Weekend Deal: Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl Now Available for $4.99


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl is now available for $4.99 this weekend only.

Awakening in the Zone, you are one such S.T.A.L.K.E.R., fighting for survival in this man-made Hell, while trying to discover the truth behind Chernobyl's sinister past and ominous future.

What the hell are you waiting for? GO BUY IT!
An offer I can't refuse. I'll DL this tommorow. I heard the expansion wasn't as good though.
Wow. And I was just trying to decide if I really wanted to buy this game a day or two ago, and decided against it. But that's a price to change minds friend. I'm getting it.
Everyone who hasn't, buy this game. That is cheap, on the other hand I got it for only ?9 anyway so I'm not really bothered.
If you don't have this game already, this is probably one of the best ways to spend 5.
Sounds like a great deal but I'm pretty sure my 9800 pro wouldn't be able to run it.
i dont have a graphics card that will run it right now.. but im buying it cuz i will sooner or later :D
is it just me or is the steam server not responding? :(

?3.49 for STALKER...not to be sniffed at. Defo want this, but steam is being a mofo
If you dont have this ****ING BUY it!
Better than nothing i guess. Still injectin' money into the economy.

Big wheel keep on turnin.
just got it :D cant wait to give it a try.. now i just have to go buy a new graphics card.
Better than nothing i guess. Still injectin' money into the economy.

Big wheel keep on turnin.
Whoooa slow down there tiger, any more excitement and you'll burst into flames!

I anticipated this as soon as I got Clear Sky. I am a clairvoyant.
I just bought GTA so I'll wait before getting this despite the offer!
I always hear people saying you need a powerful rig to run this game. Is it true? If I can run Fallout 3 on medium settings, will this game be fine for me?
I played through the game with amd xp 2400, 1Gb of memory and a 6800GT. I installed that floating32whatever mod and was able to use dynamic lighting and rather high settings. Fps was 20+ all the time, most of the time I couldn't notice any slowdown. I'd say you want to use dynamic lighting too, it's such an important aspect of creating the atmosphere in this game. I luuuuved those thunderstorms.
Sounds like I should be fine then, thanks.
So how is the game anyway? Is it fairly free roaming? Are the missions varied and interesting?
I saw some footage where you run around with these army guys, does that kind of thing happen much or are you usually alone. I prefer to play as lone character and not have to worry about team mates.
Amazing game. But is not without flaws, mainly gameplay annoyances...
What the eff? I played for about 8 minutes, saved my game, then wanted to up my graphic settings, which prompts for a restart. I restart the game, and my saved game isn't there. Also, both my keyboard controls AND new graphics settings didn't hold -- it just seemed to disregard anything that I saved. Maybe I have a read-only settings file or something?
If it didn't before, it might've been a patch that was updated. The newer patches delete old game saves.
It's not without it's flaws, but it's quite good.

I might actually get this, since the one I bought on cd apparently doesn't let me play online.
This game raped my eyes. Is there a way to turn off "screen moving/shaking" when walking or running?
Whoooa slow down there tiger, any more excitement and you'll burst into flames!

I anticipated this as soon as I got Clear Sky. I am a clairvoyant.


If you're really wanna experience the full game, i suggest you download the Oblivion Lost 2.2 mod. How the game was meant to be.
Well I couldn't argue since everyone here was saying it was well worth getting.

Plus at ?3.49 I'd be stupid not to!

Downloading now, woo!
This game only has one flaw: It's not finished.

And not enough mutants.
Er...there aren't enough mutants because the game isn't finished
Well, I agree about that, and there are even less in Clear Sky.


But I like it more than SHOC.

And I'm happy because the person who I love the most has bought the game for me :D