The Guardian Votes Half-Life 2 Game of the Decade


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Readers of British paper The Guardian have voted Half-Life 2 as being the Game of the Decade. There is a lovely little piece on the site about the game. The closing words in that article are my favourite:[br]
Half-Life 2 is the game of the decade, not just because it's good, but because it encapsulates so much of what mainstream gaming has been trying to do for the last ten years; the aspiration to create believable, physically accurate worlds, then to make us a part of them. The narrative and technical achievements of this game and its episodic follow-ups have been equaled, perhaps, but not significantly bettered. We may see Half-Life's usurper in the coming decade – we may witness the next quantum shift in the medium. It will be fun getting there. This is why we play videogames, after all.
[br]Half-Life 2 - Game of the Decade. It just sounds so right.
wow, a newspaper talks about a non-hyped game - unbelievable
hell if you consider the games that came before and after half-life2 you will see the ones that came before where influenced in one way or another,from phisics to more elaborate scripted events and such
Tell us something we don't know lol.
Not my choice, but not a bad candidate for the best of this decade.
Democracy fails to fail shocker!
Hurray for all the good press Half-Life has been getting recently (ie, this, the crispygamer poll and the gamespot game heroes poll and also I'm sure L4D and L4D2 has made a couple more people aware of Valve). Maybe some people will take notice and get what they've been missing out on.
Definitely the game that has influenced my life the most this decade. Heck, half of it has been spent on this forum and it's a game that I still play to this day. Definitely my game of the decade.
My game of the decade too, but obviously I've been posting on a HL2 fansite for longer than its been out and well more than half the decade, so I guess that's a gimme.

Still, even by non-biased non-fanboy standards, I'd say HL2 is a pretty damn good choice.
When the first official Episode 3 media is revealed by Valve the whole world will turn upside down.
Can anyone think of a better candidate? I guess the most culturally relevant game is Halo, but that's not because of good game design.
Meh, it's definitely up there, but I don't know if it deserves game of the decade. Maybe it does though, guess I'd have to think about it.
Can anyone think of a better candidate? I guess the most culturally relevant game is Halo, but that's not because of good game design.

Halo is a good game, but also a severely overhyped game. Halo did not bring anything especially new or special to the genre, but it does deserve it's respect for saving Xbox.

Half Life 2 innovated and re-invented. The first game that takes in so much consideration into virtual physics as well as human facial animations and emotions. Not to mention, the graphics of Half Life 2 was incredibly advanced for it's time, and to this date still looks better than many other games out there.

I think the whole culture spawned from HL2 is enough to put it as game of the decade.

wait wait no

Meh. Definitely didn't deserve the absolute best game, but it's better than a lot of other stuff that came out. My game of the decade would have to be Ratchet and Clank 1 (for nostalgia and obscurity reasons).