Submit your mod to the definite HL2 ModDb..

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Hi. A big new HL2 site is in the making (it will be officially opened early next week).

On this site we will include a huge mod-database, covering all hlk2 mods in development.

So... If you're working on a mod, go HERE and fill out the form. (It's not the address to the new hl2 site, only an old site I used to run...) You can also mail me 2-8 Images/Art etc. from your mod as all mods will have a 'Media' part. Mail the images to [email protected] as attachments or links, and remember to use the mod-name as subject.

The reason I want you to do this is that we want some mods in the database when the site is opened...
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Same goes for me.

me too, i have decided that moddb does in fact suk, and will be henceforth removing there site from my sig. HL2 exclusive stuff, you have my attention
What sucks about it? I've always found it a great place to find info on literally tons of mods.
yeah me to, I feel that moddb is da best mod site around
Moddb is good to find mods but the community and the crew behind it totaly sucks. They act like they are 10 years old the whole bunch.
And 3/4 of the mods listed, will never get finished.

And that's the staff's fault? I'd bet money that most of the mods discussed on this board, and registered at a HL2 mod site won't get finished either.
I think all these sites are great.. they help get mods noticed to the public which can only be a good thing.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Moddb is good to find mods but the community and the crew behind it totaly sucks. They act like they are 10 years old the whole bunch.
it's tru, i got a comment on my profile saying: "a red x, i can believe that" when i posted a pic of a map i'd dun. that made me cry *snivvel* lol!