Vertex tool broken?


Nov 9, 2003
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Hmz guys i have a problem with the Vertex Tool. Whenever i face split a solid, hammer creates non existant "corners" around them :/

I added a picture of it. You can see the solid. which was first a standard wall. I face splitted it, giving it a corner. But as you can see in the picture the edges of the wall's previous posistion remain. Now i can texture these parts although they do not seem to exist (right window, top view). How do i delete these? Whenever i save my maps and restart them hammer tells me that it cant load the face splitted solids with these strange corners :/ so basicly i cant use the face splitting cause it will crash my map :/ i could use some help on this guys :p

you have to make that out of 2 blocks.. it can't be uhhhh going inward like that if it's all one piece
How do you build this out of 2 blocks? (i know i am a noobie :p)
make 2 blocks and rotate them untill they look the way you want them to?

I thought the vertex tool was made for these kind of situations? to create fast corners on brushes?
brushes/blocks must be convex - from any point inside the brush you must be able to see any other point without crossing the surface.

you've made a concave hull which is not acceptable, it should be broken in two (either through clip or by creating a new brush)
Best create two brushes and then Skew them to make that shape. To skew a brush, select it, click on it twice (don't drag), then use the handles (which should be at the top, bottom, left and right of your selection) ot reshape it.