What do


Space Core
Dec 11, 2012
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Dads really want for Christmas? I'm stuck between the same old bullshit as every year (A couple stoggies and bottle of Crown Royal). I need new ideas. HELP! :bomb:
A better son. Zing.

But yeah I dont know what to do either.
dads are easy to buy for so long as you dont get anything to do with old spice or neck ties

I'm a dad and there's a ton of things you guys could buy me. like a mansion and a yachet. but seriously your dad must have hobbies? maybe he likes John Wayne movies or shirley temple musicals. a good single malt and cuban cigars are always appreciated ..oh ya US ...suckers

really good coffee like Jamaican Blue, a french press, keurig system, gift card to starbucks, mugs, travel mugs etc.

sports related stuff, a new bike, hey how about some aftershave that didnt come from the drug store aisle at the piggly wiggly? video games, subscription to porn gentlemen's magazines, venture brothers seasons 1-4, tickets to see Iron Maiden when they come to town etc etc
What kind of a sick son buys his father a porn mag subscription or Iron Maiden tickets?

But other those some god tier suggestions above.
My dad's Christmas list always consists of a half dozen hardware store vouchers, licorice, or a new shirt.
Oh shit, I just dug out my old family tree and found something rather shocking!

Ask me how I know you're old and out of the loop.

ask me how I know you're about to get a sound thrashing by someone older than you

<rolls up sleeves>

it hurts me more than it does you, son
You guys make me feel terrible. I never buy anybody anything during the holidays. I only buy them stuff occasionally on non holidays.
You guys make me feel terrible. I never buy anybody anything during the holidays. I only buy them stuff occasionally on non holidays.
That's okay. I didn't really do it myself until I had a positive income (graduated from college and entered the workforce).

really good coffee like Jamaican Blue
This ****ing stuff right here. There's a reason 70% of all blue mountain coffee goes straight to Japan. It really is the best stuff out there. And you don't even need some lemur cat thing to shit it out first!