What do you do at your computer desk when your bored?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I mean things that AREN'T on your computer itself, like if you're waiting for a game to install, and you start playing with a battery that's lying on your desk, rolling it around or something.

I usually play with this one pen, it's one of those ones where you push on the top for the tip to come out, but you have to push on the pocket holding thing for it to go back up, I flick that ALOT.. I spin it sometimes, too.
Look at the unpaid bills sitting on my desk and cry until someone posts something for me to respond to.
I have this pile of about 20-30 root beer cans on top of my computer. It grows daily. Every once in awhile I like to meticulously stack them to make a fearsome root-beer watch tower. Maybe I'll post pics later.
My desk is next to the TV in my room, so I turn on some radom crap until the game loads
I have about 20 sharpies on this desk, so I usually draw, or ...
Clean my desk. Because usually it's very, very messy.

I have my monitor facing my bed. Yes I am that lazy. Also my chair is uncomfortable. Also it makes the transition from work to sleep to work a whole lot easier... even though that's probably not the healthiest way to get through school.
Walk away, and walk around the house aimlessly. sometimes I'll eat something although I usually just stare into the pantry without eating anything.
Look behind me and watch TV or find my sisters' cat, catch her and then proceed to pet her in my lap while brooding like a supervillan.
I usually play the loading bar guessing game.
"How can it be going backwards!?"
I do not sit at my desk if I cannot use the computer. If I am bored, I roam around pretending there is food to look for (if there isn't any), and go watch TV on the couch when I give up looking.
Generally thre is something to poke at on computar so dat wut i do.
I chew on various metal objects (Nail clippers, paperclips, etc).

If none are available, I mess about with gatorade bottle caps, of which there are many. (Like some people do with poker chips or large coins)
Anyone got stuffed animals on their desk? I got two bears and a cat.

I also got some empty Lipton iced tea bottles, old papers, boxes of computer related things, and various useless objects. including a bb gun, some twine, a USB Zip drive, instructions, the plastic a magazine came in with no magazine, and a Wavebird.
I'll lay there, listening to music, and thinking about how pathetic it is to have a cell phone that doesn't ring...
I have a stress ball I toss around, or squeeze, depending on how long the loading takes.
I usually agitate my cat to the point where it maliciously attacks me. Sounds weird but it's very entertaining.
I stand up and walk about the house. I'll check the fridge, grab something there, wash dishes, that sort of thing.

I usually agitate my cat to the point where it maliciously attacks me. Sounds weird but it's very entertaining.

I love doing that to mine!
Anyone got stuffed animals on their desk? I got two bears and a cat.

I have a panda bear, two dogs, and a buffalo on my bed, which counts as my desk because I use it like one.

I'll lay there, listening to music, and thinking about how pathetic it is to have a cell phone that doesn't ring...

Maybe your cell phone is broken.
Put legs up on bed, lie down, watch tv, do other stuff/chat. Or god forbid do some studying.
Flip my main monitor over to analog by pressing a couple buttons and turn on my 360.
Clean the insides of my PC with duster as well as the surrounding area. Also, I tend to play with myself too. :naughty:

I'm poor and use a laptop. My pc which I use for gaemslol is on a trunk, and I sit on the floor and play. I'm not very big so it's basically a desk. I'll get a desk soon I think.
SPin a pen round my thumb and browse the web with my left hand or something.

Currently I can only spin it counter-clockwise, cant spin it clockwise yet like some people can. They spind it around then back in one move, its insane to watch.
-Organize the mess of CDs strewn across my desk.

-Find shit to charge, like MP3 players or cell phones.

-Read one of the twenty issues of The Economist I have stacked on it.

-Roll a joint just so it's ready for whenever.

-Gaze at the screen in a trance-like state until something happens on it.
Play with a laser pen next to me and just randomly flash it around the room. If it's late I put my head on the desk and wait for the page to load lol.
I eat or watch TV. Or read a programming book :/
Usually do nothing. My room needs to be cleaned pretty badly though so I ought to start doing that lol
Arrange everything perfectly at their predefined positions on my desk. Usually at right angles.
I graffiti on my desk. I've written and drawn all sorts of random stuff on it. A lot's been done in permanent marker as well.
- Look out the window.

- Rest my legs on the top of my PC case.

- Check my phone, which is right beside me on my bed, subconciously to see if I got a SMS although I would have heard it if I did.

- Take a piss.

- Go and weigh myself.

- Get a snack/cup of tea/bottle of water.

- Stare at the screen/ look at my feet/ knock on my wood desk vacuously while I wait for someone on MSN and/or various chat programs to IM me.
- Make a cup of tea
- Drum on the desk / my knees
- As has been said before; play with my technic man (not a euphemism)
- Check my moblee phone.
- Eat a biscuit or two that I have lying around
- Eat a tic-tac that I have lying around. Usually I throw it up in the air and catch it in my mouth.
- Lean my chair back so it rests on my bed at an angle, and just wait 'till I hear a sound come from the computer.
I also remembered I play on my mobile.

I need to purchase a mini tetris game in case my mobile becomes out of use D: