Team Fortress 2

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Details about Team Fortress 2 are still unknown but according to Gabe Newell, "After we finish the announcement process for Half-Life 2, we will provide an update on Team Fortress 2."
ita gonna pwn :D
the TF2 pics of 2000 are outdated but im pretty sure its still gonna pwn ;)
TF2 will most likely be a standalone game (though it'll probably use exactly the same engine). selling TF2 together with HL2 would be a very stupid thing of Valve to do, because they could make a lot more money by releasing them seperatly (sp?).
I really hope that TF2 is coming for the HL2 version...
Its gonna kick ass with CS !!
Well, we could see a HL2/TF2 double pack, but expect to pay a little extra for it.
Heck, I'll pay for both! They're going to be amazing games! :cheese:
Dont think tf2 gonne be like team fortress frome half-life. I hope valve gonne bring team fortress mod fore hl2 like what they dith with hl1

English soz :(
i member when i first saw tf2 in 1999 and thought that it would be out by 2001...broke my wittle heart...
2001 ??? I saw it 1999 !! I have want it ever sens;(
I saw TF2 in his Official web...
it likes American Army,not like TFC
I have NOT see any special skill(like Concjump or somthing) in TF2
TF2?...I just feel TF2 is a mod of HL2 like AA
I dont think so..
how do u feel?

TF2 is....
A mod like AA?
A mod like TFC?

which one u will choose?

Na, they it was gonna be 'realistic' rather than rocket jumps and conc jumps all the time. I think itll be a bit CS like with the urban shooting sorta action with a commander in charge of the team a bit like Natural Selection. All sounded good to me and if its gonna use the HL2 engine, itll look shit hot too :D
God this has been a long time in comeing, I hope they make it realy worth the waite.
Originally posted by LPC
TF2 will most likely be a standalone game (though it'll probably use exactly the same engine). selling TF2 together with HL2 would be a very stupid thing of Valve to do, because they could make a lot more money by releasing them seperatly (sp?).

dude no. TFC was a mod, and they will make TF2 a mod as well. I've heard all about those stand alone rumours. But HL2 alone will sell like crazy for valve to make 2 more Half-Life's after that. Valve has enough money as it is. Besides, HL2 itself would sell better if it had alot of mods. And it would cost more money to put out a seperate campaign on a stand-alone, than to add it as a mod. In which case they would waste alot more money to just get the stand-alone to the shelves to sell than to put it in with HL2.
Originally posted by MP3+2=Z
I saw TF2 in his Official web...
it likes American Army,not like TFC
I have NOT see any special skill(like Concjump or somthing) in TF2
TF2?...I just feel TF2 is a mod of HL2 like AA
I dont think so..
how do u feel?

TF2 is....
A mod like AA?
A mod like TFC?

which one u will choose?

...what are you talking about? Those 'gameplay videos' are like two or three years old, man. The engine's COMPLETELY different and, as far as we know, so is the gameplay. You really can't make a decision on information that's so outdated. Just wait before you assume it's like "America's Army".

And Thug, you really can't assume that Valve will make it go with HL2. They released TFC with Half-Life as an incentive to buy Half-Life because HL was a very small game -- it's all they had going for them so that they could attract the Quakeworld players. Also, since when did you think a corporation having heaps of money would make them more generous? There's pros and cons to doing it either way. On one hand, look at what Valve does now. They have mods being released as retail games, and they all sell quite well, so TF2 may be retail. On the other hand, having a good mod come with HL2 may be a nice incentive to buy the game. It's all dependant on Valve's marketing guys.


EDIT: Gah! Double signature = evil
Vert you do have a point and that also makes sense, i guess we will have to wait and see but as of right now im pretty sure im right about my

Valve said there will be a huge suprise for HL2's multiplayer and they also said TF2 has to deal with HL2 majorily and if they release any info about it it will spoil alot of things about HL2 and TF2. This pretty much means TF2 is going to be added in with HL2 and they will eventually make CS2 and DOD2 retail after that...most likely a year or longer. Now everyone was psyched about TF2 and looked forward to it until it was pretty much vaporware. Think about it, HL2 will have multiplayer but it wont be anything that big or will most likely get old after awhile but TF2 will be included with HL2 just like TFC was included with HL. Since there is a story about TF2 and HL2 that means TFC had to do something with HL and just watch they said there will be a suprise for HL2's multiplayer and TF2 will be it. It will come with it or be released through steam and maybe eventually go retail like all of the other mods but they will defiantely include the game no doubt. Valve has been very generous to the hl community and in a few months or hopefully sometime this summer they will announce TF2 to be included with HL2....just watch and wait. It all makes sense but all of you or most of you just have to keep disagreeing. I know they scraped the quake engine along time ago and started to make a new one for TF2 and they announced it would be its own game going retail, well they most likely changed that idea including it with HL2 because they want the hl community to be happy with half life 2's multiplayer. Where most people will start off playing half life2 single player, then half life 2 multiplayer (just like regular hl) but more people will be playing TF2 online...just like how HL started off online with tfc...then came cs of course. I dont doubt valve one bit and listen....if they say TF2 has to do with HL2 well why the **** would they release it retail by its self...they will of course include it with HL2 for singleplayer action with bots (AI) and multiplay. If they released it retail and TF2 having to deal with HL2 then many people would play it and be very confused and since the story is behind it they say then that pretty much explains it. BTW not many people know about this but a friend of mine asked them at E3 about TF2 and they answered "Well we dont want to give anything off about TF2 just yet, it has alot to do with HL2 and you will have to wait and see." I mean they did say there is going to be a big suprise for multiplayer...what else can it be? Also they want the community to keep getting bigger and bigger so they will release tf2 included with HL2 and then maybe eventually release it retail but see they want people to have HL2 to play TF2 so it will either come with it or they will release it through steam. Im going to laugh at each and every one of you when its true, and lets say if its not well then valve is kind of dumb in my perspective. I cant believe only like 2 people in this forum agree with me about this.

This was posted at another forum that i was at so i just copied all of it and posted it here to explain...feel free to argue against me. Some of it may not make sense since it was directed towards other people.
See, tokin, I agree with you on certain points (however, I'm too lazy and too tired to go into detail). However, I think Valve may have been generous to the HL Community just to generate a large fanbase for Half-Life 2. That way, when it's announced, there'd be a large population STILL playing Half-Life (hell, it's still the most played game online today), and so everybody would be excited for Half-Life 2 and buy it right away, thus creating every Marketing agent's friend, hype.

However, it really depends on how they want to approach the release of Half-Life 3 (if and when it comes out). If they still want to hang onto a large fanbase and even expand on it, then they may release Team Fortress 2 with Half-Life 2.

On the other hand, if they decide to make do and just go in it for the money, they'd release the game seperately and/or through Steam. Considering how it's been five years since Valve made their first (and only) product (and since they've blossomed to a giant in the video games industry since), it's hard to tell what they'll do. Once again, I'll say all we can do is wait and see.

TF2 will most likely be a standalone game (though it'll probably use exactly the same engine). selling TF2 together with HL2 would be a very stupid thing of Valve to do, because they could make a lot more money by releasing them seperatly (sp?).

Who ever would've thought good ol' LPC would be right...
Maaaaaaaaaaasive bump is massive.

Sheesh this was like 4 years ago...
I demand this thread necromancy end! What dark powers hath you all been cavorting with that this entire month has seen a rash of threads from years past return from their eternal slumber?!

TF2 was canceled, and episode 2 was delayed until october 2007
Holy crap, I've traveled back in time. Don't re-elect George Bush, you'll regret it.
Did you know that TF2 has been released? Yes it's awesome!
Stop!!! I am a mighty future hugonaut!!! I command that George Bush be put incharge of the world! (Trust me you'll be happy). Oh and Dick Cheny is going to shoot some old guy in the face.
Dammit Hazar, this is worse than that time you bumped all my old threads!
TF2 is vaporware mother****ers.

Vaporware indeed!

People actually go this far through all the pages and post in old threads? I never browse past the first page of threads!
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