The very first HL2 clan...

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Alright, with the anouncment of HL2 we need a clan. I'll be the leader. Who wants to join? Right now our clan symbol is -[FHL2C]- for First Half-Life2 Clan! Okay, someone come up with a better name and symbol, I suck at this.:laugh:
I think theres about 50 HL2 'first' clans about now? :) Some of them starting about 2 weeks after the first Half-Life was released :E
Fine, It'll now be known as First Half-Life2 Clan Of :laugh:
You should probably wait until you have seen people play before you try recruit them!
okok.... but who wants to join my HL3-Clan???
Our first Clanfight is on Octobre 30th 2010...
Forget that, who wants to join my Duke Nukem Forever clan? First clanfight January 1, 2145.
dark forces 4: jedi knight 3: jedi outcast 2: Sith Dominance clan recruiting now......we will be "Jedi Knights" or [JK]
Originally posted by Munro
I think theres about 50 HL2 'first' clans about now? :) Some of them starting about 2 weeks after the first Half-Life was released :E

Ok, in that case, why don't you start the "Second Half-Life 2 clan" lol. I mean, there are lots of firsts, but no seconds :p
I wish Half Life 2 would be Cooperative. meaning in Multiplayer, the people playing could play single play, only as a team. That would be soo sweet. You could pick what ever "save" you wanted, mostly who ever was the furthest in the game, you could pick their save, and you would all spawn together, and work as a team.. I think i'm dreaming, but wouldnt that be 1337..

it is very possible a mod could do this, i hope to see it.
Hopefully U can play more then 2 players too... Its to bad in Halo, just 2 player Co op
yes coop would kick ass.

But who wold the other player be??

Gordons evil twin brother maby???

Or maby that girl Alyx (or what her name was)

Anyway it would be cool.
well, if it went along the lines of the Single Player Story line, i dont think you could use them other players, maybe they could be like Barney, or a scientist gone evil.
dont u guys think its way too early to start making clans, especially since no one has even played halflife2 yet, so no one can be good enough to be in a clan...

just a thought.
i dont like HL multiplayer, so i am not planning on joining a clan, although after playing HL2 multiplayer, it might change my mind ?
Originally posted by SilentKilla
i dont like HL multiplayer, so i am not planning on joining a clan, although after playing HL2 multiplayer, it might change my mind ?

HL Multiplayer wasn't really that good, especially when it was out when internet wasn't exactly that common, however, with the new style and gameplay i might just be forced to stop playing CS and play HL2 multi after i spend endless hours on single player :p
I love how people recruit before the game comes out and then find out that there team
Reminds me of a certain AvP2 mod that I helped out in..

ohh, CS would have rocked if it had co-op :D
Just must post an reply to this one. Your "first" clan is about 4-3 years late, i've seen prolly 200 "first" clans for Half-Life 2 and Team Fortress 2 in past 3 years and theres actualy some of them still "up", even though they arent playing anything..
actually the name of my clan was [HL2] which origianally stood for half life squared, and we formed a few weeks before hl came out. we're still together, through cs, through dod, and now hl2, so WE are the truly 1st hl clan ever :)
hmmm, I've never posted on this one before, never noticed it, But WTH is there clans forming already... You really don't even know if they'll ship it with multiplayer really whats the point?!?!?!?
apparently HL2 will have multiplayer.... but we have NO idea what form it will be taking.
the multplayer will be a secret. so you wont know anything about it untill they ship the game!
right, #eclipse.hl2 founded about 1-2 months ago
quakenet btw
I hope Half Life 2 multiplayer turns out great. I hope they put as much time into it as CounterStrike 2 but i doubt it. Anyways, iI have not played the half life multiplayer out now that much, or recently because there were so many mods out, and HL multiplayer did not seem that good.
It is almost a definite that HL 2 will ship with multiplayer. What made half life so good was all the multiplayer action it had. Unlike other companies, after the game was released Valve continued to work on new projects- mods for Half Life. Sure half life was a great single player game but I have not been replaying the levels over and over the past few years, I have been playing multiplayer. I know Half Life 2 ingle player will eb incrediblebut It would be a dissapoitment to me if it did not ship with multiplayer, and I know it would also be a disappointment to a lot of you too. Anyways, there has not been a Half Life patch in awhile, and TFC 2.0 has been beign worked on foreverrrrrr so I am pretty sure they were just waiting until the release of Half Life 2 for all the new multiplayer games....but then again im not certain about any of this.

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