SCOTT PILGRIM vs THE WORLD (Wright, Cera, Winstead)

Cera- same in every film; fact. However I would still go see this. Looks like funky-coloured fun.
Probably digging my own grave here, but I don't understand why everyone hates on Cera so much because he plays similar characters in his movies. He's found a niche. You wouldn't start writing paragraphs about Jason Statham making another over-the-top action movie would you? No, because it's what he's good at and people enjoy watching them. I'm not saying Cera is my favorite actor, but it's not like he's a bad one either. He plays the same character because it's what he's good at. This movie even seems like it will be better than the usual things he is in. From what i've seen it will actually have some artistic elements instead of just being kids in high school swearing every ten seconds and not knowing how to talk to girls.
I'm not saying Cera is my favorite actor, but it's not like he's a bad one either. He plays the same character because it's what he's good at. ... From what i've seen it will actually have some artistic elements instead of just being kids in high school swearing every ten seconds and not knowing how to talk to girls.

The definition of a great actor is the ability to play any role really. He suits what he plays but he can't play that role forever cause he'll grow up so his acting style will need to . I mean I don't hate the guy, I just don't rate him as an actor.
Artistic elements; appreciated. Looks nicely designed, nice to have a different sort of film on release soon at any rate.
The film itself looks fun. As for Cera? I don't rate him either. He does the role well but whether he can do other roles is debatable. As Darkshines said, you need to be able to fit into any role convincingly, and Cera has done nothing but the same role so far.
This is going to be in the same vein as Zombie Land, Kickass, etc.

It's all nerd jokes and pop culture. Which is a good thing, since that is a new niche in films. It's like a stoner-nerd comedy.
just found out this is delayed in the uk by 3 weeks to august 25th from august 6th RAGE!!!! :flame:

now the US gets it before us instead of after FFFFFUUUUUUUU-

I can't wait much longer!! :flame: sorry darkside :p
Clicking back and forth between those pics is ****ing freaky.
Ugh, he looks exactly like my hyperactive cousin with short hair. Flashbacks of them coming to stay and him kicking my bunk incessantly. :(
Saw this last night and really enjoyed it all the way through. Excellent cinematography, editing, and the humor was well done. Definitely targeted long time gamers, though I fit that bill pretty well. I've not read the comics, so it was a fresh perspective for me.
I just went to Michael Cera's IMDb page ( and these two pictures were right next to eachother:

Clicking back and forth between those pics is ****ing freaky.


That is all.
EDIT: (From the post above)
It was a quite good movie, yeah, but the chick reminded me WAY too much of my ex girlfriend... Brought up memories best left forgotton.
EDIT: (From the post above)
It was a quite good movie, yeah, but the chick reminded me WAY too much of my ex girlfriend... Brought up memories best left forgotton.

Not sure if serious given the context of the movie.
Wallace is awesome. I want him as my room-mate.
Hi. I want to take the time to point out that the following people:

Scott Pilgrim is a hipster comic for hipsters with all this "Lol us gamers, right guys? Us gamers" bullshit. It's double-bad because it's got all these video game references that WOULD be cool by virtue of their obscurity, but then you realize that, as a hipster comic, everything is done ironically. The writing is pretty much shit, the art sucks, and the only people who like it are wearing unwashed hoodies that are two sizes too small.

Also this movie stars Michael Cera. That makes it triple-bad.

Never read any of the books so this looks pretty retarded to me, kinda like hipster bullshit.

hipster shit....

This, except with an extended paragraph about how much Cera sucks.

I dunno, I don't see any of the positive things that you guys are talking about.

Are tasteless arrogant scumbags that suck on their grandfather's (living or dead) hairy crusted balls and have jerked off into the same sock for the last decade of their lives, which also doubles as their pillow.

Also, this movie was okay. :upstare: