What could GLaDOS stand for?

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Apr 12, 2007
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I just read the PC gamer review of Portal and he talked about how funny the computer voice GLaDOS is. He said that you will find out what it stands for.

Any ideas on what it could be?


I am pretty sure that "La" stands for "Laboratory".
"OS" probably stands for "Operating System".

Maybe "GL" stands for "Graphics Library" like in OpenGL. Than "a" stands for "and", so it reads "Graphics Library and Disk Operating system"... But that dosen't make any sense.
It's the new evil version of MSDOS.
YH! Run in terror from the Global Liberation Army's Dynamic Oppresion Shotgun!

Global Labratory Directive Operating System

I dunno.
Generic Labratory audio Directive Omniscient Sentient.
<3 you guys

Great Long Axis Driving Operating Song?
DOS prbbly is for disk operating system, at least it'll be only technically related, but Gla comes from the operating sytems name -Gladys.
By the way, apparently narrator-computer-voice-lady is named Gladys. Gabe mentioned it in an interview recently.
DOS prbbly is for disk operating system, at least it'll be only technically related, but Gla comes from the operating sytems name -Gladys.

That's how Glados is pronounced.
Not trying to spoil your fun here guys, but the abbreviation is explained on http://www.aperturescience.com . type "login", then use "cjohnson" as a username and "tier3" as a password. then start notes.exe by typing "notes".
Gregorian lunatics are decisively obedient students

God likes acting delusional over sabbath

Gay lisps aren't degrading on saturday

Guiliani likes acting diligent over september

Get lost arab, dis our society

Genital liposuction always distracts origami sessions

Gummy lifesavers are drastically over salted

Getting lethargic after deciding on solutions

Getting laid after drinkings' obviously sweet

Get lost and die of sarcoidosis

Green leaves actually dont offer synthesis

Going looney after dictating obtuse syntax
DeltaBlast already revealed the easter egg which tells you what GLaDOS really stands for:
Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.

It's a really advanced computer with some kind of organic brain, I think.
GLaDOS is actually who it is sung by at the end, I was wonder too. Anyone know where I can possibly get the MP3 of this, love the song.:smoking:
DeltaBlast already revealed the easter egg which tells you what GLaDOS really stands for:
Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.

It's a really advanced computer with some kind of organic brain, I think.
Wasn't this acronym also defined in the slideshows in the final levels?
if you go to aperturescience.com, you can find it out.

It stands for Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. No lies or fabrication, that's what it stands for.

Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System

Apparently it was a cheaper and more advanced solution than what Black Mesa was developing. Not less catastrophic though :) Although i think even the Combine will face some trouble with getting THIS portal technology, with GlaD protecting it hehe.

Doh, I'm late :p Disregard me hehe.
Real: Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System

My Version: Genocidal Lifeless and Deathly Operating System
It's CRAP, I know.
DeltaBlast already revealed the easter egg which tells you what GLaDOS really stands for:
Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.

It's a really advanced computer with some kind of organic brain, I think.

It also tells you in the prima guide.
DOS prbbly is for disk operating system, at least it'll be only technically related, but Gla comes from the operating sytems name -Gladys.

I made this account to post some info I found on aperturescience.com, but unfortunately your thread was closed.

dunno if you guys have tried this on the aperturescience.com website, but I figured something neat outb (I didn't post it on the aperturescience.com thread because it was closed.

See the image below? I found it while playing portal and screencapped it. If you "login" at the AS website with those details, you'll be logged in as the ADMIN! type HELP for a list of commands. NOTES brings up the history of Aperture Laboratories, and it it says what GLaDOS stands for somewhere in there: Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.

oh, and the person who does the voice for GLaDOS isn't named Gladys. Her name is ellen Mclain

GLaDOS stands for Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. Just go to http://www.aperturescience.com/ and type login (username:cjohnson , password: tier3) and then type help to see the list of available commands.
It stands for 'Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System' and it is voiced by Ellen Mclain. Same as in the Overwatch in City 17.
But in the ending song "Still Alive", the text 'So I'm GLaD. I got burned.' the 'glad' is like with big letters in front and back like GLaD-OS.
Glad Operating System? lol
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