The banner image

Oct 7, 2009
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So I've noticed this from a while now, but It seems that the image is still displaced to the right. Has anyone noticed it already? I'd like to day it's not that important, but it sure stares at you in face, huh?

Maybe try shrinking it down a bit to fit the new forums width? I guess that would make it look a bit blurry, but the other options I see are to either re-design it or shift it to the left - as is.
It's not displaced. It's true that when you have the forum at a smaller width, it hangs off the right a bit. But if you stretch your window horizontally some more, the forum content expands and the banner looks more centered.

If you've got your browser at about 1280px width, it should look fine.
Heh, yeah, but some people like me don't go all the way up to 1280px. And not all are fans of that resolution either.
It doesn't really have much to do with what your resolution is. In this age of widescreen monitors I would have though you had a resolution wider than that. But I browse in windowed mode on one side of my screen anyway, usually less than 1280px.

The banner image should be made less wide. When you size your window to anything below ~1085px, it makes a horizontal scrollbar show up at the bottom, because that damn image is hanging off so far on the right. The damn margins don't help either, which is something that has YET to be addressed. It's seriously just one line of code in the css file.

Here's a modified banner that saves 115px width

Just replace this image with that one, it can't be that hard.

The banner really should be PNG because there are some terrible artifacts. But I digress.
You're talking about resizing, right? I can't really think of anything else than that. I do know that things like this tend to drive people away from websites, no matter what the content is. But I guess sometimes it's for the better.
All I did was get rid of all the extra blank space. The banner really is designed for someone viewing the site at least 1280.

With the smaller banner I made, it would be best if it was also centered instead of sticking to the left.
Who the hell isn't a fan of at least 1280px wide resolutions, wtf? This isn't 2001 anymore. And even if it was, everyone would be a fan of higher resolutions, because they're better.

But then, I guess some people aren't fans of power steering in their cars. Whatever.
Like I said, I don't like to fullscreen my browser. Widescreen browsing = useless and dumb.
You're dumb. Widescreen browsing = faster reading and more efficient use of time and therefore smart.

But my point was that he made it sound like people aren't fans of the resolution. As if some people would prefer resolutions lower than 1280x800. In addition, I'd also like to point out that his claim that things like the banner being offset keep people away from the site is complete baloney.
Some of the thread names are missing for me.

Example: "Image Dump IX (ALL POSTS MUST " "Post Your Desktops the "Willie will give you bananas " And "Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole"

I can read more now, after I made it wider, becouse after reading this thread, the banner was really annoying to look at.
Thread titles and other things get mercilessly cut off when your window is not wide enough. And when things get pushed to the second line, like the page numbers, it results in ugliness.

This is really a terrible theme.
The banner image has been updated to 800 pixels width, is this any better for you?
Didn't even use my version, pff guess I'm not good enough.

Just kidding, thanks for this Munro!
Why is it centered now? Was better before. Centering is for scaredy cats.
No centre here in 3 browsers....
Odd, on my home browser (chrome) it's centered. Here at the school lab computers, it's not.

Yeah it's centered for me aswell. Firefox. Looks fine.
Yeah it's centered for me aswell. Firefox. Looks fine.

Can you guys post a screenshot? I'm not sure you guys know what you're talking about. The image is the name along with all the game characters. You might be confused if your window size is such that the group of characters are in the center of the page.

This is the image:

Yeah, and the characters are in the center if I have full screen. I have no complaints about it.

But I still think the thread titles needs to be fixed, when they get cut off. And If a thread has attatchments, the number of pages gets behind the paperclip icon.
Yes I love having this at the bottom of my browser for no good ****ing reason


If only we could change the damn width property on <body> to be 100% then it would solve all our problems


People can use non-wide resolutions without having scrollbars, and without having a bunch of wasted space on the sides.

Edit: Also bring back blue theme :)
Oh wow there're some really bad jpeg artifacts around the text in the banner.