Saddle Up!


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Looks like I got myself knee deep again into a potential fight. Not in tip top shape right now, though I'm working at it.
What muscles would be best to focus on right now?
Anyone know any exercises or aerobics to really help improve my stamina?
I'm a pretty scrapper fighter if that helps any.
curl a few dumbells, do a few sit ups and push-ups. Oh and eat your vitamins.
Come on Brad Pitt! You remember Fight Club!
just learn the most basic move....get behind him and put in any choke hold you can think of, then fall backwards and wrap your legs around his chest with your ankles in his groin.

every normal person gives up after about 20 seconds.
just learn the most basic move....get behind him and put in any choke hold you can think of, then fall backwards and wrap your legs around his chest with your ankles in his groin.

every normal person gives up after about 20 seconds.

wait do you do this with your pants on?

Start eating raw broccoli, raw sweed, kale, spinach steaks, olive oil, stinging nettles, garlic, ginger, passion flower, lambs hearts etc.

And do loads of press ups, running and punching hot sand.
Yay a fight thread.

Use the element of surprise, when he gets close and his guard will be down, get the first punch in to his face, then follow it as fast as you cant with another to the face, then repeat, then maybe a kick to the balls.
punch the wall, break your knuckles... let them heal... rinse repeat.
Go there dressed like a Ghostbuster with a proton gun that doesn't actually work, because it's just a toy.
Pfft, pull out a baseball bat and crack it over his head. :|

Make <3 not war.
If you've got time to make a thread, then the fight isn't worth fighting.
When is the fight? .... Do pushups, dumbells, read up on fighting techniques such as getting out of a headlock. Don't kick him in the nuts. There's a lot of people here who think they could beat up anybody, so you might see some unrealistic fighting advice in this thread, so I'll try to give you the most realistic information I can. The 'scorpion form #7' that you learned in karate doesn't help in a street fight, kicks just don't happen either. Keep some of this in mind when the time comes, good luck
Not sure what the right preparation is, but a Rocky montage would probably be good training!
Scream and run. Towards the person you are fighting obviously. Caveman tactics never fail, unless you do it wrong.
You need a montage. After a few minutes you'll be all trained and ready for your fight.
this thread is useless without before and after pics we can see for ourselves how many teeth you've lost
Just remember to always pack heat. Preferably in the form of a Combine Standard Issue.
Practice all the punches and stuff you plan on using, but do them while holding weights.

The above may or may not be detrimental to your ligaments.
Don't kick him in the nuts.

Um, care to explain why?

Also, telling somone not to kick in downright stupid. Yes, martial arts style stuff in useless on the street, but If he does something street based then he can use his legs.
Skull crushers to work your triceps, squats to work your legs, bench presses to work your upper body...but really this is silly. Bliink is right.
Um, care to explain why?

Also, telling somone not to kick in downright stupid. Yes, martial arts style stuff in useless on the street, but If he does something street based then he can use his legs.

I'd only kick them in the nuts if I knew I could handle the fury afterwards.
Um, care to explain why?

Also, telling somone not to kick in downright stupid. Yes, martial arts style stuff in useless on the street, but If he does something street based then he can use his legs.

There's not really a need for an explanation, you just don't kick a guy in the nuts...its just a total wuss move and is likely to result in "unforeseen consequences" to put it in Half-Life terms. Seriously though, you're not going to get any respect through winning a fight due to a nut shot. And when I said 'kicks just don't happen' I mean to tell off people who are going to be like "oh just whirlwind kick him and then do a flying roundhouse kick to the back of his skull". I didn't mean that you can't use the lower body at all in the fight...
Show him a few of your post. that's enough to send any sane men packing
Burn anger and rage fury in your mind, then give him all you got.
Weights won't do shit unless you're not fighting for a good few months. Just work on technique. Knowing how to throw a punch properly is a million times better than doing a million pressups.
Can I ask why you are going to be in a fight?

If so, why are you going to be in a fight?