True Lies

Jesus Lincoln

Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
AMC has been playing this serveral times in the past month, what a great movie, its a screwball comedy with Arnold Swarche...nagg...chegser...

It features some of the best Oh-My-God-This-Is-Cooler-Than-The-Matrix action scenes and it one of my favorite action movies of all time. If you havn't seen this yet, it is DEFINITLEY worth a rental
Agreed very cool movie indeed. It's funny seeing Eliza Dushku in this when she was a snivvling average looking teen. Bill Paxton constantly pissing himself too... heh!
The films weird, its got silly moments and cool moments and just plain 'typical action movie' moments and im very meh about all typical hollywood action films.... and Jamie lee curtis.... no thanks :x
It's very funny and all... but the man-to-man shootouts are mostly average...
The Last Action Hero is a lot better and more original!
True Lies has to be the best "cliché action movie" of all time, mostly due to Arnold's excellent humor.

Bill Paxton's character is up there on my "favorite characters list" ;)
i miss quality movies like this, old movies from the 80's-early 90's are great. ie. top gun, ferris buellers day off, and other movies i forget
Best line ever said by Tom Arnold to Eliza Dushku putting on that crash helmet

"Boy, I remember the first time I was shot out of a cannon"
Cool movie, but a bit Seagal-esque with all the neck snappage.
I love when Arnold gets his daughter in the Harrier :) Shes liek WTF?!
I love the scene when
some bad guys are in a car and it's almost falling off a bridge (see-saw style), and then a duck (or some bird) lands on the car, making it fall down. Pure brilliance!
Pelican. (That spoiler quote feature is clever, but it's not really needed for stuff like this.)

"Ask me a question I would normally lie to." "Are we going to die?" "Yep."
lol imo arnold's best movie. and a great movie at that.
It was pretty good for what you expect to be some typical brainless action movie.

Samir: Is there anything you'd like to tell me before we start?
Harry: Yeah: I'm going to kill you pretty soon.

Faisil: [Hacking into a computer] Yes! Files are unlocked! Fast Faisil strikes again. I'm doing, man! I've got my hand up her skirt, and I AM GOIN...
Gib: Just copy the goddam files, OK?

[Salim Abu Aziz reveals a nuclear weapon]
Salim Abu Aziz: Do you know what this is?
Harry: I know what this is...
[Salim smiles]
Harry: This is an espresso machine.
[Salim frowns]
Harry: No, no wait. It's a snow cone maker.
[Salim approaches Harry]
Harry: Is it a water heater?
bliink said:
It was pretty good for what you expect to be some typical brainless action movie.

Samir: Is there anything you'd like to tell me before we start?
Harry: Yeah: I'm going to kill you pretty soon.

Faisil: [Hacking into a computer] Yes! Files are unlocked! Fast Faisil strikes again. I'm doing, man! I've got my hand up her skirt, and I AM GOIN...
Gib: Just copy the goddam files, OK?

[Salim Abu Aziz reveals a nuclear weapon]
Salim Abu Aziz: Do you know what this is?
Harry: I know what this is...
[Salim smiles]
Harry: This is an espresso machine.
[Salim frowns]
Harry: No, no wait. It's a snow cone maker.
[Salim approaches Harry]
Harry: Is it a water heater?

LMAO i forgot all the funny quotes..gotta go watch this movie now..cuz i have it on DVD :p
LOL just saw the scene when the terrorist is stuck on the rocked and arnold fires it and says "You are fired!"