

Tsar Martyr Nicholas II also said and remarked to his advisors: "I have a secret conviction that I am destined for a terrible trial, that I shall not receive my reward on this earth." (Source: Orthodox America, Oct-Nov. 1981., Richfield, NY., p. 5).

Grand Duchess Elizabeth. "A Prophetic Dream, On Behalf Of The Royal Martyrs Of Russia Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II & Family ", compiled by Father Nektarios Serfes. Father Mitrofan Srebrianski the spiritual Father of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth , spoke to her, because he had a dream before the 1917 Revolution in Russia. This dream is explained by the pious Abbess and and recently canonized St. Elizabeth the New Martyr, also known as the Holy Royal Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth.

St. John of Kronstadt. One Sunday in the Autumn of 1916 in the Monastery of St. John in Petersburg, where the venerators of Father John used to gather, the Hiearchal Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow. After the Liturgy, in the quarters of the Abbess of the Convent, Abbess Angelina, there gathered a number of clergymen and military men.

Metropolitan Macarius read for those who had gathered one place in the diary of Father John of Kronstadt, in which were described visions and prophecies concerning Russia... It turns out that many years before the Great War Father John wrote absolutely precisely in his diary both the participants in the war and the outcome of the war.

Father John like wise prophesied the military failures of Imperial Russia and the Revolution bound up with them. He indicated that the dominance of revolutionary ideas would be prolonged, that there would be innumerable casualties of the Revolution, rivers of blood, the woe and misfortune of the entire population. The deliverance of Russia from the Red yoke Father John prophesied as being from the East. does that mean China is your best hope, MatthewJ? But it's totally infiltrated, it's our pawn! (Source: I.K. Sursky, Father John of Kronstadt (Belgrade, 1942), vol. 2, pp. 3, 23-24. Reprinted in Orthodox Word, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, Platina, Ca. May-June 1973., No. 50., pp. 110 & 115).

St. John of Kronstadt. "Russia, if you fall away from your faith, as many of the intellectual class have already fallen away, you will no longer be Russia, or Holy Russia. And if there will be no repentance in the Russian people - then the end of the world is near. God will take your pious Tsar and will send a whip in the person of impious, cruel, self-appointed rulers, who will inundate the whole earth with blood and tears." He is referring to the select group of KGB priests/priestesses who we refer to as the Chosen, that is, Those Chosen to Rule the World Forever. Which they will. And I plan to be amongst them. (Source: Sermon of 1905, in Father John of Kronstadt 50 Anniversary Book, Utica, N.Y., 1958, p. 164. Reprinted in Orthodox Word, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, Platina, Ca. May June 1973, p. 115).

Are you people still unconvinced?

to be continued...
Prophecies III

In Biblical prophecy, it appears that the Anti-Christ comes from the North as he is called the 'King of the North'. (SEE Daniel 11 Class and Anti-Christ Prophecy Board) Indeed. Bible prophecy speaks of Gog of Magog, Meschech and Tubal. Meschech is Moscow/Byzantium. Tubal are the Turkic peoples of central Asia. Magog is the spiritual vortex that lies in southern Urals (with Yamantau as its epicentre), while Gog it's Lord refers to the Dark Lord Himself.

Dan 11:40 - 45
And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the King of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. Nuclear weapons and the psychic energies of the Chosen will create whirlwinds of fire. Chariots and horsemen refer to tanks and artillery, and ships are still ships. The 'locusts' at Armageddon in the Book of Revelations refer to gunships. (Yes because the Anti-Christ is a military leader and will be the 'Beast' that gains power by force) He shall enter also into the glorious land, (Israel) and many countries shall be overthrown: (including the three nuclear powers, so who is going to stop him that's the US, France and the UK) but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. (Why, because we flee to Edom and Moab along the King's Highway) .. And he (the Anti-Christ) shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; (Yes, as the Anti-Christ shall take over the 3rd temple of the Jews and use it for his world headquarters, its between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea) yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.(Because the Lord of Lords shall defeat him at the Battle of Armageddon)

And geographically if you check the map, Russia's capital, Moscow is due north of Jerusalem in Israel, so surely the Anti-Christ will arise from the 'North Country' and as almost all destructions in the Bible, come from the 'North'.

For again in confirmation, Rab Wilkie wrote, "Some say Russia is the 'Future Saviour of the World'- Holy Mother Russia who inherited the deepest Christian Mysteries from the Byzantine Empire, ---according to Alice Bailey, and other Theosophists too, who were probably influenced by Tibetan & Central Asian prophecies about Shambhala -somewhere between the Altai Mountains and Gobi Desert in Mongolia-, ----whose ruler will set things right and restore Truth when the Time comes." (End of Quote) We will indeed be saviors of the world. Redemption through suffering. After all, everything happens for a reason. He got hit like I got hit but he ain't ****ing breathing (50 Cent).

For according to the dark side and the dark spirits who talked with Bailey and Blavatsky, they do expect their supposed Saviour to come from Russia, and more specifically from somewhere between the Altai Mountains and the Gobi desert in Mongolia. (SEE Way over to the right at this Website Map) Which is very interesting because this location on the map lies along the sacred phi latitude of 51.43 degrees North. (SEE Avebury's Spiritual Latitude) and at 90 degrees East Longitude. This makes a perfect V shaped angle down to the Garden of Eden's location back yp to London England at 51.43 degrees North latitude and 0 degrees Longitude. (SEE Alignment of Cities Map)

But what is the meaning of this mysterious word called 'Shambhala' Well these Altai mountains are called mysterious themselves. (SEE Altai Mountains Pictorial and description) And Bailey, even has the audacity to suggest HERE, that the next Christ shall unite East with West, and Christianity with Buddhism. This of course will tickle the ears of the Chinese and their prophetic importance in the End-Time and Russians with their soon up-coming predominance. But such will not be the case, as thier Messiah, and future ruler, that even the Jews will receive, shall not be the true Christ, and the true Messiah, but the false one. Falseness and truth are relative, rather than absolute. For some, falsity is truth like freedom is slavery. (SEE Anti-Christ Prophecies)

And Bailey says, Shambhala is "centre where the will of God is known", so again she better shake her head, because it is surely just the opposite. And yet Russian folklore does put the Altai mountains as the area from where their prophetic 'Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia' comes from.

It's storyline goes like this ?. With my comments in ?.(?) ?.." While singing the praises of Nature in a forest near Little Kitezh, the maiden Fevronia is surprised by a stranger, who is captivated by her beauty and obtains her consent to marry him. On his departure, she learns that he is the son of the Prince of Kitezh. (The stranger being the A.C., the people being the maiden that fall in love with the prince of Kitezh who is really the prince of darkness ???) The city is attacked by Tatars, who have been guided thence by Grishka Kuterma, a drunken reprobate. (Yes Russia has been taken over by tyrants from the right and the left that have been drunk in power and greed just like in the West, but the A.C. will supposedly raise Russia to its former glories, via his military victories)

Fevronia is seized and carried off, praying that Kitezh may be saved. When the Tatars press their attack the City is rendered invisible, (Goes underground to the Invisible City, meaning the Hollow Earth 'Hellish' City whose capital is sometimes called Shambhala?. but this time under the lake and into the spiritual realm...the dark spiritual realm) and its reflection is seen on the surface of the Lake. Fevronia escapes and, together with the now repentant Kuterma, enters the forest. Here she is visited by Birds of Paradise, (Birds of Paradise, sounds like the Phoenix symbolism and how it rises from the dead, from the ashes of death, just like the A.C. is prophesied to rise from the dead...(SEE Easter Prophecy of the A.C.) and the spirit of her betrothed, who has been killed. (Yes, he has) Having eaten of the bread that brings eternal happiness, (a parallel to the true Bread of Life - Jesus, but not giving Him the credit -- surely meaning this whole story is from the wrong side and not the right side. It parallels the truth, corresponding only to trick and induce deception) Fevronia departs with the spirit. Kitezh is restored to its transfigured People. (The people get transfigured, empowered by following this spirit ...No way and yet that's their myth and theirdark side prophecy to which the Russian people can cling to ----in their backing of their man to the Throne of the Russian Kingdom. )

For Rab Wilkie goes on by saying, with my comments in ----(---) "Many occult systems speak of a Golden Age, (Yes, they all know that their short time in their Sun -the A.C- is coming) associated with an ancient race that lived in the Arctic regions. Much embraced by ethnologists and Theosophists, this "Aryan Race" entered the mythology of Nazi Germany with dreadful consequences. (That's for sure, as their elitism and pride and war mongering killed millions and was demonicly inspired). In a responsible and scholarly fashion, the author explores the origins of modern neo-Nazi ideology, its "polar" inspiration, and links with other occult myths including the survival of Hitler, (Ha, maybe his evil spirit helpers live on, but he's as dead as dead can get) German bases in Antarctica, UFOs, the Hollow Earth, and the hidden kingdoms of Agartha and Shambhala. (Hidden kingdoms just means portals from which evil spirits can arise ....just an abyss opening and what more convenient place than a deep lake, such as occurs in the Atlai mountains. Or the POLE region which would truly be 'Destruction from the North')

'Arktos' written by Jocelyn Godwin is an important book which touches on the deepest mysteries of human and cosmic destiny--and the eternal problem of good and evil. (I'm sure it does, but without the true solution, I'm also biblically our Savior and deliver comes from the clouds at the Last trump. SEE Rapture after the Tribulation)."

"And in the book called 'Entering the Circle' According to a Russian psychiatrist, Olga Kharitidi, 'This Atlai Mountain region in Russia - about the size of Portugal and bordering on Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia - is the source of the most spiritually advanced culture the world has seen'. 'She goes on to try and explain why conventional wisdom views shamanism as a primitive religion of the Ural-Altaic peoples. And how unseen gods, demons and spirits respond only to mediums, or shamans.' (Which is partially true if they sell their souls to them and serve them. And yet Christians in faith can dispel them back into the Pit or Abysss, from whence they literally came) The believers refer their word, "kam," because the Russians invented the word "shaman." Such a description, according to this author, understates by volumes the special healing and mental powers these individuals possess." (True because the devil can heal, and then make those heal pay the price for their healing, and YES, Russia is filled with shamans and their greatest is destined and prophesied to come from their most spiritual mountain which seems to also be connected to the Pit ?the Altai Mountains. Yet more reference to the KGB Paranormal Division, which is filled with psychics with amazing abilities to affect Earth, Water, Fire, Air and the souls of men and women. The Chosen are generally the most powerful of these.) (End of Quotes by Rab Wilke, rewritten here by his permission. Thanks Rab)


But as the final confirmation, when I was reading the 'Hollow Earth' by Dr. Bernard, he wrote, that 'Agharta' was the name for the 'Subterranean World' and its capital was and is Shamballah..

So enough said, Russia is surely the Anti-Christ's home country before he takes over the whole world. And surely because he gets totally possessed by Satan himself that his connection with the underworld is real and he does in fact get inspiration from Agharta, and its capital of Shamballah. His 'invisable' city shall arise and he shall surely bring his evil people (Fallen angels and demons) to the Earth's surface, and surely he shall pretend to be the Christ, and shall fool the whole world, except the Lord's Elect 144,000. Well as I said in my first post, There are thousands of kilometres of tunnels underneath Russia's plains and mountains, caverns storing mountains of food, guns and nuclear weapons, enough for the people (Russians, Chekists) to wage war on the world for centuries. There are incubators raising armies of humans crossbred with animals to combine agility, strength and intelligence to create the ultimate Supersoldier, enhanced with advanced biological-robotic engineering. 0.002% of the world's entire population saved...ha! Inegalitarian, and a pipedream to boot.

to be continued...
Oooh oh oh oh!

I want to join! Please Juhana. I can serve up a pretty good tea. And whats Satan like anyway? I bet he is a real party animal.
he has a really big dick which he uses to sodomize recent arrivals ..juhana has details if you're interested :E
Oooh oh oh oh!

I want to join! Please Juhana. I can serve up a pretty good tea. And whats Satan like anyway? I bet he is a real party animal.

If you want to join, you have cut your arm with a blade and swear this oath.

"The Great Lord of the Dark is my Master, and most heartily do I servehim to the last shred of my very soul. Lo, my Master is death's Master. Asking nothing do I serve against the Day of his coming, yet do I serve in the sure and certain hope of life everlasting. Surely the faithful shall be exalted in the land, exalted above the unbelievers, exalted above thrones, yet do I serve humbly against the
Day of his Return. Swift come the Day of Return. Swift come the Great Lord of the Dark to guide us and rule the world forever and ever."

The pact is sealed when you complete your first hit on an enemy of the proletariat.

Here is some information on the kinds of people the KGB Paranormal Division has in its ranks and some modern Dark Prophecies.

Prophecies IV - 1

Russia's Spiritual Resurgence

In the decade since Russia emerged from the Soviet Union, her spirituality has more than blossomed ? it has erupted. Indeed, we estimate that our numerical superiority in the number of psychic channelers is more than 10 to 1 in our favor versus the NATO countries. Plus, the West's psychics have no formal training, are diorganized and mostly don't even know their own potential! While ours can erupt the Earth under an army's feet and turn the air above them into fire. In the Western news, we hear very little about Russia's remarkable resurgence. This resurgence spans cultural, spiritual, and scientific arenas, but these three aspects are not separated in Russian minds, for in the new way-of-looking, each is simply a slightly different lens for viewing the Cosmos.

All of the spiritually-aware Russians I have met during my extensive travels there believe that Russia, in particular among the world's nations, has a pivotal role in the prophesized evolutionary shift of the Earth. As the following interview reveals, Russians are aware that "red is the color of initiation," and the new Reds take this very seriously. Is it a coincidenece that red is also the color of world communism?? I don't think so, buddy.

Carol: There seem to be many sources of new prophecies here in Russia that the rest of the world knows nothing about, but many of them are based in the Russian body of knowledge and thus may not be clear to Westerners. Since you two seem to be acquainted with quite a number of these new prophecies, I wonder if you would clarify for our readers, please, the cultural context within which they may be understood.

Raduga: To begin, I would like to say that we keep a little distance from the various Christian prophecies, of which there are many ? not because we do not respect them, but because they are widely known and are spread by the Church. The Christian prophecies talk about the specific period of the End of Time: the horrifying Judgment Day and Apocalypse.

We are more interested in what is connected with what we call the Ray of Synthesis. We meet many clairvoyants from all over Russia through our workshops. And, as you know, there are more than 150 nationalities throughout Russia, with new prophecies from many regions, especially Altai, the Ural Mountains, Buryatia, and Yakutia. These prophecies are coming from different people, but they all say that Russia has a specific role at this time; that the territory of Russia has a mystical role that is related to special aspects of its soul.

The Energies of the North

Vadim: On our planet, there are four energetic directions: South, West, East, and North, in that order. These correspond to four types of energy: South corresponds to the element of earth; West to water, or our emotional plane; East is air, our mental plane and the principle of soul in our consciousness; and North, fire, corresponds to our Spirit.

Many Western countries are oriented in the principle of the East, the principle of the soul. The expression of this principle is the spiritual Hierarchy of Light. This is the principle of love and wisdom. All the consciousnesses of the different religions aim to the East. All the altars and temples are toward the East.

But Russia's inner spiritual altar is toward the North. Russia is the only country that is oriented toward the North, and so it has a unique path that is connected with this orientation.

The North Pole corresponds to the Crown Chakra. It is connected with the energy of the First Aspect: the energy of will and power, energy of the Father. The expression of this energy is Shambhala. It is the energy of Nietzschean supermen, the will to power. Why be a slave in the shackles of Eastern mysticism?

Therefore, Russia will never copy other ways, and will follow only its own way, toward Shambhala. It is connected with the Shambhala in the star Sirius.

Carol: What do you mean, "Russia will follow its own way to Shambhala"?

Vadim: This means that there is no earthly spiritual Master guiding Russia. Russia is going its own way, through its own mistakes and experiences. It is sometimes said about Russia that it connects two ways, to the East and West. So the sign of our country is the two-headed eagle: One head looks to the East and one to the West.

The Cardinal Cross and the Seventh Ray

Also, this northern orientation creates a mystical orientation to what is known as the Cardinal Cross. To understand this, we need to look at the types of crosses in Esoteric Astrology and what they mean.

In Esoteric Astrology, there are three types of crosses. And since there are twelve zodiacal signs, there are then four signs to each cross.

First, there is the Mutable Cross, the sign of physical experience. It is the cross of our personality, our lower self. Here, we gain our inner power. This is the cross of changes. It is a diagonal cross, the familiar swastika. It relates to the astrological signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

The next cross is a Fixed Cross. This is the cross of the soul, of discipleship. It is also the cross of crucifixion. It is upright, and relates to the astrological signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

The last cross, called the Cardinal Cross, is the cross of our Spirit. It has a spoke coming out at a right angle to the fixed cross, making it three-dimensional. The Cardinal Cross corresponds to the Ray of the Monad, or Spirit, and is associated with the energy of the First Aspect: will and power, the force of God, the most powerful force. It relates to the astrological signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. It is this Cardinal Cross that is associated with Russia.

Raduga: Additionally, Russia has a so-called Seventh Ray. And to understand this, we need to know something about the rays. This teaching was given by Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and others.

According to this teaching, we have seven primary types of energy on Earth, and these are called rays. The Seventh Ray is a new ray on Earth right now, and is connected with Aquarian energy.

The Seventh Ray corresponds to the energies of mysteries, White ceremonial magic, and ceremonial creativity, as well as synthesis, order, and manifestation. It is connected with Aquarius ? and Russia is the country of Aquarius. The Seventh Ray is manifested through Russia.

The Physical and Spiritual Cycles

Vadim: We know that, right now, we are entering the area of Aquarius. The energies of Uranus guide this Aquarian era. Russia is the only country on the planet that has the ray of the soul that resonates with this type of energy. Therefore, Russia is especially guided, spiritually, by the energy of Aquarius. It is connected not with nationality but with Russia's specific location on the planet, its territory.

Russia has four guiding planets: Uranus (its orbit of the Sun is 84 years), Jupiter (12-year orbit), and then the Sun and the Moon. But for prophetic purposes we are interested in Jupiter and Uranus.

When Uranus enters the Aquarius constellation, every 84 years, important activities begin in Russia.

For example, the previous entry of Uranus to the Aquarius constellation was 1905, which was the first bourgeois revolution in Russia.

And then, with the frequency of twelve years, the cycle of Jupiter, we have for example 1917 and the Revolution, 1929 and collectivization, 1941 and World War II, 1953, which marked the end of the Stalin era and the changing of the political structure of Russia ? and later, on the same continuum, 1989, which marked the end of the Soviet Union.

This period of 84 years, from 1905 to 1989, is called in prophecies the Physical Revolution. This period represented an attempt to seed the collective or communist consciousness.

It is interesting that this cycle of 84 years ended in 1989, during which time the Christ consciousness grid around the planet was completed (as Drunvalo has said). So this was the first, or physical phase of the Russian revolution. In 1989, Uranus entered the Aquarius constellation once more, starting the second phase: the Spiritual Revolution.

Thus, all the twelve-year cycles will be repeated over and over again. So, for example, in the year 2001, Jos? Arg?elles came here and planted seeds to the new cycle, and this timing corresponds to the year 1917 in the old cycle, the year of the Russian Revolution.

2002 corresponded to a civil war in Russia in 1918. The conflict then was between Reds and Whites within the country. Correspondingly, right now, within each of us, White energies and Red energies are at war. Red energies are initiating everything new, and White energies are doing their best to absorb those energies and to change everything within ourselves.

That's the inner struggle in every one of us between the Darkness and the Light. That's the inner Armageddon, and we know that it last for three years ? 2002, 2003, and 2004 ? because the civil war ended in 1920. You can calculate correspondences to the physical cycle by adding 84. The murder rate in Russia in 2002 reached its post-Soviet peak and has since began to decline. Like in the Civil War of yore, I think it is obvious who won. The year 1920, which marked the end of the physical civil war between the Red and White forces, plus 84 gives the year 2004, which signaled the end of the spiritual inner struggles between Red and White energies.

Carol: Wait, I need to go back. Are the Red and the White somehow associated with Light and Dark?

Vadim: No. They are two types of energies. One energy, the Red energy, is initiatory. The other, White energy, is at first struggling against initiation, but then absorbs that energy through resurrection. Thus, our consciousness is resurrected and purified.

According to Jos? Arg?elles, Red energy corresponds to the East, and White energy corresponds to the North. And Russia is now producing this transition from Red to White energies ? from East to North, from the orientation toward mental energy to an orientation toward spiritual energy.

Therefore, we have to go from homo sapiens to spiritu sapiens. This is the transition, the 90-degree turn from the East to the North.

Carol: Is the mission of Russia to facilitate this for the Earth, or only within themselves or individuals?

Vadim: It's for the Earth. Russia always works on the great scale of the planet.

Carol: So what kind of progress is being made? What's happening?

Vadim: The internal civil war. That's the progress.

Raduga: It's not actually a war, it's a battle ? an inner battle with yourself.

Vadim: And the next point is 2013. The Mayans were out by one year. This is when we plan to plunge the US into depression and begin national mobilization and full-scale rearmament in the Soviet Union. This corresponds to 1929, or collectivization in the previous cycle, when there was the attempt to make people come together, to unite them. So 2013 represents a unique opportunity for us to experience the united consciousness throughout the planet: the Merkaba consciousness.

We deeply believe that the difficult experience that our country had in 1929 took all the negative and digested it and experienced it. So it is a really good opportunity for all of us and for the whole planet during 2012 to begin making this step toward the brotherhood of humanity.

Raduga: We think this is the reason all of the spiritual teachers who are coming here from different countries are having very large audiences. In other countries, teachers might have fifty people coming to their workshops, but in Russia, there are hundreds, even thousands, of people. And this is a sign that the people are ready, people are open, people are looking. What did I say about our vast psychic superiority?

And there are many new newspapers and magazines, programs, spiritual centers, and that is a sign right now that people in Russia are ready and people are waking up. So now, let's go back to the prophecies.

Carol: Thank you for the background ? I appreciate it.

to be continued...
Politics. The forum of massive blocks of text that only Stern reads.
no, not this time ..I couldnt get past "This post.."

man you mention me in almost every post you make there some man crush you have on me that I'm unaware of? just fyi but I'm always the "man" in the relationship
Except when you're with me, in which case we're both the man. :naughty:

Unless of course... you're a homophobe?

Anyways... the original poster is such a nutjob!
I stopped reading after he mentioned God or Satan or whatever, seriously, does it not occur that the minute your whole opinion/ideology/plan revolves around the existence of a non-existent imaginary space/center of the Earth ape with fairy tale comic book super powers, that your whole position is extremely and utterly flawed because its central assumption is so utterly wrong?.

So basically tl;dr. :imu:
hey guys...keep an open mind

it actually makes sense...aliens have been working together with Satan for the last 100 years to bring us, god loving, creatures down. with the Russians now exposed as the final piece in the puzzle, WW3 can start. i just hope we can get the scalar waves up in time (sorry clarky).

have youz guys been living under a granite rock or something?!?
i for one welcome our humongous :)naughty:) master!
no, not this time ..I couldnt get past "This post.."

man you mention me in almost every post you make there some man crush you have on me that I'm unaware of? just fyi but I'm always the "man" in the relationship

Im just jealous that Raziaar and Vegeta get all your attention. Krynn needs some love from papa Stern too :(
I did a search for "krynn72" saying "stern" and there were over 80 results.
OP said:
to be continued...

oh god. the suspense is killing me

Krynn said:
Politics. The forum of massive blocks of text that only Stern reads.
oh that was legendary

Stern said:
just fyi but I'm always the "man" in the relationship
I laughed my ass off

honestly, I'm torn between the both of you at this point. On the one hand, a man with incredible experience and wisdom, and on the other hand, awesome eagle hair.

I, for one, welcome our new Marcabian alien overlords.

I, for one, welcome our new Marcabian alien overlords.


Hail the Marcab Confederacy, brother. Xenu shall one day rule again.

Oh, by the way, guys, if you don't get the point of OP -

It's a conspiracy.
Im just jealous that Raziaar and Vegeta get all your attention. Krynn needs some love from papa Stern too :(

Any connection I have with him these days is mostly symbolic, really. As a way of keeping up appearances.
plagiarism is lame. unless it gets you laid. therefore, this is the work of the devil.
It would be somewhat more impressive if the trolling attempt had actually worked. :imu:

Is it illegal to use sources now? It might not have been written by me, but it is all true! That is what matters!
If you don't make it clear that its sourced, then it's plagarism. That could be easily forgiven, but you don't have a lot of respect around these parts (It seems).
Can I leave this forum please?

Wait a minute, why am I asking, I can go whenever I want....

Please ban the TC; he's obviously a danger to sane people everywhere.
*Grabs Death's collar as he goes by to the exit, forcing him to fall back on his arse, then drags him back into the forum, back deep deep down down into its center*

Don't worry about asking what will happen to you, contextually correct questions and statements wont be needed for what the forums have planned for you.

But what about their secret plans?

The ones to fight inflation?
Please ban the TC; he's obviously a danger to sane people everywhere.

Actually, we're the ones in danger; We can be connected to this guy through this website, and they will have to drag us in for questioning when their torture fails to make him divulge any information. Luckily, I have sworn allegiance to the Jew lizards, so I'm exempt. Most of us are.
Actually, we're the ones in danger; We can be connected to this guy through this website, and they will have to drag us in for questioning when their torture fails to make him divulge any information. Luckily, I have sworn allegiance to the Jew lizards, so I'm exempt. Most of us are.

Ssshhh! You don't want the Imperfect hearing do you?
Krynn72 said:
Politics. The forum of massive blocks of text that only Stern reads.
I don't even see the text. All I see is: blonde, brunette, redhead...