

Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Warsoup is an indie game developed by Moon Game Studios.

The video should speak for itself. To me, this looks like the next big indie game hit. The animator for the game, Jazzman, has a channel on youtube with a lot of his animations on it. It's definitely worth a look if you have time. I actually think some of his videos have been posted in the video dump, not sure though.

Anyway, I thought this game was worth a thread. What say you, hl2net?
The art style is going to doom it to poor sales. I'll be keeping my eye on this though, as it seems to be incorporating a lot of ideas I had for a game. Will be interesting to see how it works out.
Looks pretty good for a small genre.
Yeah looks like it could appeal to certain people but I can't say I'm included in that subset.
The idea sounds neat, but the art style is blank and generic as hell. Looks like half assed Halo Art Style that they just labeled as "minimalist".
Looks fun, but what's the "RTS" element? Is it just the base building and stuff, or is there actually a commander ala Natural Selection? Either way, I'll definitely be giving it a try.
Is that a companion cube in 2:33? it's missing the hearts but sure looks similar.