The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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Foo Fighters - End Over End

One of my new favourite songs since I started listening to In Your Honour.

And now it's No Way Back.
The Doctor Who series 1 & 2 soundtrack. I'm up to track 27 Doomsday (definitely one of the saddest sounding tracks).
Oasis- Falling Down (Well, watching the new video really, but still listening to the song).
Doves - There Goes The Fear


Doves - Pounding
Jugwallah - Golden sun :dozey:

and then

Uniform emotion - Salco :dozey:
Red Hot Chili Peppers - 21st Century

Edit: Now listening to Athlete - Half Light
Amon Tobin - The Killer's Vanilla

I wonder where he got the samples for this song. Kitchen Sink is the next track on the album... maybe he sampled his fridge and freezer before moving on to the dish area?
Bards of Canadia - JULIE & CANDY

EDIT: That's not a tribute band or nothing, I'm just messing around.
EDIT2: Beards of Kaneda.
Amon Tobin - Nova

Sulk, your post is highly appropriate given that it was preceded by a Canadian.
The Who - A Quick One, While He's Away

You know what's bizarre? The intro to the 'Engine Driver' segment is very similar to Tonto by Battles. EDIT: No wait. Something by Battles. I'm not sure.
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