type two scanner


Mar 16, 2007
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they say type 2 scanner has an inbuilt machine gun. how come it doesn't seem to be the case? just want a "yes, the guides are wrong" answer..
Does it say that in the guide? I dunno but I remember Valve planning that but they scrapped it before the real game.
The machine gun is on the model, it's just not programmed to use it.
Where's the gun? I've only ever seen a flashlight and a claw on it.
There seem to be two modes to the Shield Scanner. The first is general "scanner" mode where it goes around taking photos, just like the City Scanner. The second seems to be "hopper drop" mode, where it has a big claw that carries exactly one hopper mine. Obviously, that means after it drops the hopper, it has to go back to wherever they get resupplied with hoppers.

No, I've never seem them fire a single shot either. As harmless as the City scanner.
Except they tell the Strider outside where you are...
And they shoot light at your eyes when your trying to SHOOT the strider, and you just happen to be playing on hard and the strider kills you.

*sigh* Bad times......
I remember one of those shooting me when i first played the City 17 part, but they havent done so for a while, maybe a patch
They do not shoot at all. In City 17 you have to look and moce around but that is civil protections shooting at you.
I think he means the return to City 17, after the revolution begins. The first time you see them, a rebel is shooting at them, so they don't last long, but maybe they do it then? They're certainly not strider-spotting at the time.
The Valve Wiki should confirm it if true or not.


Nope, no mention of guns at all.
That settles it then.
Bah the Strider tore my ass up nicely but that thing was firing at me