So I tried some beer finally


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Had a few sips of Hoegaarden, tasted like throw up x10. Tried some other Belgian shit (Astro something or something). Tasted like throw up x5. How do you people drink this shit is beyond me. Never again. I'll keep my mind open on wine or other shit maybe. Though this stuff tasted almost exactly as it smelled and wine didn't smell all that different...
Drink metho like a true hero, brah.
yeah, I don't like any beer at all either

rum and coke ftw
It grows on you. Try some of this godly stuff:



This thread makes me thirstehhh
Man up? I bet coffee makes you cry like a little bitch.
Hating all beer is a bit silly, there's a beer for everyone! Try all sorts of pilseners/ales/lager/fruity hybrids etc

The worst is when someone claims to hate beer after drinking something like Bud/Coors/Buschm, watery piss bullshit etc... there's surely a beer for every personality.
I've never been able to develop a taste for beer, at the very best I don't mind it as long as it's cold... liquor is a real man's drink. Just give me some whiskey or rum, maybe some coke to mix it with and I'm golden.
If alcoholic drinks are based on smell in general, I think I'd like 99% ethanol the best.
To people who claim to hate beer I can only say keep trying different brews and don't judge it all based on what flies around college parties. The stuff in your OP sounds delicious though, actually.
My older cousin said it was some top quality shit, he and my other relatives loved that shit. At this point what I really want to try is vodka and sake.
It is sort of an acquired taste and those were likely very bitter beers with lots of hops--so not necessarily a good place to start. I don't recommend going and chugging Sake or Vodka, either. Make a screwdriver or something, just dump a shot of decent quality vodka into a glass of OJ and stir (+1/2 ice cubes if that's your thing).

After drinking about eight of those babies I advise you to kill your parents and go driving on an interstate highway.
Bunch of crazy assholes.

Beer is disgusting.
What has become? A forum for 12 year olds?

If you don't like beer you can go and drink rosé with the rest of your girlfriends at that sleepover while watching pretty woman, I'm sure you'll have a smashing time.

But if you think you at least have some use for your testicles later on in life you can always go down to your nearest liquor store or supermarket (or ask your cool friend Josh who IS old enough to drink) and check out beers that are a bit easier then heavy Belgian brew. Here is a tip: usually the darker the beer and higher the alcohol percentage the heavier the beer and thus the taste. I know that the latter (alcohol perc.) doesn't always matter, but it's an indication.

Budweiser light, Miller light and everything else light is for Major League Slowpitch Softball enthusiasts.

Now, if one of you girls still thinks beer is too icky and something stronger too hard on your throat I've made a small list of drinks you can have with the correct measurements of the ingredients.

Singapore Sling - 2 oz Gin, 1 oz Cherry Liqueur, 0.5 oz Lime Juice, 0.25 oz Grenadine, 3 oz 7UP (Sprite), 1 Cherry
Strawberry Martini - 1 oz Vodka, 0.5 oz Dry Vermouth, 0.5 oz Strawberry Liqueur, 3 Strawberry
Cosmopolitan - 2 oz Vodka, 1 oz Triple Sec, 1 oz Frozen Cranberry Juice Concentrate, 0.5 oz Lime Juice
Blue Lagoon - 2 oz Vodka, 0.5 oz Blue Curaçao, 1 oz Lemon Juice
Tequila Sunrise - 2 oz Tequila, 4 oz Orange Juice, 0.75 oz Grenadine

But for those girlfriends who think the above is a bit over the top on your barbie fashion party I'd suggest the following:

Shirley Temple - 0.5 oz Grenadine, 4 oz Ginger Ale

I've never been able to develop a taste for beer, at the very best I don't mind it as long as it's cold... liquor is a real man's drink. Just give me some whiskey or rum, maybe some coke to mix it with and I'm golden.
Ennowee, you never mix coke with anything. It's blasphemy.

So is putting ice in Whiskey, Rum, Cognac, Brandy, Vodka or anything that makes you warm and happy inside. Top tip: Put a bottle of Vodka in the freezer, it's supposed to be syrupy when you drink it.
The separation here sounds like a caste worse than Hinduism's.
Pax, my step-father drinks.

Seeing the effect on him, I don't think I ever want to drink.

Sorry if I want to keep in my right mind.
For the longest time I hated beer. And now its one of the only things I drink. Granted its only one type, and its pretty shit. But for some reason, I loves it so much:

I have a friend who only drinks Steel Reserve. Pisswater imo, I can barely finish a can without gagging. It's even worse than PBR.

Pax, do not fear. Most of the time I drink, it's straight liquor. I only blaspheme with Coke a small amount of the time... but oh, is heresy delicious!
Steel Reserve is malt liquor, not beer

it gets you drunk for cheap.
Steel Reserve is malt liquor, not beer

it gets you drunk for cheap.

see, goes to show how much i know :|

I do like Corona though.... that IS beer, right?

Other than my malt liquor, whiskey is the only drink for me.
beer is very gross, i dont know how people drink it, i'm more of a spirits guy, and even then i dont drink them much, nothing beats a coke.
Pax, my step-father drinks.

Seeing the effect on him, I don't think I ever want to drink.

Sorry if I want to keep in my right mind.
You're clearly now mixing the effect of alcohol 'on persona' with the effect of alcohol in general.

Just because your step-father drinks and might do so for various reasons, due to which he is a nasty nasty man and clearly abuses the whole drink, it doesn't mean that alcohol is bad. It just depends on the person using it.

If you drink to forget, drink to feel good or drink because you feel you need it to get through the day you have a serious ****ing problem and I suggest you see someone for it.

If you drink because you like the taste and just have a few for your enjoyment then you're doing okay.

Remember, there is a reason why they tell you not to over do alcohol.

But generally speaking; if you don't like the drink because you tasted it it's fine with me. But if the fact that your step-father drinks and his response to drink is the reason you don't want to drink you seem to have a problem with your step-father and not with drinking alcohol.
see, goes to show how much i know :|

I do like Corona though.... that IS beer, right?

Other than my malt liquor, whiskey is the only drink for me.

actually to correct myself malt liquor is beer, I suppose--just implies it's some kind of high alcohol shitty lager. Carona is a good summer beer, imo
THANK you.

This man is credit to team.

I dont know if I am man enough to drink rum without mixing it with coke, or ice at the very least. God damn.

I only drink beer if someone buys me one. Otherwise its pretty much rum mixed with something.
Beer has such an impressive spectrum of flavours, and the proof of this is that almost every time I drink a beer it will be the first time I've ever drank that type of beer.

Hoegaarden was a bad choice really since to a lot of people wheat beers can taste like farts and even if you like it on the odd occasion, when your in that wrong frame of mind, it catches with the bottle of beans taste. D:

However! There are some excellent beers (probably ales actually) that are most certainly worthy of a shot, and I'd say it's actually worth starting on fruit beers. Yes fruit beers! They are quite possibly the greatest (but most expensive :( ) beers you can get, a favourite of mine is: Gefmann's, it's easy to spot as its a champagne bottle wrapped in paper.

Other beers to try are plenty of ales, sure you'll get lots of naff ones but there are plenty excellent ones. I can't think of the one I really like but the involves badgers, gold and gives off a bit of a gay vibe?

Anyway, case and point drink fruit beers, try lots of ales. Don't drink lager.

- Worst beer I've ever tasted, VB.
Yes, somehow it found it's way into my beautiful country...
Had a few sips of Hoegaarden, tasted like throw up x10. Tried some other Belgian shit (Astro something or something). Tasted like throw up x5. How do you people drink this shit is beyond me. Never again. I'll keep my mind open on wine or other shit maybe. Though this stuff tasted almost exactly as it smelled and wine didn't smell all that different...

Wow, how old are you?. :/

It was just beer dude, um...congrats on climbing this massive hurdle and milestone in life, truly on the same level of newsworthy as getting married or something.

If it was a post about trying a drug or something, maybe that would justify the thread....but your first beer?. Maybe if your 8 or something.

Also FYI, wine doesn't taste much better.

What has become? A forum for 12 year olds?

If you don't like beer you can go and drink rosé with the rest of your girlfriends at that sleepover while watching pretty woman, I'm sure you'll have a smashing time.

But if you think you at least have some use for your testicles later on in life you can always go down to your nearest liquor store or supermarket (or ask your cool friend Josh who IS old enough to drink) and check out beers that are a bit easier then heavy Belgian brew. Here is a tip: usually the darker the beer and higher the alcohol percentage the heavier the beer and thus the taste. I know that the latter (alcohol perc.) doesn't always matter, but it's an indication.

Budweiser light, Miller light and everything else light is for Major League Slowpitch Softball enthusiasts.

Now, if one of you girls still thinks beer is too icky and something stronger too hard on your throat I've made a small list of drinks you can have with the correct measurements of the ingredients.

Singapore Sling - 2 oz Gin, 1 oz Cherry Liqueur, 0.5 oz Lime Juice, 0.25 oz Grenadine, 3 oz 7UP (Sprite), 1 Cherry
Strawberry Martini - 1 oz Vodka, 0.5 oz Dry Vermouth, 0.5 oz Strawberry Liqueur, 3 Strawberry
Cosmopolitan - 2 oz Vodka, 1 oz Triple Sec, 1 oz Frozen Cranberry Juice Concentrate, 0.5 oz Lime Juice
Blue Lagoon - 2 oz Vodka, 0.5 oz Blue Curaçao, 1 oz Lemon Juice
Tequila Sunrise - 2 oz Tequila, 4 oz Orange Juice, 0.75 oz Grenadine

But for those girlfriends who think the above is a bit over the top on your barbie fashion party I'd suggest the following:

Shirley Temple - 0.5 oz Grenadine, 4 oz Ginger Ale

+rep for the chuckle.
This thread is cute

How do people drink this shit? They put it in their mouth then swallow, all homo.

Come back and tell me it's hard to drink beer after you've had like 10 on a full stomach.


Its the truth!.

If I had a chocie between a glass of wine or a glass of vinegar, I'd go with the vinegar, because at least I could dunk my dodgey kebab shop chips in it later.

I aint a big beer drinker but its an easy way to drink without smashing myself within five minutes (and yes, I to, like the OP, generally prefer my original state of mind) but I must say vodka and shots tend to go down quicker which is a plus.

It all depends on my mood and occasion.

My mate had some Mexican beers up at his place one sunny afternoon recently, they tasted quite nice. Shame the swine flu panic was raging, but then again, you had a reasonably tasty beer (for beer, it is an acquired taste) with the thrill of potentially catching a "deadly" strain of flu.