Still like DM?

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I know a lot of people don't play HL2: DM anymore, but to me it's really my favorite deathmatch. In my opinion, it beats UT2004 to the dirt, crushes Quake deathmatch like a puny-wuny bug, and is supremely tactical and fun, especially for people like me who enjoy employing tactics.

I know it can be quite a pain for players who keep getting killed, over and over by better players and toiler-throwers, but for those who can keep up at least, it pwns.

So I guess my question is, are you burnt out, or are you just busy playing CS: Source or Battlefield 2 or something in these days?

Why is it that there are only like 100 servers? CS: S has like 5,000, and I enjoy it far less, minus the social factor.
I wouldn't say it offers much more tactics than either UT or Quake, but it's good still. For example, you have no item control, cause you can't move around fast enough to control them. At most you can control two or three, maybe four items depending on the map. In Q3 you can control all the armors and the megahealth which are all vital items to success. Not saying HL2DM doesn't have tactics, only different kinds of tactics.
The only online game I play nowadays is HL2DM. Team Deathmatch, of course.
TDM sucks on publics. It's just deathmatch with half the amount of people to shoot. No teamplay whatsoever.
WySiWyG said:
TDM sucks on publics. It's just deathmatch with half the amount of people to shoot. No teamplay whatsoever.

Dario D. said:
So I guess my question is, are you burnt out, or are you just busy playing CS: Source or Battlefield 2 or something in these days?
WySiWyG said:
TDM sucks on publics. It's just deathmatch with half the amount of people to shoot. No teamplay whatsoever.
I like playing Deathmatch with the best players on Lockdown. So much fun on Lockdown, so many little tricks to employ.
- Gordon
Pincus said:
I like playing Deathmatch with the best players on Lockdown. So much fun on Lockdown, so many little tricks to employ.
- Gordon

Lockdown/Powerhouse I like best.

Where you from? We should have a few rounds on a public sometime..
I still like playing hl2dm but unfortunately in Australia there are very few servers with custom maps. I used to have admin access to one but unfortunately that server has now been shut down as the box was struggling with it...

If there are any Australians out there that are willing to put forward a bit of $$, we could all host a server together. Cheapest I've found is $80AU/month (so only $20/month if we get 4 people) - of course all people involved would have access to the server to add maps and have rcon control. PM me here if you're interested.
WySiWyG said:
Lockdown/Powerhouse I like best.
Where you from? We should have a few rounds on a public sometime..
Do you have MSN? If so add me: [email protected].
I live in Australia, so there might be some ping problems, but I would still want to see how you play. Australia is +10 hours GMT, so times might also be a problem.

colblair said:
I still like playing hl2dm but unfortunately in Australia there are very few servers with custom maps. I used to have admin access to one but unfortunately that server has now been shut down as the box was struggling with it...

If there are any Australians out there that are willing to put forward a bit of $$, we could all host a server together. Cheapest I've found is $80AU/month (so only $20/month if we get 4 people) - of course all people involved would have access to the server to add maps and have rcon control. PM me here if you're interested.
I would like that. However due to my income of around $10 per month, I can't. I am only 14 :D
I need a job...
- Gordon
I enjoy HL2DM in small doses, i play more of CSS and 1.6 really, might reinstall HL2DM since i reformatted though and give it a second chance.
Still enjoy it, but it's next to impossible to find people the same skill level. 80% o' the time it's some (admittedly pretty fun) guerilla combat versus a couple newer folk or, worse, Super Bouncy Spastic Practice 3D against ten or more people who hop about spamming gravgun/SMG grenades.

However, it's insanely fun during those few games where people are skilled, yet play as though their life didn't depend on getting maximum points.
I'm not a fan of public TDM. I try to avoid it usually. My favorite is 1on1, but I play TDM if it's arranged in some way though and with SAFT of course :) So mostly it's 1on1 or public DM.
Funny, I always thought (and still think) that 1v1 has to be the worst gamemode for hl2dm, for the reasons you stated above (slow movement = no map control, which really is what 1v1 is all about, and the lack of objects to control to begin with).

I went back to cpma, just can't get enough of it, feels so nice playing a game that's completely polished. bf2 is awesome as well (everyone check out for great 32v32 organized battles).

I might come back to hl2dm though once AG2 comes out or pro-hl2dm has matured a bit.
netrex, are you the same netrex who is on the CB 1v1 ladder?
Haven't played DM for quite awhile...
Got boring for me... waiting for DoD:S now.
DM is t3h bomb. I mean, i even play TDM on public servers, and occasionally there are ounces of teamwork...

Generally, though, 'teamwork' means stepping on my SLAMS.
Pincus said:
I would like that. However due to my income of around $10 per month, I can't. I am only 14 :D
I need a job...
- Gordon

Talk to your clan about it if you want, maybe we can work something out together - they might like to have their own server which can be passworded if they want to practice on their own and can add whatever maps they want.
I'm happy to put in (if they need/want me to join the clan that's cool - I reckon I'd have the skills to make it).
Cmon, netrex!

Tell me your you think hl2dm is a good 1v1 game (as opposed to the reasons I stated above) and if yes, why is that so? You seem to play a lot 1v1, so I'd really like to get your insiders' opinion.
.syL said:
NETREX answer me :D
What? ;)

I like the game. It's very fun and I really enjoy playing it. It's far from perfect though, but still very fun. It's the most fun I have in any game at the moment, and 1on1 is my most favorite mode to play. It doesn't have all the aspects to it as Q3 does, but it still is fun to play. It makes you focus more on the shooting and moving (whatever movement there is) than item timing and controlling etc.. Only thing you usually control is the supercharger if it's there or maybe the RPG and what comes with that, it's all map dependant of course.

But still, I love playing it even with all it's bugs and annoyances and I feel I can improve still, so I'm playing it until AG2 or Q4 comes. Then I'll check them out and if they are better I'll probably switch or play both. HL2DM gameplay is pretty unique, so most likely, I won't go completely away from it for a very long time =)

I love the DM in this game too. With every game I've never really bothered with any of the deathmatch, but with HL2 I thought "WOAH?! Gravity GUn! Wooooo" (Runs on over and plays Hl2DM) and that's what originally got me into it.

My favorite FPS so far! :)
HL2DM will be my favorite once again, when someone creates a AI Bot for it. :)
Yeah, everybody has to admit the game is very unique with the gravity gun and physics.
- Gordon
If i get bored, i just fly from place to place using the grav gun.

Amazing fun.
Jintor said:
If i get bored, i just fly from place to place using the grav gun.

Amazing fun.
Hell yeah. I just do grav jumps with the car and give the guys camping up the top of the overwatch a fright :p
- Gordon
I haven't even played Half Life 2, i went straight to HL2 DM ( Am i missing anything?)
The super-grav-gun on the last levels. I would play it if I were you. type map d3_citadel_01 and you should get top the start of the last level. Make sure you do this in Half-Life 2, not Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.
- Gordon
.syL said:
Cmon, netrex!

Tell me your you think hl2dm is a good 1v1 game (as opposed to the reasons I stated above) and if yes, why is that so? You seem to play a lot 1v1, so I'd really like to get your insiders' opinion.

Yes 1v1 is great for this game I'm in one 1v1 ladder and joining another
If anyone wants to play post ...i have my own server :)

DM kicks major butt The physic engine is to die for :) ....did i mention you can kill people with fruit in this game?

you can sniper people with a propane tank from across the great is that?
people are skilled, yet play as though their life didn't depend on getting maximum points.
Sounds like me lol

Although now my skills are probably a bit rusty because of my crappy keyboard (can't hold 3 keys at once or it just freezes while the computer makes 'OMG T3H PAIN' noises (beeps) ). Actually, right now I'm looking for a cool server for me to admin on. And with admin I mean do really crazy stuff like freeze some objects, make a base out of them, become invisible and stuff... The console can do it all with sv_cheats 1 (well, that's before people join). Being an [SSO] really helps your admin capabilities ^-^
Haha just got back into it the other day... damn it's fun :D

I shall be fully active soon :E
I haven't posted here in awhile, but I have overdosed on many matches of HL2DM since I've been gone.

I think that in the beggining the game was kind of boring, but after discovering some of its nuances (Like using the grenade + gravity gun combo, the combine ball + gravity gun combo, and the gravity jump) the game has acquired an extra layer of depth. A lot of people complain about the tau missing, but a lot of people don't realize that HL2DM has some of its own advanced techniques that take a bit of time to master (Well, the nade+gravgun combo, anyway..).

And if you guys ever get bored with ordinary DM or TDM, you should give CTF a try, especially ctf_b2b_2fort (something like that). I always get a rush if I manage to snag the flag and am being bombarded with magnum shells and nades.

And there are some pretty skilled people now.. if you guys ever want a challenge, you should check out the [vDuS] server, which is meant only for experts. And if you play a lot, you might recognize some of the more well known players, like that Willy Wonka guy.

I play DM a lot but it feels as if I'm trying a beta of a game instead of the real deal and I think maybe thats why so many people are leaving it.

Here are some reasons why it feels so incomplete...

1. Slams are nearly useless as trip mines unless you're slamming spawn points and teleporter exits which is uber lame. On team deathmatch they only lower your score because of dumb teamates and most enemies easily avoid them.

2. A lot of servers now have vehicles to ride in but when you go in your player model dissappears, you may only use the secondary fire and the vehicle will mold/weld onto other objects and drag them along. It's true that it wasn't meant to be in there as it's not in any official map, but they granted you full permission to place in there.

4. Bodies will always go right through glass, elevators, grated surfaces such as catwalks, cages, fences etc... Although this is a problem with Source since this happens in all it's games including Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines.

5. No team change feature. Theres team deathmatch yet you can't change teams (or choose them upon entering in fact) while you play. You can add in the code yourself in the cfg file though but not everyone is able to do this and it's counted as a suicide.

6. A glut of horrible maps. There is already a small community for DM maps already but so many blindly place default textures randomly, just make a large polygon such as a sphere, set the skybox too low while adding anti-grav pads at the same time (You jump you bump your head in the sky and die! A normal human can just throw to borders of outer space.) and even the beautiful ones and classics they put items in bad places which I'll get to at #7.

7. In the TF2 map 2fort, you had every available item and weapon given to you at the the beginning of the match. But only every weapon and item available to your class so that things are balanced out. Soldiers are a threat to HW Guys which are can take out a sniper and so on...

In the HL2 version it's just a bunch of over powered players running around and swimming in a moat too deep and far to swim across if you were running or using a flashlight. There are plenty of rocket and grenade spawn points which frequently replenish. It takes little skill to use them but there are lots of them yet the easily detectable and avoidable slam only spawns in once place every few minutes.

8. Every single bug described at the top of this forum.

Valve seems to have just abandoned it. Someone here said that CS Source is her perfect child that she brags about and HL2DM is the one they don't mention and hide away when guest arrive. CS Source gets updates so much while HL2 is neglected. They;re frequently thre to fix the most obscure and rarest bugs for CS yet the big obvious ones of HL2DM remain untouched. When was the last time we got a new model from them? Oh thats right we never did!
Oh well, the only reason I play HL2DM is because it's free and I don't have to deal with the elitists that run amock in CS and HLDM who have had four more years experience than me. I started playing HL2DM a month after it came out, so I was on an equal par with everyone else.

Those are some pretty points though, DoctorWeeTodd. I especially hate the buggies and how players dissapear.

On one note though, there are some pretty good methods on using SLAMS. One I've seen is planting it on the ground and covering it with an object, or to lame them in certain areas that are made hard to get through with the SLAMS.
I hate SLAMs, shittest weapon. You try to stick one on the wall, yet suddenly two of then appear out of nowhere and are dropped normally. I hate them anyways, I want to run around killing people, not stopping at every door looking for a slam.
Thats why I LOVE lockdown so much.
- Gordon
I think SLAMs on lockdown would be highly tactical and I'm surprised they didn't put them in.
I like playing 1 on 1, although I don't get chance much because people will join the server :S
ninojman, what's the IP of your server? :)