Stargate Resistance Announced


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Check it out.


Stargate Resistance is a fast-paced and deadly 3rd person shooter for control of the entire galaxy!

The arrogant System Lords believe they are the true masters of the universe, and have begun a savage campaign to dominate and enslave the known worlds.

Stargate Command operatives are the first line of defense against this menace. Small teams of brave agents use the Stargate to travel about the galaxy and parry the thrust of these alien overlords.

Whichever side you choose, each battle will be one of wits, skill, and reflexes that can decide the fate of the entire galaxy!

* Dominance: Battle for control of the galaxy as either the SGC or System Lords, wresting power away from your foes with each glorious victory!

* Dial It Up: Spearhead the assault by charging through the Stargate into enemy territory--drawn straight from the amazing Stargate series!

* Tactical Battle: Work with your teammates to defeat enemy players in a variety of multiplayer modes including Team Death Match, Capture the Tech, and of course, Domination!

* Game Play Variety: Master all 6 classes and use their unique abilities to turn the tide of battle. Earn experience with each class to advance through the ranks.

* True Stargate Weapons: Play with a vast array of weapons including the P90, Proximity Mines, Staff weapons, Sniper Rifle, .50 MG Turret and Anti-Cloak Sight, Ribbon Device and Ash'rak Death Knives!

* Spectacular Visuals: Experience battlefields with jaw-dropping textures and lighting rendered by the Unreal 3 engine!

* Expanding Universe: New content including maps, weapons, and classes enter the fray through future expansions

It's a side project for the Stargate Worlds guys.
Sounds like it's going to be a quick little cash-in for SG:W but it could be fun.

Hell, I'm just ****ing glad that we're FINALLY getting a Stargate shooter.
Just cancel the damn thing and stop wasting money. This rushed, half assed side project is only going to dent their wallets further. Nothing else.
Looks like a bad mod for UT2003. Man, I wish I could find people that waste money on crap like this so I could get them to invest in me so I can start up a company that makes good games.
Looks like a bad mod for UT2003. Man, I wish I could find people that waste money on crap like this so I could get them to invest in me so I can start up a company that makes good games.

People in companies like these probably used to say the same thing.
Oooh, iceburn.

Anyway I can't see anyone caring about Resistance or Worlds. Maybe while SG:1 was going on, but not now. This game's half a decade too late.

Although playing as system lord would still be kind cool.
mediocre shooter - what happened to stargate mod(s)
A stargate game sounds pretty neat. I am interested. I don't care about the unreal 3 engine. Graphics- meh. I still play on my ps2 and still play games like unreal and half-life.