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May 19, 2003
Reaction score
So CS:CZ is coming this june or early summer. HL2 is coming early October since it ships the 30th. Now CS2 wont be coming for awhile because of CZ and what most likely is going to happen is this. They release HL2 with TF2 because of Gabe's quote through my email, quite strange but look....

"TF 2 will be sold as a stand-alone SKU at retail, over Steam, and, I am sure, at some point it will get put in the same box as HL-2.

Now it sounds like he is either saying it will be included as a suprise or retail and then eventually like CS2, TF2, and CS2 in a platinum edition. Now when HL2 does get released of course there is going to be some suprise for multiplayer but if its not TF2 then im sure TF2 will be released later in the winter or early 2004. It only makes sense, let's just hope they ship TF2 with HL2 because if not we are pretty much going to wait awhile for it and to tell you the truth i could give a rats ass about condition zero. Can someone email gabe at [email protected] and ask some questions hinting towards TF2 or when we will hear something about it. I can hardly imagine what TF2 will be like, and HL2 god i have no idea im sure alot of stuff will be different from just seeing these videos and pics, tons of new things. BTW ive been playing the matrix, not very bueno....i give it

Gameplay - 5
Graphics - 4 (Terrible graphics...seriously)
sound - 6 (Nothing special)
Tilt - 6 (Not that hard to figure out but gay little tips come up along the game...very annoying.
Value - 3 (Only buy this game if your a huge Matrix fan, actually if you havnt you arent because you would have already bought dont)
Originally posted by tokin
So CS:CZ is coming this june or early summer. HL2 is coming early October since it ships the 30th. Now CS2 wont be coming for awhile because of CZ and what most likely is going to happen is this. They release HL2 with TF2 because of Gabe's quote through my email, quite strange but look....

Now it sounds like he is either saying it will be included as a suprise or retail and then eventually like CS2, TF2, and CS2 in a platinum edition. Now when HL2 does get released of course there is going to be some suprise for multiplayer but if its not TF2 then im sure TF2 will be released later in the winter or early 2004. It only makes sense, let's just hope they ship TF2 with HL2 because if not we are pretty much going to wait awhile for it and to tell you the truth i could give a rats ass about condition zero. Can someone email gabe at [email protected] and ask some questions hinting towards TF2 or when we will hear something about it. I can hardly imagine what TF2 will be like, and HL2 god i have no idea im sure alot of stuff will be different from just seeing these videos and pics, tons of new things. BTW ive been playing the matrix, not very bueno....i give it

Gameplay - 5
Graphics - 4 (Terrible graphics...seriously)
sound - 6 (Nothing special)
Tilt - 6 (Not that hard to figure out but gay little tips come up along the game...very annoying.
Value - 3 (Only buy this game if your a huge Matrix fan, actually if you havnt you arent because you would have already bought dont)

"at some point" could mean the day the game comes out as well.
Tokin..I'm sorry to say this...but you are an asshat! :p

the dude just told you that it will be sold seperately as retail or thru steam...what is it that you don't get?

seriously...they will probably sometime after both games have been out for a while make a game of the year edition or whatever where they will pack both up in the same's really not that hard figuring out those 4 lines in the E-mail...

to sum it up: TF2 WILL NOT SHIP WITH HL2 ON SEP.30th(atleast not in the same box(and I doubt it will even be released on that date))!!!!!
suck my weiner and swallow the cum. Thanks and have a nice day.
Originally posted by tokin
"TF 2 will be sold as a stand-alone SKU at retail, over Steam, and, I am sure, at some point it will get put in the same box as HL-2.

I'm sure that isn't hard to understand either. Gabe didn't say "outside of the same box as HL2" or "get put in a different box." He said "At some point it will get put in the same box as HL2."

BTW, the email was 2 lines.
prince your the only person in these forums i absolutely dont like at all, i have never done shit to you but you just have to be a little bitch. In that other post about my dream saying im crazy if i had a dream about HL2...its not that i tried to dream about just happened...mkay? Give me a break, im just trying to make points about why TF2 might just be included with HL2...who knows, i mean TF2 does have their own team and stuff but they say their will be a big suprise for the multiplay part, its either TF2 or some HL2 features like regular shit, we will see what happens. Either way the multiplayer for it will kick ass. What i dont understand is why did they make CZ even though HL2 is coming out, alot of people will leave HL to the HL2 community...alot. I cant figure out their strategy for their marketing plans. All very confusing and i wonder when we will hear an update on TF2.
why do threads in the TF2 forum always devolve into childish name-calling (e.g. Lol, Best TF2 sniper...)? Actually i hope TF2 is a separate game totally, because otherwise i won't be as good if they rush it out for 30th sept
Originally posted by tokin
prince your the only person in these forums i absolutely dont like at all, i have never done shit to you but you just have to be a little bitch. In that other post about my dream saying im crazy if i had a dream about HL2...its not that i tried to dream about just happened...mkay? Give me a break, im just trying to make points about why TF2 might just be included with HL2...who knows, i mean TF2 does have their own team and stuff but they say their will be a big suprise for the multiplay part, its either TF2 or some HL2 features like regular shit, we will see what happens. Either way the multiplayer for it will kick ass. What i dont understand is why did they make CZ even though HL2 is coming out, alot of people will leave HL to the HL2 community...alot. I cant figure out their strategy for their marketing plans. All very confusing and i wonder when we will hear an update on TF2.

woooops! I'm sorry man...I was just kiddin around...hmm maybe I should have made it a little more obvious...

didn't mean to put you down or anything...I know that we aren't in control of our dreams...but the whole thing was like y'know...people are crazy at these, me and everyone!

sorry that you didn't recognise that I was just jesting...but I respect that you're a sensetive person and it won't happen again...sorry:eek:
im not very sensitive especially to people i dont even know to over forums, that would be just gay of someone to be like that. Its ok no big deal.
Accidentally replied to the first thread you posted in? :p
You've committed a grave sin, boy! A grave sin! What did you think you were doing, fooling with these dark forces? Thread necromancy's the devil, boy! THE DEVIL!

And you've been cavorting with the devil, raising things from the long-since dead-and-buried-deep, making a mockery of the natural order. You've done it this time, Stigmata. You done brought doom and hellfire on us all!
Dave, I SINCERELY hope you were simply looking for more bacon bits.

Otherwise you've commited a travesty. A very kinky and sexy travesty at that.
Hahaha, that's the best post ever, and he wasn't even banned for it! Badger was even in the thread and he didn't do anything! That's so great.
Hahaha, that's the best post ever, and he wasn't even banned for it! Badger was even in the thread and he didn't do anything! That's so great.

"The" boy? your in this thread grandson. You better get used to it.
No, I'm posting from an alternate timeline, so it's "the" thread to me, not "this" thread. I'm operating remotely.
No, I'm posting from an alternate timeline, so it's "the" thread to me, not "this" thread. I'm operating remotely.

Hahaha, that's the best post ever, and he wasn't even banned for it! Badger was even in the thread and he didn't do anything! That's so great.

Maybe... oh god, maybe this was even before badger was a mod!

Stigmata, the necromancer!
Comrade Badger wasn't actually in this thread at all.

MR. Badger, however. <_< >_>
We're so f***ing dead.

*Takes out pistol*

Wait a minute, this isnt zombie you silly wiggums
TF2 to be put in a box with a HL2 game? NO WAI!
Everything that was predicted in this thread is now true.
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