This Isn't Racist


The Freeman
Aug 2, 2007
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So I noticed about 5 seconds after looking at the picture of Eli+Wife+Alyx that none of them are from the same ethnicity...
I mean I don't have any particular problem with this but it's rather curious, I won't that VALVe isn't trying to illustrate something.
Yes but what I'm saying is that none of them are from the same ethnicity. You don't blend two and get a third one that fits pat and perfect into another category.
Eli is of African descent, Wife is of indeterminable descent but from what I can discern is neither Asian nor African, Alyx's eye shape and other facial structure cues would suggest someone of Asian descent.
Alyx's mom is Asian, not "indeterminable." I see no contradiction.
Eli's definately black and Azure (i think that's Alyx's mom's name) looks at least half Asian.
Alyx's mum is called Azian. Probably a little hint right there.
This Isn't Racist

All that is missing is "This Isn't Racist ... but "

I mean I don't have any particular problem with this but it's rather curious

Its good that you had to make clear you have no particular problem. Surely that should be obvious?

Anyway, carry on.
Alyx is from an Asian / African mix, same as the real-world actress used to create her face (Jamil Mullen) and also coincidentally as her Voice Actress (Merle Dandridge.) Merle actually talks briefly about her connection to the character and how her unique ethnicity helped in establishing that in the Episode Two commentary.
Hmmm, I don't quite know what I was trying to say in that sentence. XD
Alyx's mother is Asian? Huh, guess the picture was a bit too fuzzy for me to make a good distinction.
Well that answers my question.
I like that you felt the need to reassure us that you weren't racist, simply because you were talking about races.

I'm not racist, but black people exist :O
I hate when people use African and Asian to describe races. I don't see anyone calling Indians asians or Egyptians African? Do you!?

Alyx is half black and and half east asian.
I like that you felt the need to reassure us that you weren't racist, simply because you were talking about races.

I'm not racist, but black people exist :O

My point exactly. If I ever talk about woman, I dont start by saying, Im not sexist I have no problem with them but that girl over there is cute.
I hate when people use African and Asian to describe races. I don't see anyone calling Indians asians or Egyptians African? Do you!?

Alyx is half black and and half east asian.

No, she's African/Asian, since that's the proper naming for denominations of the human race.
Well seeing as how everyone is always so touchy about it I didn't want to get hammered by knee-jerk reactions from the obsessive people.

she looks to be of korean decent.

... well well well al qaeda and north korea working together...
Eli = mostly black

Wife = Lightish black

Eli + Whatsherface = Alyx = Half-way between.
lol Nicky, the wife wasnt lightish black, she was asian.

i've seen a few part asian part black people and they usually look pretty african, but with asian features like the eyes, the cheeks.

I actually think alyx mom was asian/white because alyx appears to me to be a little light to be half black and then another gene thats generally a dark one- asian. Plus judging by the pic of the mom she looks like a part asian part white person...
How the **** is this an argument?

Eli is BLACK.
His wife is ASIAN.

Alyx therefore is HALF BLACK, HALF ASIAN.

durr letz get into fightz over samentics and wurdz
Despite what you crackers might believe black people come in all different shapes sizes and colors and there are people who are still African American but have very light skin which is obviously the case with Alyx because her mother carried the genes which directed a lighter skin color.
This is almost as bad as

OMG! Alex's Momma is in PORTAL CUZ sheZ ASIAN!
Well seeing as how everyone is always so touchy about it I didn't want to get hammered by knee-jerk reactions from the obsessive people.

Problem nowadays with political correctness.
I think the lightness in Alyx' skin is from the genes of G-man, who is Gordon in the future. Also, Azian didn't die at Black Mesa, she still lives with the man who saved her, Adrian Shephard, and they were making asian gas-maked kids who grew up in the meantime and joined the Combine as Elite Combine troopers.
^^This post epicly fails because of not knowing about sarcasm.
The above post fails because he does not know the difference between sarcasm and humour.

This post fails because it continued this ridiculous chain.