Unlockables, acheivments, ideas thread.


Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
If you were valve, what yould you put into team fortress 2? any acheivments, or new weapons? maby even new characters, or call of duty-like perks. chances are, these ideas will never be implimented. unless you do work at valve. in which case, can i has job plz?
ok....*sits back and picks up brandy glass*
*gets up and runs*
The only thing I've really thought of so far would be a long-distance flamethrower for the pyro. Not increasing the range of the weapon, but tossing little balls of fire across the map at some dudes. idkkkkkkkkkkk

I can see Valve giving the Pyro his napalm launcher as an unlockable, that would replace the shotgun.
Some weapons:

Cluster Bomb Launcher (Grenade Launcher upgrade) - Launches grenades that explode into 4 smaller grenades (like the MIRVs from TF and TFC).
Proximity Bomb Launcher (Sticky Bomb Launcher upgrade) - Launches bombs that explode when an enemy comes within range, but they can't stick to things and you can only have 4 out at a time.

Railgun (Pistol upgrade) - Doesn't crit, but does more damage based on how much ammo the target has.
Anti-Sapper (Wrench upgrade) - Removes Sappers in one hit instead of two.
well for the pyro i was thinking a flamethrower that could like have a secondary fire that shot out liquid iorn, like a water gun, only without water theres liquid iorn lol.

And for the engineer i was thinking like he could have a wrench upgrade similar to Steveios (makes the spy have to take out the engineer first, you dont see that at all now a days) and a pistol thats damage was increased when you have max metal so then an engineer can defend himself against long range soldiers, and increased metal storage (makes the engineer deadly since his pistols damage would depend on the amount of metal, could also allow the engineer to do raids away from his sentry so then he dosnt die of bordum when defending the intel). The snipe could also have a semi-automatic sniper rifle that could shoot faster, was a little bit less accurate and gives of a stream of smoke or a bigger muzel flash so then snipers dont always camp the same spot (the muzel flash would show were the sniper is, which will make other snipers camp his spot). An the god damn 2 damage smg realy needs and upgrade as well, maybe one that has big rusty bullets that do more damage and infect the shot enemy to give off a "poison" affect.
The Pyro should have an upgrade which allows him to detonate the (kerosine?) fuel tanks on his back creating a huge fireball igniting anyone caught in it.


Man I would love to see that.
I foresee an automatic weapon in the scout's future
I think people are overcooking their ideas slightly with new weapons and massively powerful unlocks. What we've seen so far from one class is the modification of the current weapon set with a twist / impact on the classes' specialist attributed. If the pyro were to get anything, it would be a flaming fire axes which set people on fire too, or a flamethrower with a larger radius / range. He's not going to be throwing fireballs or dropping napalm bombs. Don't get too carried away now...
^The pyro in TFC had a rocket launcher.

What if the scout had a gun that slowed people down, but did little/no damage, to replace the pistol.
maby an upgrade that lets the pyros flame thrower paint a wall of fire on the ground.

also, another idea i'v been thinking (read; fantasising) about: see how a backstab with the spys butterfly knife changes the animation? maby make a heavy backstab pick up an enemy and throw him. damagig other enemys.

its only an idea...
It could even work if a friendly pyro set the enemy on fire and then the heavy threw him into a pack of other enemys setting them on fire
Wern't the unlocks not supposed to be upgrades, but more alternate choices, e.g with the medics new 'ubersaw', it hurts just as much AND fills up 1/4 of ubercharge, but it swings 20% slower. The new medigun speaks for itself in how its not always going to be the best choice in certain situatuions.
I'd like a flamethrower sentry as an alternative to the normal one.
also, another idea i'v been thinking (read; fantasising) about: see how a backstab with the spys butterfly knife changes the animation? maby make a heavy backstab pick up an enemy and throw him. damagig other enemys.

its only an idea...

Yeah you sort've lost me there, are you saying a heavy should get some sort of a backstab resulting in the launching of enemys or ??
ellimanest is right - the unlockables are not upgraded weapons. I'm pretty sure it would break the game if the best players got better weapons than every one else. Im pretty excited to see what valve comes up with for every other class..
i like the idea of having a kamikaze pyro with a flaming tank and all, also i like the idea of putting one of you own friends on fire, and having the heavy throwing him across the map to catch other people on fire, even if it is very unlikely.

1.)Spiked Bonker:baseball bat with spikes on it (not as many crits, but does more damage)
2.)Boom Stick: Does more damage than the scouts original shotgun, shoots slower and has a mini grappling hook that allows them to get across wide openings.
3.)Tac Track: Scout can place scanners ahead of time to show teammates which direction the enemy is coming from (very useful for engineers when defending the flag, does not work on invisible spies)

Engineer (this is editing/adding my earlier post)
1.) Pack it Up: engineer can rotate and move his equipment, but moves slowly.
2.) Texas Tough: Gives the engineer more hitpoints (150 like a medic) but he moves slower.

1.) Irish Brew: Demoman can drink his beer, becomes intoxicated, makes demoman harder to hit by ranged weapons (when drunk, the demoman's controller's movements become over exaderated, Example: when strafing to the left you move like a meter over to the left)
2.) One Eyed Accuracy: Gernades launcher projectiles have a mini seeker inplanted so they can "move" closer to the enemy (they also explode faster when near enimies)

1.) Last One Alive, Lock The Door!: All soldiers near the person with this ability activated, shoot, move and reload faster.
2.) Serated Shovel: The name gives it away, does much better damage than the original shovel but swings slower.
3.) You Are Not Welcome In My World!: Rockets move towards the enemy faster and do more damage (they can not crit).
1.) Russian Roulette: Every time the Heavy kills someone with a crit, they gain more ammo (dosnt have to be alot)
2.) Fisty Cups: Heavy does less damage, but swings faster and hase a better chance for a crit (since everyone makes melee weapons have better normal damage but no crit, i decided to mix it up a bit)
3.) Time To Run Cowards!: Heavy runs, and deploys his mini-gun faster, but dosent have as much health.

1.) FYI: Spy can enable info under their name like a friendly would have (still deciding if they should have a mask)
2.) Friend or Foe?: Spy can disguise himself as any enemy, can also switch weapons and attack like a normal enemy, but can only switch to his spy butterfly knife (looks like melee weapon, example: spy disguises as a pyro and takes out butterfly knife, now the enemy sees him as a pyro holding his axe)

1.) Aaa Piss Of!: Sniper Becomes tougher so you can have a close quarter combat sniper (im not to sure about this one, maybe Valve should make some kinda unlockable were any class can get increases hitpoints but decreased speed or something)
2.) Wave Goodbye Ya Head Wanka: Sniper can shoot faster (maybe a new sniper rifle all together)
3.) New England Clam Choppa: Machete does better basic damage, no crit (yeah who saw that coming :rolleyes:). Could also swing faster maybe.
Grenades. Replace rocket launcher. Is not a selectable weapon. Instead, while the soldier is using one of his other two weapons he can right-click to throw a grenade. Grenades are more powerful than rockets and can also be cooked.
SMG. Replaces shotgun. Standard SMG. Better for medium range than shotgun but worse for short range.
Pogo stick. Replaces shovel. Is almost useless as an actual melee weapon but allows the soldier to jump almost as high as a rocket jump but with no damage done to the soldier.

Electrobat. Replaces aluminium bat. Less damage to other players but is very effective against engineers' buildings and temporarily disables them when they are hit by it.

Machinegun. Replaces Sasha. Does less damage than the chaingun but the heavy can run at full speed while using it.
Triple-barrelled shotgun. Replaces Sasha. Fires 3 shotgun blasts at once. Does not require reloading but has a very slow rate of fire. Shares ammo with shotgun. Does not slow down the heavy when fired.
Knuckledusters. Replace fists. Can kill most classes in one punch but the heavy slows down, like when he uses the chaingun, while they are equiped.

Crossbow. Replaces sniper rifle. More powerful than the sniper rifle but with a longer charge-up time. Can pin enemies to walls. There is no aiming-dot to give the sniper away but the shots are not insta-hit; they travel and arch downwards as they do.
Boomerang. Replaces machete. Is quite powerful but will fall to the ground as soon as it hits something solid. The sniper recieves a fresh boomerang one minute after the previous one is thrown, but he may also go and collect the one that was thrown, or a different sniper's boomerang, if he wishes to use it again before one minute has passed.

Dynamite. Replaces stickybombs. As seen as in the TF2 trailer.
Shrapnel grenades. Alternate ammo for grenade launcher. Explosion does less damage than an ordinary grenade but sends shrapnel flying to damage nearby enemies (like the flak cannon in Unreal Tournament).
Moonshine. Replaces whiskey bottle. Less damage than the whiskey bottle but blurrs enemy vision when they are hit with it.

Water pistol. Replaces revolver. Does no damage. When a spy is disguised and fires the water pistol it appears to the enemy team that he is firing the weapon of the class he is disguised as.
Booby trap. Replaces sapper. Can only be used on teleporters and dispensors. Causes buildings to emit poison gas when approached by enemies. Also allows these buildings to be targeted by friendly fire once the traps have been tripped.
that are some good ideas you have but some seem to realistic and may be out of place in the TF2 universe.
His ideas are scores better than yours, combine. The only thing I'd like from that list is the electrobat, though.
poison vial shooter replaces sapper. can be used while disguised on something that heals or stops damage (dispenser,medics gun, and water) causing damage instead of health, but only lasts a short time.

Rifle replaces shotgun. Kind of like rifles you see in world war 1 movies. Is accurate medium - long range and does big damage but has to be reloaded after each shot.
(also i liked riomhaire's idea for the grenades and Pistolero!'s idea for flamethrower engineer gun)
I love the water pistol idea. just the idea of the spy running round with a waterpistol with a pictur of a rocket launcher taped onto it.
His ideas are scores better than yours, combine. The only thing I'd like from that list is the electrobat, though.

dude i wasnt insulting him, im sick an tired of people assuming that when i type stuff like that im slamming on the keyboard like im writing some kinda angry letter or some shit, im not! im jest using constructive criticism, and i dont think im better than him in anyway, the abilities are good and everything but the name jest seem a bit drab is all, and no im not saying he has a horrible imagination either, jest look at the abilities, that is more than proof that he has a big imagination. Of corse that is jest you public opinion, but that kinda stuff has happened to me way to much over my history of posting on forums.

Espionage. Capture enemy intelligence XX times.
Counter-intelligence/Counter-espionage. Backstab XX spies who are disguised as members of your own team.
"I touched Sasha". Backstab XX heavies.
Crying wolf. Backstab XX medics after having called for health and having them heal you.
Scout Achievement Ideas:
Batter Up - Beat XX enemies to death with the Bat
Lead Feast Kill XX enemies with the Scattergun
Eliminating the Competition - Kill XX enemy Scouts
Hardware Abuse - Destroy XX Engineer buildings with the Bat
Peashooter - Pick off XX enemies with the Pistol
Brain Buster - Kill X enemies with the Bat while standing on top of them

Soldier Achievement Ideas:
Three Birds With One Stone - Kill 3 enemies with one rocket
Skull Entrenchment - Kill XX enemies with the Shovel
Heat-Seeking Missile - Kill XX Pyros with the Rocket Launcher
Sniper Rocket - Kill a far-off enemy with a rocket
Super Rocket Man - Spend X minutes in the air from Rocket jumps (total)
Medic Mess - Kill XX Medics with the Rocket Launcher while they have an undeployed Ubercharge
Surface-to-Air - Kill an airborne enemy with a rocket
Suicide Rocketeer - Kill an enemy and yourself with the same rocket XX times

Pyro Achievement Ideas:
No Cooling Mechanism - Destroy XX Engineer buildings with the Flamethrower
FYI I Check For Spies - Kill XX Spies with the Flamethrower
Burninator - Be one of the 3 MVP players at the end of a round, having used only the Flamethrower to kill.
Axe For Help - Kill XX enemies with the Fire Axe
Explosive Repercussions - Kill XX Soldier or Demoman Nemeses
Slow Grilled - Have X enemies burn to death while you're waiting to respawn (total)
Oven-Toasted Medic - Kill XX Medics with the Flamethrower

Sniper Achievement Ideas:
Skeet Shoot - Kill XX airborne enemies with the Sniper Rifle
Machinegunner - Kill XX enemies with the Machine Gun
Twofer - Kill 2 or more enemies with one sniper shot
Sharpshooter - Hit with the Sniper Rifle X times in a row without missing
Jungle Spy Foilage - Kill XX Spies with the Machete
My ideas:


- Discharger: Replaces Sapper. Shuts down buildings and stops them from working, but does not alert the Engineer. Cannot destroy the buildings nor do any damage. (not entirely my idea, I read it somewhere else, but I had thought of it before)
-Taser: Replaces knife. Use on an enemy to stun and disarm them temporarily. Works while disguised but does no damage.

-Infiltrator: Backstab 5 enemy Snipers in one life.
-Betrayal: Be healed by TWO enemy Medics in the one life, and kill them both.
-Inconspicuous: Capture the enemy's intelligence without being attacked by any enemies.


-Molotov Cocktails: Replaces shotgun. Throw Molotov Cocktails long distances, igniting enemies. Impact has a medium diameter of spread. Does no direct damage.

-Pyromanical: Ignite 25 enemies in one life.


-Flying Solo: Be the one to win the round/capture the intelligence as a Heavy without the help of a Medic.
-Unstoppable: Have Ubercharge activated on you three times in one life.
-Top Patient: Be being healed by five Medics at any given time.
-Who Touched My Gun: Collect the ammo from your own corpse's Minigun.
Is this even possible? So far as I can tell, a sniper round stops when it hits a person.

I think there was a topic here earlier where someone managed to kill two people in one shot. It might have been fake, but I think that's how the sniper rifle should work.
I think its just so hard to do a double headshot, what with the enemy rarly lining up and standing still long enough for you to shoot them.
the one thing the the pyro needs is intimidation for when he needs to keep the enemy from following him back to the base or when he needs to lay down cover "fire" for his teammates

1.) Dragons Breath: Upgrades the flamethrower to shoot two flames at a time, eats up more ammo but sounds like a dragon when activated.
2.) Burning Bullets: upgrades the shotgun to have heated bullets that burn the enemy for a few seconds each bullet (1 or 2 seconds per bullet, i think like 5 bullets come out of a shotgun but im not sure)